Cold Chronomancer Megathread. All content cleared. Leveling guide added. Low-budget build added.
My FPS killer:
You guys were right, % mana on kill from jewels was a life changer. I don't run out of mana now unless I get hit a lot. Got only 5% so far, but seems like it's enough. Maybe my mana regen is overkill now. In the video it's just regular T15+1 (Lv 80), but it's pretty much the same in T16+2 (Lv 82). However, I can die to something random pretty easily, although I have: - 75/75/75/62 Resistances - 2206 Life, 2429 Mana - 51% damage taken from mana before life - 46% damage recouped as life - 20% damage recouped as mana - The Rapid River (4 sec recoup) - Pliable Flesh (25% increased speed of recoup) I'm still missing 2 ascendancy points. Currently I have The Rapid River and Apex of the Moment. Not sure whether I should go for Quicksand Hourglass or Temporal Rift next. |
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" Wanted to test it long ago. So: Video: Frostbolt vs Spark vs Fireball. tl;dr: The matter of personal preference. All are good and have their pros and cons. Mostly was using only spamming skills and some walls on rares. No sigil/mana storm. Same passive tree for everything. Same wand (+4 down below). Gems are 19/20% with 4 supports: - Frostbolt: Arcane Tempo - Wildshards - Scattershot - Ambush - Spark: Arcane Tempo - Acceleration - Persistence - Ambush - Fireball: Unleash - Wildshards - Scattershot - Ambush Uniques in the video: - Frostbolt: Snakepit. - Spark: Three Dragons. - Fireball: Blueflame Bracers, Three Dragons (I have to say, fireball is slightly underperforming in the video bc I used Blueflame bracers and didn't use Snakepit. Fireball is better than it looks here if paired with that ring. I did a proper rerun later and can vouch for it). A few notes before pros and cons: 1. Have to use Three Dragons helmet for Spark. Call of the Brotherhood is underperforming in comparison. 2. Have to use Unleash on Fireball. Arcane Tempo...doesn't feel good. This offers a bit different playstyle - offscreen clear once per 3 seconds instead of spamming. 3. Three Dragons performs way better than Blueflame bracers with the Fireball and Archmage. You absolutely don't want to use Blueflame and Three Dragons with the Archmage. Only Three Dragons. 4. Wands for fireball/spark (+4 to all spell skills) are more expensive than pure cold (+5 cold):
30ex +5 Cold Wand:
![]() 1d +4 all spells (the best I could find for 1d today, other offers ain't this good). ![]() Anyway. Clearing time is about the same. Gameplay is very different tho Frostbolt: - Steamroll feeling. Seems slow, but actually not. - Cheapest. - Strongest per hit - better chance for freeze/shock. - Massive chilling ground. - Shotgun frost walls when forks. - Needs only Snakepit (fork and explode). Fireball: - Unleash gameplay (good in breach, bad in ritual). - Flashy. - Offscreens hard. - Medium wallbreaking. - Most expensive and hardest to fit. Requires both Three Dragons (dexterity issues) and Snakepit (fork). - Very satisfying when Wildshards proc. Spark: - Weakest. - Wallbreaking problems. - Feels fast. Quick offscreen freeze. - Very comfortable to play overall. - Don't require Snakepit. Only Three Dragons. Kinda this. So, whatever you prefer and can fit. I go with Frostball bc I have a strong cold wand for it (different from screenshot above) and for chilling ground. Also, don't have to sacrifice helmet slot for QoL. " Seems a lot better for sure. Congrats. Last edited by monik390#5560 on Dec 26, 2024, 4:19:17 AM
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Wow, thank you all for your work on Cold Chrono! There's a fellow Cold Chrono named Ruz that uses Triple Elemental Invocation with Frost walls and Comet and it looks pretty good for add clear:
He also has another build for bosses: I was wondering what are your thoughts on his build? |
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" Interesting. I didn't actually test ele invocation. I looked at the math and wrote it off. 12 energy per freeze power, and 500 energy needed. seemed like it would just be worse then cast on freeze, if all we are doing is freezing. 10 energy per freeze power, and 300 energy for comet, less for others. ok. I see. elemental invocation doesn't autocast. it builds charges, and you press it. this bypasses comets cast time. I don't see how he's instantly exploding his frostwalls like that. he also mentions skipping frostbombs time? but, elem invocation doesnt do that. oh, I think he is saying, the instant cast comets are faster then waiting for frost bomb. so, he has 3 ele invocation comets. has to manually generate the first charge. then, piano keys manual frost wall, and instant comets. with comet A, fueling energy to comet b and c, and so on. |
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" I wish I stumbled upon the second video earlier =) Casia mentioned sceptres here and some things to use with the spirit, and I tested CoC on bosses. Came up with similar stuff as on the video - abusing temporal rift for mana recovery =) I didn't know ele invocation existed =) About clearing - looks great ofc, but there is the sole meaning of using spammable skills - it is simply more practical and always with you. Don't have to wait for CDs, energy, and spend a crapload of passives for AoE. Also using frost wall 1-2 for quite a hassle, honestly. We've all been there and got tired of it. However, I have to say, Ele Invocation looks like the best skill for manual use of comet. Right now I....don't really use manual casting Comet at all. CoC-Comet does a better job on bosses, and CoF-Comet adds some punch. But I think I gladly swap CoF for invo. Looks great to me. If the dexterity requirement didn't exist. I need 60 dex to fit it. Sounds expensive. Last edited by monik390#5560 on Dec 26, 2024, 7:49:48 AM
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didnt look at the second vid at first.
coc build, has much of the things I was moving to. yeah. lol that 90% chance to crit wand. wow. That gear in general. 56spirit, 50% inc es, 20 all stats ammy. CI was something I was looking into recently. all those mana/es combined nodes. but I was having a hard time getting enough passives for crit/ES. I think gear solves a lot of problems in poe2 moreso even then 1. so much of the end game builds, mom/eb, ci, etc are going to depend entirely on your gear. just look at how many end game builds are ignoring notables, to path to jewel sockets. Jewels are more important. (ive been trying to craft a nice ES chest and failing. ha his wand/shield is +189% increased crit chance. he doesn't need crit passives. % mana on kill as many have already noted changes everything. Significant amount of +energy gained on jewels as well. Generally I think CoC is stronger then elem invocation as well. priming invocation, for instant cast comets on call is nice. but with healthy CoC, its nearly the same. and way less work/piano. wall, eye. wall, eye. coc+wall. and ele invocation+comet might be strong. just cast eye manually. auto crit walls. build up to instant comets with eye on crit freezes. Last edited by Casia#1093 on Dec 26, 2024, 9:12:27 AM
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" Total cost of my current build is about 15d by today's prices (5d wand alone). I have 3.4k mana on my mapping setup. Bossing has about 3.8k. Today I saw a dude with 7k mana and 6k ES. MoM-CI, yes. There are several chase uniques that can scale to the moon. Like Dream Fragments (70-80d), Ingenuity (well rolled, like 80% increased effect of the rings), Against the Darkness with % maximum mana, breach rings (280 mana w/50% quality), etc. Other pieces of gear, like 1k ES body armour for 30d. My current has 650 =) Pretty dated. And so on. PoE 2 gearing powercreep is insane and very pricey due to difficulty of gearing. Crafting in PoE 1 is op. Here? lol. |
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Hey guys. I'm back with update. This build is a really comfy and mobile. Just hold left mouse button and annihilate the map. Still need to solve some survivability issues and improve bossing a bit.
Video with few T15-16 maps: This includes my "random" death at the end too. Massive changes: 1. Dropped CoF Cold Snap entirely. It actually hurts the build more than helps. CoF Frost Wall is enough. 2. Switched to Snakepit Pearl Ring unique. This was a massive QoL improvement and made this build amazing. Thank you for the tip monik390! 3. Got a bunch of jewels with % mana on kill. This solved all my mana issues and allowed to do more with it. Thank you monik390 again. 3. Got rid of Focus and switched to Sceptre as off-hand. This allows me to run 384 Spirit setup and gives a lot of room for experiment. 4. Using 5 persistent buffs now: - CoF w/ Frost Wall - Archmage - Elemental Conflux (will elaborate below) - Blasphemy w/ Temporal Chains - Blink Skills & Supports: Frostbolt - Scattershot - Arcane Tempo - Wildshards - Arcane Surge - Acceleration Frost Bomb - Fast Forward - Spell Echo - Strip Away - Inevitable Critical Comet - Unleash - Elemental Focus - Concentrated Effect - Considered Casting Frost Wall - Icicle - Spell Cascade - Cold Penetration CoF - Frost Wall - Impetus - Energy Retention - Inspiration. Inspiration is probably not needed anymore. Blasphemy - Temporal Chains - Ritualistic Curse - Magnified Effect. Should add Encumbrance here as 4th gem, but not yet. Archmage - Lightning Mastery - Clarity Elemental Conflux - Cold Mastery - Fire Mastery Blink - Ingenuity Why Elemental Conflux: Cold damage is basically my base damage. Fire damage comes from my wand (Gain 29% of damage as extra fire + Climate Change passive. Archmage adds extra Lightning damage. In fact, damage from Archmage is already bigger than my Cold damage. And I only have 2612 mana so far, which is not much at all and can be improved even further. So with all three elemental damage types I get more value from Elemental Conflux. Thoughts: As you can see a bunch of my gems still don't have 5th slot, so there is room for improvement damage-wise, which will be definitely useful for bossing. Clearing is completely fine already. Only issue right now is that sometimes I can die to some random one-shot stuff, even with proper resistances (75/75/75/62) and 52% damage taken from mana before life. MoM and CI are really close in my build, just few points away. Perhaps I can experiment with that too and adjust my gear accordingly. There is so much damage already that I could probably drop some of my rares for some uniques instead. I don't need as much mana regen anymore too, so many I can go for more ES and mana instead. This will boost damage even more. Oh, also I still don't have last 2 ascendancy points. Last edited by chobi0ne#5028 on Dec 26, 2024, 7:43:54 PM
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243 spirit scepter? haha. good god man.
nice. Id probably run cast on dodge instead of conflux. |
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" Oh, no, on that's just max possible rolls. I didn't bother actually specifying my real stats. Before I changed to scepter I had tight spirit from chest (+55) and amulet (+40). So now all I had to get is some mediocre scepter with somewhat useful stats to get to 384 spirit (100+100+60+60+54+10) Got one pretty cheap: ![]() It's possible to get by with less spirit, just remove Blink. Or you can use Blink with different weapon set. Or you can get rid of Blasphemy if you can afford it defense-wise. I will experiment with more things later, for sure. Conflux is just something that gives raw damage and, frankly, there is plenty of damage even on maps with +50% resistances and +70% or something monster life, they still die pretty fast. Even with +90% ailment threshold they get frozen and die fast. Although just in case I always carry Glaciation support gem in my bag to replace Acceleration in Frostbolt. Not gonna lie, it would be nice to get something defensive instead of Conflux. Some additional layer of protection. |
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