PoE2 runes being permanent

What's the point of this? I thought this is one of the systems that was meant to replace the crafting bench. Can't do that if I can't take it out.

Also, it just means I can get an item and be afraid to use a rune and hoard it instead, because if I change some other piece of gear it might change the balance of resists or whatever.

From what I've seen these runes aren't impactful enough to be a permanent decision, it's just going to be a hassle.
Last bumped on Dec 28, 2024, 12:34:00 PM
Just don’t slot a shitty rune in your good gear
I sincerely doubt this will go live. Every single person I've talked to is in agreement that this is an idea that is beyond stupid. It sucked ass in Diablo 2 and it will suck ass now, 20+ years later.
~ Seph
Anyone here know how rare they are?

Anyone here know if you can just... replace them when you change gear/resist around?

Without knowing these answers, you should wait to play the game. As I am guessing the answer is no they are common, and yes you can replace them.

Would seem a bit silly to have a perma socketed thing you couldnt change.
Mash the clean
No, once a rune is used it's gone forever and is PERMANENTLY STUCK in the item.
~ Seph
sephrinx#7591 wrote:
No, once a rune is used it's gone forever and is PERMANENTLY STUCK in the item.

Not talking about removing it. Talking about just replacing it, like overlapping a different rune on top of it, and it just takes its spot.

We were already told you cant remove them.
Mash the clean
Once the rune is in the item, the rune is in the item. That socket is used.
~ Seph
It is a game not a work program. Thats why perma runes are here. If you dont understand this then you are not a gamer, maybe a video gaming journalist?
I dislike rarity so much im almost quitting poe2. GGG.
webas#6820 wrote:
It is a game not a work program. Thats why perma runes are here. If you dont understand this then you are not a gamer, maybe a video gaming journalist?

Thanks for your brilliant insight, maybe you should apply at GGG as a game designer.
I don’t foresee a problem, leveling the items will be replaced so quick it doesn’t matter and endgame you’ll make informed choices
(ALL typos lack of caps, punctuation and general errors are copyright Timbo Industries - Laziness Division)

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