Well done GGG the economy will heal if this goes on forever

awesome999 wrote:
awesome999 wrote:
Assuming Cheating is rampant. Cheaters "finished" the game. The cheaters will come back next league, right?

Okay... sure. Yes.
Go on...

But plz stay on topic.

There is two side in a RMT trade; the seller and buyer.
Lower price hurt the seller but benefit the buyer.

If anything it only hurt the seller. The economic analysis is probably wrong. Probably more RMT with the lower price on the buyer side.

YES! You get it. It hurts the seller.
YES! You get it. The price of RMT-goods goes down (which benefits the buyer).

Now, the next step is to ask: what happens when this condition continues?

RMT has costs associated. As time goes on the cost of running the RMT business becomes unsustainable.

See? The economic analysis is sound.

It also doesn't matter if we are talking about a single computer with multiple guests or multiple computers with multiple users or multiple computers with a single mouse / keyboard. All of it has costs. The more minimalist the setup the higher the barrier of entry.

Aside from the hardware there are software costs associated. Some of these cheats require a membership in a shady discord (where you share your actual ID in order to get access).

Aside from the shady software there are other costs associated like renting web-hosting space, paying for a domain, and finally paying to outsource virtual desk support.

All those costs go UP as the economy worsens which gets further compounded by poor revenue ("bad economy in PoE" or what we should all see as "an affordable economy in PoE").
The Mirror of Kalandra and user retention (view-thread/3489839)
Why not throw the ring into the sea? (view-thread/3488268)
Beware of misinformation on good leagues (view-thread/3514952)
One of the more unhinged forum threads of recent memory. I like it. Can't tell if OP is roleplaying or not.
Retention is a good means of telling how engaged the player base is with the mechanic, it is not wholly or even largely commentary on the quality of the league, and quite frankly the league mechanic itself for necropolis is fine. The issue is that all the accompanying nerfs made the game feel much worse to play, they did not nerf just or even primarily by taking power out of top builds, they nerfed all loot except for t17 loot goblin shenanigans, ripped QoL out of most builds and added in an incredibly rippy league mechanic on top, the low retention rate of this league is almost entirely people burning out on how terrible it feels to play, similar to how awfully received Kalandra was, the mechanic itself was not terrible but the accompanying balance changes made playing the game much more of a slog.

I wouldn't even say any of what you said in regards to loot is why retention is so poor this league. Every time GGG rolls out a crafting league, it's almost always after a lootsplosion league that happened before. Think about it. Affliction literally drowned you in currency and other valuable loot. Necropolis simply cannot compare, and that stark contrast in loot density is why people are probably not enjoying the league as much.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Pizzarugi wrote:
Retention is a good means of telling how engaged the player base is with the mechanic, it is not wholly or even largely commentary on the quality of the league, and quite frankly the league mechanic itself for necropolis is fine. The issue is that all the accompanying nerfs made the game feel much worse to play, they did not nerf just or even primarily by taking power out of top builds, they nerfed all loot except for t17 loot goblin shenanigans, ripped QoL out of most builds and added in an incredibly rippy league mechanic on top, the low retention rate of this league is almost entirely people burning out on how terrible it feels to play, similar to how awfully received Kalandra was, the mechanic itself was not terrible but the accompanying balance changes made playing the game much more of a slog.

I wouldn't even say any of what you said in regards to loot is why retention is so poor this league. Every time GGG rolls out a crafting league, it's almost always after a lootsplosion league that happened before. Think about it. Affliction literally drowned you in currency and other valuable loot. Necropolis simply cannot compare, and that stark contrast in loot density is why people are probably not enjoying the league as much.

Which is truly saddening because it quite literally shits out currency left and right if you just let it. A map I ran today dropped 170 vaal orbs. The other day I had one that dropped 30 divines. The bonus from lantern isn't tied to player IIQ/IIR which is great because that was one thing that a lot of people criticized (rightfully) about Affliction

And I don't need to run T17 maps for the big loot either. I'm getting so much stuff I haven't even touched Sanctum yet, which normally I do for Exalts and Divine Orbs. Well, not this season.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

RMT has costs associated. As time goes on the cost of running the RMT business becomes unsustainable.

See? The economic analysis is sound.

RMT exist in games with worse economy.
Lower profit doesn't mean no profit.
Unless they are making losses; it is unlikely.

RMT exist in games with worse economy.
Lower profit doesn't mean no profit.
Unless they are making losses; it is unlikely.

Okay... so less words now my enigmatic friend. I guess these are logic statements you want me to evaluate as true or false? I'm confused, please advise or elaborate.


On a side note: I asked a street sales man to please explain what would happen to his business if he couldn't raise the price. He said: "In less than a couple of months I would be out of business". I asked why, he said "because the price of everything else is increasing".

Same applies to RMT.

Who's buying RMT in a league that literally showers the player with currency / T0 unique? I'm sure someone is buying, but it's undeniable it's A LOT LESS of them. Hence, the title of this post.
The Mirror of Kalandra and user retention (view-thread/3489839)
Why not throw the ring into the sea? (view-thread/3488268)
Beware of misinformation on good leagues (view-thread/3514952)

RMT exist in games with worse economy.
Lower profit doesn't mean no profit.
Unless they are making losses; it is unlikely.

Okay... so less words now my enigmatic friend. I guess these are logic statements you want me to evaluate as true or false? I'm confused, please advise or elaborate.


On a side note: I asked a street sales man to please explain what would happen to his business if he couldn't raise the price. He said: "In less than a couple of months I would be out of business". I asked why, he said "because the price of everything else is increasing".

Same applies to RMT.

Who's buying RMT in a league that literally showers the player with currency / T0 unique? I'm sure someone is buying, but it's undeniable it's A LOT LESS of them. Hence, the title of this post.

You are talking about inflation in the first instance and and increase in overall supply in the situation in POE. They are different things.

The profit margins must be zero or lower to be unviable to RMT. This is unlikely to be the case. Ask if the RMT are closing shop right now...

Nope they are still there.

You are welcome.
Last edited by awesome999 on Apr 23, 2024, 3:43:45 PM

The sky is blue.
The hills are full of grass.
Bliss wallpaper.

Now that's something.


On a side note: Just saw you posted. Ok! np! gl man. See you around.
The Mirror of Kalandra and user retention (view-thread/3489839)
Why not throw the ring into the sea? (view-thread/3488268)
Beware of misinformation on good leagues (view-thread/3514952)
Last edited by BlackMarshes212 on Apr 23, 2024, 3:58:25 PM
@awesome999: There will always be RMT. There even is RMT in games that have much less friction in trade systems like BDO. There even is RMT in games that from the outside look dead af. I'm not sure why this is even part of the conversation
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Tell me when RMT disappear from POE...

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