10 000+ hours player - Hope next league will be better

Closed beta monkey here.

Affliction was my first mirror drop, and I ended up with 3. It was the most currency I've made in a league ten-fold, and it kept me coming back for more.

Unfortunately, the game performance was so repulsive, I threw my hands up and quit. I threw every single game setting, graphic setting and diagnostic *fix* the whole damned internet had for me, and it was still unplayable.

Then Necro league starts... man. I don't have the energy to do this all over again, especially with this league mechanic.
My thoughts on Necropolis:

1. It takes a very long time to fill a GY for the purpose of crafting something. 2. YES, you do get some very good (but not perfect) items from it. However the time it takes to farm it out sometimes produces a useless timesink.
3. Ground icons are just not the way to go anymore. There is a better way of doing this which is how Blizzard handled event-based actions when in proximity to one by adding extra buttons when near and removing them when not in proximity of the objective.
4. The league character is just not up to par with the recent cosmic characters the game throws at you. He seems very earthly and well.. old. He's no Taskmaster.
5. The morgue is well, nothing different from how Harvest worked at launch. The overall problem is the time and complexity of setting up the whole GY to craft anything.

Do I think Necropolis is a bad league? No. It's going to differ from person to person. I played Harvest at launch. I enjoyed it. I also played Delve at launch and enjoyed that a lot more.

I do think it's not the best league and I think the very best ones were Delve and Delirium. Both of which were fast despite being resource restricted. Crafting leagues for me just aren't the most interesting ones. Like some others said I'm a big fan of finding my own items. In fact most of what this character is wearing so far are found items or essence crafted.
Harvest was infinitely better IMO. At least when I put time into the harvest mechanic I actually did feel like I got some useful crafting boosts. You could really see the benefits of laying out the garden correctly PLUS the combat aspect of actually doing the harvest. Here I just get a lame sound effect followed by the terrible feeling of vendoring the item I just spent 20 minutes on.

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