Content Update 3.24.0 -- Path of Exile: Necropolis

I was hyped after the reveal, but I should've known better with how things have been going these past leagues.

I am massively disappointed in these changes, and the company behind them. You are losing players GGG, please, listen to the community for once.
The 10 Atlas Notable Passives that cause your Maps to have no chance to contain specific content now also cause Scarabs found in your Maps to not be that type of content. These Notables also now have "Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content that can be turned off through Atlas Passives" instead of "Your Maps have +2% chance to contain other Extra Content".

It's not a good change in my opinion. I might not want to farm Legion or my build might be not good at it but Legion scarabs might be the most profitable ones and I'd like to be able to farm and sell them.
Airbourne13 wrote:
ExsiliumUltra wrote:
Airbourne13 wrote:
I dont see any reason to use new auto gems. you always can use num lock thing. or AHK. No reason to use these gems.

In b4 the "I was unjustly banned!" Posts start.

Banned for num lock? why not for space? or enter?
while it 1 action it not breake ggg rules. Check balormage video.

You missed the "or AHK"
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
Last edited by CanelayAzucar on Mar 22, 2024, 10:21:50 AM
panikouk wrote:
i just read the patch notes.

Did Blizzard buy GGG?

Since the patch notes provide a significant change to the game I would say no, Blizzard did not buy GGG.
"Existing Awakened Sextants, Elevated Sextants, Charged Compasses, and all Scarabs will be converted to Veiled Scarabs upon logging in after the launch of 3.24.0"

What will happen to the missions contained in the map device? Do missions also convert to scarabs?
ExsiliumUltra wrote:
Generic huge stat sticks that take any build from mid to god or from god to uber god are bad game design.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

For one, they're not "huge stat sticks", HH and MB both provide unique and powerful mechanics.

Secondly, they don't just work on "any build", each provides a lot of power to different types of builds, with headhunter providing mostly offensive power directly to the user and having a narrower range of builds which benefit greatly from it, whereas mageblood works for more builds but primarily provides defensive benefits (which can then translate into offensive power by freeing up affixes on other gear).

Thirdly, godly chase items are the opposite of bad game design, they're absolutely essential to a game like this. Chris Wilson understands this.

Bro I am not an "expert" like you are trying to look but I think he has got more reason than you, trying to disagree with him beginning with the phrase: "You really have no idea what you're talking about."

Try to be more polite [Removed By Support]
Last edited by Drew_GGG on Mar 22, 2024, 10:33:35 AM
Deformingo wrote:
ExsiliumUltra wrote:
Generic huge stat sticks that take any build from mid to god or from god to uber god are bad game design.

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

For one, they're not "huge stat sticks", HH and MB both provide unique and powerful mechanics.

Secondly, they don't just work on "any build", each provides a lot of power to different types of builds, with headhunter providing mostly offensive power directly to the user and having a narrower range of builds which benefit greatly from it, whereas mageblood works for more builds but primarily provides defensive benefits (which can then translate into offensive power by freeing up affixes on other gear).

Thirdly, godly chase items are the opposite of bad game design, they're absolutely essential to a game like this. Chris Wilson understands this.

Bro I am not an "expert" like you are trying to look but I think he has got more reason than you, trying to disagree with him beginning with the phrase: "You really have no idea what you're talking about."

Try to be more polite [Removed By Support]

You disproved nothing and just said you dont like his tone. [Removed by Support].
Last edited by Mousa_GGG on Mar 22, 2024, 6:10:36 PM

In b4 the "I was unjustly banned!" Posts start.[/quote]
Banned for num lock? why not for space? or enter?
while it 1 action it not breake ggg rules. Check balormage video.[/quote]
You missed the "or AHK"
you missed "OR"
Where is engine multithreading permafreeze bugfix?
[Removed by Support]

After someone starts his comment with an offense I don't even read what he is saying. This is correct, such comments should not be encouraged at all.
Last edited by Mousa_GGG on Mar 22, 2024, 5:27:06 PM

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