So I've spent around 70$ on the game, and my last payment was about 2 years ago. And if the game can actually occupy me until I turn gray it's a win for me and means the devs did a great job.
Posted byesostakson Sep 15, 2023, 9:26:02 AM
So I've spent around 70$ on the game, and my last payment was about 2 years ago. And if the game can actually occupy me until I turn gray it's a win for me and means the devs did a great job.
If the only achievement that you are planning to get is to be able to kill milions of enemys and you do not carre if it make sense at all ... so truly this is a form of a game exactly for you but the same you can achieve on watching on rusty hydrant and trying to count of a number of a grain of a rust.
You have spent 70$ but I bet that a most of the players a spent a much more not becouse they want but becouse GGG leading them by the nose...
Last edited by neosphoros on Sep 15, 2023, 7:25:52 PM
Posted byneosphoroson Sep 15, 2023, 7:21:55 PM
Fact is that GGG have invent new form of cheating but it will break the world due to the fact that this kind of manipulation is over controll and it will lead to unpredictable consequances.
Did you quote the correct person? I can't answer you sorry because I have not mention what you are talking about.
1. not try to convince me that GGG doing all of those "good things" for us ...
2. Fact is that GGG is making good only for himself and in fact all of those what you have wrote is making the game - rigged.
3. Since everything is there because GGG wants it, the player actually has no control over the game, and it is purely illusory.
4. No one can verify the currency drop rate, no one can verify the damage dealt by enemies, so one can clearly conclude that everything can also be changed on the spot for the needs of GGG.
5. Due to the fact that game demand to be still connected to the internet - non of the players can be even sure that have the same possibilities like the other player.
6. Those who are supposed to win for GGG's needs simply win, and those who GGG "doesn't like" lose, and all for the sake of money, of course... but is that what the game is really supposed to look like? Is that not going in the wrong direction?
7. The game is supposed to relax and entertain, not manipulate.
8.Fact is that GGG have invent new form of cheating but it will break the world due to the fact that this kind of manipulation is over controll and it will lead to unpredictable consequances.
Still I will respond to some of the above:
3. Sure not the world is just an illusion?
4. Verify for what? I never verify if all code inn Football Manager is correct and if I "get within what I should" when it comes to newgens.
5. Some games are online games, some are not. If this need and should? I don't care.
6. You are at least a true comedian even if you don't know it, but I hope you do. It is funny trolling if you do.
7. I enjoy and are quite relaxed - except when fighting in dangerous situations.
8. Read number six again! But you missed Illuminati
3. Till the phisical theories are still working and holografic world is not proofed we can say that world is not an illusion.
4. Usualy you are not trying to verify if its working till it will get broken only then you will try to learn - "why?". If ex. drop rate is hidden it might mean that every player have differnet. If it is hidden and drop rate is different - it means that the game is not fair and is favouring one players above the others. If someone have nothing to hide - will not try to hide anything.
5. Then play the game like it is but let the others to fix game for themselfs.
6. ...or you are not smart enough to understand it.
Last edited by neosphoros on Sep 15, 2023, 7:40:11 PM
Posted byneosphoroson Sep 15, 2023, 7:35:44 PM
So I've spent around 70$ on the game, and my last payment was about 2 years ago. And if the game can actually occupy me until I turn gray it's a win for me and means the devs did a great job.
If the only achievement that you are planning to get is to be able to kill milions of enemys and you do not carre if it make sense at all ... so truly this is a form of a game exactly for you but the same you can achieve on watching on rusty hydrant and trying to count of a number of a grain of a rust.
You have spent 70$ but I bet that a most of the players a spent a much more not becouse they want but becouse GGG leading them by the nose...
Ultimately video games and virtually any other hobby is pointless and a waste of time. But then there's also this quote that says something along the lines - if you have fun doing something than it's not a waste of time.
And I sure do have lots of fun in PoE. It's OK if you don't feel the same. Just don't state it as a fact or an absolute truth. Different people like different things.
Posted byesostakson Sep 15, 2023, 10:13:15 PM
Dude is desperately trying to explain how to have fun.
Someone should tell him that there are as many ways as there are people.
Posted byFapmobileon Sep 16, 2023, 9:02:31 AM
I turned grey reading the OP! lol
Posted byargoniashawkson Sep 16, 2023, 9:11:12 AM
The game is indeed designed to be challenging and time-consuming, which could be seen as a win for the developers at GGG since it encourages player engagement and potentially spending. This suggests that while they want to keep players engaged and playing for a long time, they also value the player experience and community. Otherwise the game would not have such ratings.
You don't take into account getting divine orbs quite correctly, there are many more ways, which is why it's so important to play comprehensively. One way to acquire Divine Orbs is through Gwennen's Gamble. Gwennen offers the opportunity to gamble for random items, which could potentially include Divine Orbs. On the other hand, Dannig allows you to buy specific resources, possibly including Divine Orbs. It's also worth exploring the Azurite Mine. Encounters in the Azurite Mine provide opportunities to obtain valuable items, including Divine Orbs.
This is just some of the available options for obtaining Divine Orbs, at least those that were available on the patch I played. In fact, there are much more of them, so I advise you to recalculate the time to receive them; you will need a slightly more complicated formula...
Wtf are you smoking
Gwennen doesn't offer divine orbs
Posted byimanubcakeon Sep 17, 2023, 5:17:23 AM
The game is indeed designed to be challenging and time-consuming, which could be seen as a win for the developers at GGG since it encourages player engagement and potentially spending. This suggests that while they want to keep players engaged and playing for a long time, they also value the player experience and community. Otherwise the game would not have such ratings.
You don't take into account getting divine orbs quite correctly, there are many more ways, which is why it's so important to play comprehensively. One way to acquire Divine Orbs is through Gwennen's Gamble. Gwennen offers the opportunity to gamble for random items, which could potentially include Divine Orbs. On the other hand, Dannig allows you to buy specific resources, possibly including Divine Orbs. It's also worth exploring the Azurite Mine. Encounters in the Azurite Mine provide opportunities to obtain valuable items, including Divine Orbs.
This is just some of the available options for obtaining Divine Orbs, at least those that were available on the patch I played. In fact, there are much more of them, so I advise you to recalculate the time to receive them; you will need a slightly more complicated formula...
I don't think she gives divine orbs :O Unless you mean she gives items that can sell for a hella lot of divs
Asides from that, I do agree that a great many things in this game eats up a lot of time - and personally, I don't mind as I am having fun with certain mechanics (Which I have to note is pretty cool that we can select the mechanics we want from the atlas passive)
"For we are not now that strength, which in old days moved Earth and Heaven. That which we are, we are; one equal strength of heroic hearts, made weak by time and fate, but strong in will: to strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield." - Ulysses, Tennyson
Posted byCowrexon Sep 17, 2023, 6:05:02 AM
This is why You should take breaks from PoE. Year or two will help.
Last edited by de99ial on Sep 17, 2023, 7:11:57 PM
Posted byde99ialon Sep 17, 2023, 7:11:44 PM
This is why You should take breaks from PoE. Year or two will help.
This reminds me of the d4 devs saying to play other games. A better solution would be to design the game in such a way that people want to play it.
Posted byVenokDraculon Sep 18, 2023, 1:45:13 PM