What Happened with Items
You know what, Chris? Show us all YOU can play the game in this state and doing good. Take a day off, go on Twitch, and make us all go silent with your talent. Show us, the stupid plebs, how YOU play the game, how this game is meant to be played by the master of THE VISION.
I'm sure there will be tens of thousands of people eager to learn from the master how YOU can kill an AN rare in a red map using only some shizzy rares dropped by RNJesus for YOU (with normal drop rates, not with "help"), because YOU beat the crafting to death. And the loot. And, most important, THE FUN. Until YOU do that, I will consider that either YOU have a massive (nice abused word, btw) lack of "weights" in YOUR undies, or YOU love to lie to us again, and again, and again. No offense, of course. PS I'm reposting this because i am tired of words. Show us YOU can do it. |
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I think the worst part of this post isn't just that they lied by omission such a game breaking change, but just how poor their actual vision for the game is. Getting a ton of divines from a single mob is absolutely terrible game design. I work 50 hours a week. I generally play for an hour or two a night when I play. This vision basically means that most evenings I would find nothing of value the entire time I play, but once or twice per league maybe I would find almost all the valuable drops at once. If the game moves in this direction, there's no chance I would continue to play.
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i think that im being resonable here i doun't ask ypu tp bring it back to a 1ooo% at least give as bas like 50% of waht it was ibelivd that ist's a good point to start on what is ahpeningnng
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I get to play POE a few hours a week, sometimes on conference calls or before my wife wakes up on the weekend. Very casual player but a consistent one. Until this league I rarely saw a chaos drop, let alone an exalted. This made buying or making gear tough.
This league I am actually seeing currency drops and/or six socket gear fall from every t16 map I do. Thank you for thinking of the casual gamer this time around. |
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i have played this game since it came out, i have seen many changes that have me wonder what the hell you people at GGG were thinking. People find great builds yea they are dominant builds and you go and nerf them into the ground instead of raising the other skill gems that are pure trash. You have done the same with items reach of the council comes to mind you nerfed that bow 2 leagues in a row after it came out. We just had 2 great amulets that made it possible for people who can't play all day because they have jobs and families to where they could make some nice builds but once again you managed to fuck that up too. Yes omniscience and ashes of the stars it was easy for average joes to get or purchase but GGG in it's infinite wisdom screwed that up also. I remember Chris saying that you guys rely on new players well if you keep it up that may all you get because the old timers are getting tired of this crap show each league. It's not hard balance the game to where everyone can enjoy the damn game.
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Chris you have done this song and dance too many times.
Nerf things to death. Un nerf it just a bit. "all is fine nothing to see here" [Removed by Support] Last edited by Isaac_GGG#0000 on Aug 26, 2022, 5:04:58 PM
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I'm unsure if anyone is reading these posts, but I've been a player who has played on and off since the end of 2011.
Some of my best friends played this game, and I had such an incredible time with this game. Currently my life has been too hectic to submit the kind of hours needed for me to reach maps and have the kind of enjoyment I had with it previously, but honestly I didn't have a problem with the way the game's loot system worked before. Juiced maps were for people who could afford to put in crazy amounts of time, and had groups set up to do efficient party mapping. Why is it wrong that people in those positions get more loot? Isn't that scaling the difficulty with the rewards? Upon reviewing your words Chris, it seems very out of touch with the community, and as someone who doesn't play the game very much, the understanding of how a game feels would escape you. Please do us all a favour and roll back to the previous way loot was being generated, there was nothing wrong with it. Last edited by Vorde#0901 on Aug 26, 2022, 5:09:37 PM
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Chris should resign, he doesn't understand the game anymore, the game hasn't been this hardcore thinking man's game for over 5y.
You taught us to like zooming through maps, with delirium, beyond, delve, and all the other leagues that emphasize speed and fast clear. Now you want to take it away because you want the game to be slower. POE is not that anymore, if you want that game make another one. The POE community doesn't want that anymore, and it hasn't for years. Just step down and let somebody who actually cares about the current players opinions and tastes take over and direct the game. I like hardcore games but POE just isn't it, if you want that game make another one or release some POE classic variant. Let us enjoy the game you made as you taught us how, rather than forcibly molding it into something we don't want and shoving it down our throats. |
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Everyone is talking about absolute endgame content. Nobody talks about how the changes are for newcomers and returnees.
Maybe I'm even speaking for a lot of casuals, new players and returnees who aren't otherwise heard because they don't deal with the game so much that they write forum posts or have a voice in the community. I've been a returnee since this league (last played in 2018 and before that in 2012) and although I've been reading up on all the new mechanics since the beginning of the league, I don't have the knowledge and playtime to add rarity and quantity to my character as it seems is necessary for a divine to drop from time to time. I'm on the yellow maps now but I'm worried if I'll get enough currency to improve my character at all. From past PoE experience, I was able to at least trade a little currency to buy part of my build. But a friend of mine who I persuaded to play PoE stopped after 2 days on the Atlas. He's just a beginner. He said he doesn't have any currency to improve his character and that's why he doesn't feel like it anymore. With all the changes, please also think about how it will affect beginners and returnees. As a casual, I would wish that I could find some currency during normal play, e.g. when I unlock the atlas, so that I can regularly expand my character. Many greetings (PS: Don´t forget to look at my item forum-Shop in the signature. Perhaps you´ll find a good item you need.) :D /Oldschool off Antiquities from the early days of Path of Exile http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/165953 Last edited by Mahariel#0067 on Aug 26, 2022, 5:24:27 PM
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Those changes feels extremely horrible, getting level 100 and im out
Eat Sleep Repeat
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