Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Is this the HARDMODE Chris was talking about?

Seriously i don't know why so much got nerfed with any Archnemesis nerfs even mentioned. Nobody likes to get one shot by mobs, sometimes not even seeing the mobs, because they're offscreen...

Don't get me wrong some of the nerfs are ok, others (mana reservation) seems kinda weird, when you don't even give us something back.

As a long time player i think that the gap between normal players and the top 1% will become even worse. Like other people already mentioned why don't you improve the rest of the game? There are tons of useless skills - masteries - ascendencies. Why don't you work on them?

Chris once mentioned in a podcast that most new players stop playing the game at act 3. It's not only because of the quest design but also the very slow early game that feels kinda wierd too. Many build guides out there encourage you to play a different skill and then respec to your normal build. Why are many skills especially early game so unplayable?

PLease stop balancing around 1% of the playerbase (streamers, youtubers and the real good players) because these people won't be really hurt by those changes.

But maybe you don't want more people reach the endgame...
Fuquelongtime wrote:
This is disgusting, after spending mirs on my characters and leagues piecing them together to become ultimate fighters and mappers. You destroy the items that I use, while leaving the ones I don't use as legacy? again... this is the 3rd time in a row you have done this and its absolutely ridiculous. You all don't know how to make a game let alone balance it. you should be ashamed of yourselves that you purposefully screw so many people out of their time and effort. You will be losing more players than you anticipated after this patch, and it is entirely your fault. Also, none of the items I used took advantage of any "cheesy" or inappropriate mechanics, however, your nerfs to them will make my builds not preform even at a rate that's usable anymore. How is that fair in any way? these nerfs are unfounded and uncalled for. This is not ok GGG, you are a bad game developer just taking advantage of people.

100%. Enough is enough.

Some people can't learn from free, earnest, good advice. Instead, they must be taught their lessons via hard experience.

The player base would do well to give a generous dose of that.

That is exactly what I intend to do.
Feels like some hate to Skele builds.
ty so much... Jesus Christ
reservation nerf
I kinda like nerfs and meta shakeups. Making builds becomes less exciting over time otherwise. Like with auras now it's always about reaching those efficiency nodes cause you need this, this and that for defensive layers and some damage. So that's gona change, alright.
However, alongside nerfs players should be left with some buffs, maybe in areas that have been less popular, whatever.
But as usual players are just left with new headaches.

GGG, what are you so afraid about?
Summer nerfs are always nice <3
Riverwind77 wrote:
PROBLEM:GGG's complains about defensive builds and nodes are mandatory for most players

You made those nodes mandatory by buffing monsters non-stop and adding that untested trash called archnemesis into the core, where you have 4s to find and kill an effigy in a cluttered laggy screen, if you dont, you die!

Looks like league skipping, lets stop spending money aswell until they learn.

100% this.

If the numbers go way down, and I mean WAY down, that's the only thing that might get somebody's attention. Obviously telling them what we want doesn't do a damn bit of good.
Problem: minion damage is higher than ever, specially with *balanced* Archnemesis core.

Solution: let's nerf reservation efficiency, that needs ALL builds (even underperforming ones), because everyone uses defensive auras + banner + 1 offensive, so now they have to drop 1 (or 2)

Clap, clap, amazing your *vision*... I haven't spent a single cent since 3.15, thanks for clarifying to continue like this, more money in my pocket!
This is just absurd... Seriously people, stop playing PoE and move on, not joking or trying to antagonize anyone, GGG is clear in their intentions, you might as well just find something else to do.

I played mostly Evasion/Spell suppression characters (with a decent hp pool 4.5k~5k) and I don't even have to open PoB to know this just killed my build, same thing for the mana reservation changes, I wouldn't be able to sustain the current defensive auras that I use, but I try to practice what I preach, stopped playing, no regrets, sure, there is no game like PoE, but there are other games that are fun to play.

These nerfs were expected.

It puzzles me as to why people just continue to play and purchasing supporter packs while at the same time complain about the changes.
Pff, who even plays Standard?
Last edited by ZarkBit on Aug 3, 2022, 7:25:19 AM
I am very disappointed by these changes... You keep nerfing us but you should also nerf some other shit. This game is unplayable due to all these degens and 1 shots, do you guys even play your game? Or you just watch some streamers and base on that... Very frustrating.

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