Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

tzimize wrote:
Problem: Damage in the game is too insane so player investment in a lot of defense layers is mandatory.

Solution: Make investing in said defenses even worse and harder than it already is.

The final straw is the minion nerf.

I really think this is the final straw for me. This insane insistance on masochism just doesnt speak to me. Launching path of exile feels like opening a door to get slapped in the face. And I KNOW I am going to get slapped. I wish I hadnt invested as much money as I had in this game, I hoped for so much. It would be a hell of a lot easier to walk out.

God I hope Diablo 4 is good.

well, if you want a hard but fair gameplay you dont play PoE, you go to souls
ZaibachLPL wrote:
"Solution: Reduce the amount of critical strike chance provided by Brittle to make it more comparable to Scorch and Shock."

Imo that's the problem.. instead of bringing other ailment up to par with Brittle, they nerf it.. and now no one will want to use any of 'em.

yep, make it worse instead of make comparables better. HAven't been dissolusioned in GGG in a very long time like that
Problem: Juggernaut's Unbreakable skill is overly complicated and therefore requires each stat granted to be watered down, meaning that Juggernaut players aren't able to focus on the stats they want from the skill.

Lets see what you do with this, I like very much this node.

As player mainly of "red" side, I think this is not the problem, the main problem is a melee needs to stand still to do damage, build fortify etc, and in the current state of the game, you move or rip.

Melees tend to be sorrounded by mobs, so. Why no put a passive skill that raises you damage reduction WHEN sorrounded?
so, GGG nerfs everything and buffs nothing. Oh boy. I hope they got something BIG to reveal. otherwise this league will be garbage before launch.
It's very frustrating to see that nonmeta builds, aka what this game allows us players to do differently are hit the same amount as the OP meta ones, so the meta will stay the same? What about build diversity? These aura nerfs was that really necessary? The divine blessing butchering I can live with (although it was kinda tactical when to use it), but across the board less mana reservation? Do you really want enlighten to be THE chase item in the game or what?

I don't know, but creativity seems to get a hit every single manifesto.
Last edited by leto2626 on Aug 3, 2022, 7:02:22 AM
Monstrous nerfs. Wow.
So uh.. Death's Oath. Is it ever going to get fixed to properly show damage? Doesn't seem like such a complicated thing to fix..
complete garbage, minions life was all ready fucked without gem levels, now gem levels are fucked, damage is fucked and life of minions and the player are fucked as the right gear will be even harder then it already was. And even if you get it on gear except 1 minion build the damage was allready shite, and now it's even shittier as huge nerf to flat minion damage/life, crit, and gem levels.

And minions already died like flies when not fully investing in life/defense nodes and gem levels. Great, socket starve build get's new rings to counter some of the shit nerfs, wooow what a solution, let's take the so needed socket away and bring it as a buff.

People here act that 20 chaos minion builds could still do tier 16, this hasn't been the case for many leagues.
Last edited by Shadeless01 on Aug 3, 2022, 7:09:28 AM
MrSigy wrote:
Nobody asked for any of these changes, what we asked for was a meta change where traps and mines are deleted. minions are deleted. melee is op again. What we got was a ban hammer of almost everything. Some of the changes make me absolutely speechless.

And what we got was GGG undoing most of their previous introductions that they made themselves and now see that it wasnt a good idea.

This balance manifesto was supposed to make me hyped for the game, instead I am more determined then ever to just skip another league, congratulations.


The only way we can have input is to vote with our feet.

I have golf clubs.

I have a piano.

Those things cost a hell of a lot more than I've spent on this downward spiral of a game.

For my entertainment, I am going to use those much more productive items instead.

It's been real.
Last edited by uscjd2004 on Aug 3, 2022, 7:11:34 AM
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