Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

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I see you enjoyed the trend of ruining your game further. Let me help you since you've got alot of Judas's narcing the community out aswell. Aegis aurora. Go scorched earth on that too if you're nerfing everything anyway.

"Fire trap reportedly dealt too much damage"
"We've nerfed it for you"

What judas. What betrayer, goes out and screams "I'm too powerful nerf me pls"?

As someone that sometimes enjoys making a meme build with heavystrike I see no viability changes for melee. What was that lie then?

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Last edited by Patrick_GGG#0000 on Aug 2, 2022, 5:46:26 PM
1.Soooo... better get to work manifesto Doesn't look good at all examples are indirect nerfs that apply to all skills rather than simply nerfing just the strong one individually. This makes already weak playstyles even weaker every time easy to tell no excuses play the game you would know..

2.Makes you require more lvls to gain spell suppresion making it raider exclusive? or far tooo exspensive if you wanted to nerf just change how much it prevents instead..?

3.Poison carrion minions / firestorm coc / spellslinger / jugg 40% life regen rate appear to be the only obvious buffs.

4.6 months of waiting, not even a large manifesto it's like a break was taken (not for poe 2 just in general effort not visible).

5.Inorder to make players happy perform direct skill buffs and nerfs rather than changing mechanics (please listen to the community melee doesnt need a max damage buff but a minimum damage mostly on gear).(Don't need a 2 hander to between 400 pds and 1200 with it being hard to craft past 700... same for 1 handers).

6.Melee physical damage impale or not is dead unless you have 60 hours + on a single character only to become average not good. elemental is the only way to scale damage properly. (physical damage as extra or elemental conversion to be precise)

7.Juggernaught has reduced damage taken meanwhile all acsendancies have a less damage taken modifier. it's supposed to be the tankiest.. only ascendancy weaker is trickster. look at the character played rates the ones under 5% need only buffs period.

8..Played on and off for 7 years hope the actual patch notes look better or you will have the weakest league you've ever had.
Skipped this league Nd will skip the new league as well.
Looks like this game is only playable each 4th league.
Will you never learn, ggg?
Oh god...

This league was historical for me. Do you know why? Farmed my MB on Standard (lol).
Tho really seems that even the core game is getting more and more unplayable/annoying to deal with.
Last edited by bewer#3273 on Aug 2, 2022, 5:48:31 PM
How classic, never ceases to disappoint; that is some nice set of allround nerfing, again.
By the way, it is good to see that stable vision with these complete turnarounds all the time.
Defence nerfs, really? Moving more shit to items to gamblecraft? Etc; time to shut up and move.
At least, the top rich end will still be fine while more and more of the majority gets just screwed hard.
All-time non-streamer luckless dropless rewardless tons-of-time-playing non-TFT-er 100% solo player.
So, it just turns out, we were lied to for years with the promises of a two-storied one PoE 4.0.
All these worse and worse beta leagues, all these braindead changes, all lead to this.
It now grants 8% of Armour applies to Elemental Damage from Hits.

LOL, a FREE Transcendence but you are still protect against phys dommage ^^

The mana reservation change is awful unless you're reducing the individual gems like Grace going from 50% to 40%. Discipline from 35% to 30% and so on.
Could have been worse, theres some good changes in there. But you'd have thought you'd have adressed the melee issues and not completely skipped the elephant in the room. That's unfortunate.

Also the changes to Necromancers seem heavy handed and for the lack of a better word just plain old lazy and/or rushed. Are you lacking in interns?
Last edited by Rakschas666#1738 on Aug 2, 2022, 5:47:33 PM
Necro and minions literally Just got nuked - ofc u promised to compensate it with gear - but let me guess, without houndreds of exalts invested they gonna be terribly bad? Also, let me guess, u forgot to mention some item/indirect nerfs, as always, and we gonna suffer even more while reading patchnotes later?!
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...

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