Character Balance in Path of Exile: Lake of Kalandra

Anngrat wrote:
I don't think, I would enjoy a pay to win game - this is what your suggestion would lead at.

I dont like pay to win games either - for example, I didnt play diablo immortal.



I really hate them so much, that I'd prefer P2W elements come to PoE if it frees my from acts.I Practiced them , for example, it took me something like a bit over for 4 hours for my absolution run this league. But that were my worst 4 hours in entire league, even 15000 empty astragali or minus 350 exa from watcher's eyes wasnt that bad as those 4 hours for me...

But seriously, what is the problem with the acts? Why you hate them? They are more variate than running maps 24/7. I mean, 5 leagues ago, when everyone was running Burial Chambers non-stop to get doctors, I mean, after 3 hours, I wanted to jump off a window.

The acts, for me, I always take it as a challenge, to get faster. I mean, I compare my time with the racers and try to improve. The record for Kitava in act 5 was 1 hour and 2 min or something like that. That being said, I compare my time at the end. It is not even close, but still. It is about getting better at the game.

If you ask me, I don't like acts because it is the same run every time.
But I would prefer alternate leveling rather than paying for skip. Like it was in events before new year, delve leveling or heist. Or even how it works in D3, when you can run only certain events through the acts.

I don't like this character balance GGG manifesto. They dont't address major problems, like for example game is too hard and too time consuming for most casuals. I want relax in game, not be in second and very stressful job. For me difficulty lvl should be in different lvl, separated from streamers and no-lifers. Death penalty should be removed, casual builds like minions and totems should be strengthened, heavily buffed in survivability and dmg. They should be easy affordable too at cost of 2ex not 200ex.

I already lost all hope this will ever happens so I almost not play PoE at all.
I also stop spending money for people who focus on elite, and ignoring casuals.
GGG is not for me anymore.
Anngrat wrote:
I don't think, I would enjoy a pay to win game - this is what your suggestion would lead at.

I dont like pay to win games either - for example, I didnt play diablo immortal.



I really hate them so much, that I'd prefer P2W elements come to PoE if it frees my from acts.I Practiced them , for example, it took me something like a bit over for 4 hours for my absolution run this league. But that were my worst 4 hours in entire league, even 15000 empty astragali or minus 350 exa from watcher's eyes wasnt that bad as those 4 hours for me...

But seriously, what is the problem with the acts? Why you hate them? They are more variate than running maps 24/7. I mean, 5 leagues ago, when everyone was running Burial Chambers non-stop to get doctors, I mean, after 3 hours, I wanted to jump off a window.

The acts, for me, I always take it as a challenge, to get faster. I mean, I compare my time with the racers and try to improve. The record for Kitava in act 5 was 1 hour and 2 min or something like that. That being said, I compare my time at the end. It is not even close, but still. It is about getting better at the game.

U like acts, and thats why u speedrun them? Thats why GGG want slow them. Thx speedrunning .....s. When u play this game 10yrs and have play acts again and again, still same s... Its just boring. But imagine ... someone play HC and when die, must do acts again?! Why just not only with 1st char, and next one start on some up lvl where you can choose ...
Minions now gain the same bonuses from Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as players do, rather than the significantly elevated bonuses that other Monsters gain.

From 200% crit power charge now down to 40%. Seriously! most minion can't carry weapon and armor. How can u even compare them with a player.
For minion helmet mirror service
Stupidsmile Ultimate SRS Minion Instability Build
Not sure why people are complaining here - it will do absolutely nothing. It's a rinse and repeat nearly every league - announce nerf, people complain and voice legitimate concerns, they nerf anyway. GGG does not care.
Hello Dear GGG team

Good work as usual
Let see the patch note in couple of day

English is not my mother tongue but it should be understable

It seams that you forgot to have a look about Volated dead ,

The nerf about trigger ( spellslinger for exemple ) and the "no buff" of this skill in the previous patch make volated dead really feel behind other skill

A small value buff could be enough

I always have the feeling that to deal with physical damage is a big problem in POE since the defense change
Armor seams to be the only way ( ok there is evasion but ...) and this seams to be booking several build to get in end game
Could you have may-be a look to give other solution
maybe more possibility to get note like " physical tack as ..." or other mécanique

3)Good about the rework of Trickster
But what about the other ascendency ?
After 1 week of league , 80% of the player was playing 5/6 ascendency
Means that 13 ascendancy was played by less that 5% of player
( It seams that it's even more in HC)
What your plan about it ?

4) In previous communication, you spook about bleeding , any plan about it ?

5) Melee build feel behind , but some are even note played at all by any player even if the design is really cool ( glacial hammer / chain Hook / heavy Strick … )

6) Do not allowed blessing skill to be supported by lifetap is to easy and not interesting in my point of view, instead I would have like to have a cost multiplier if supported by lifetap , still allowed but more risky , this will be more in you way of thinking ( risky but rewarding)

7) A really big part of the player play with a shield or with two handed weapon, dual welding seams to disappear of the meta , What your plan about it ?

8) can you remove the tag duration on animated weapon ?

I hope you will have a small look to those remark as you requested

Have a nice day
And good luck for the start of the league


Last edited by Blauermond on Aug 6, 2022, 12:23:25 PM
StupidSmile wrote:
Minions now gain the same bonuses from Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as players do, rather than the significantly elevated bonuses that other Monsters gain.

From 200% crit power charge now down to 40%. Seriously! most minion can't carry weapon and armor. How can u even compare them with a player.

Aren't minions going to be stronger now? I do not think that they nerfed them. Now you will be able to play minion builds on any class type. In my mind, with the new items, that will be seriously broken. What you can complain, if you are a minion player and you used to get hundreds of exalts by crafting helms and weapons for minions, you can complain of that part being gone. But as I see it, the new minion builds could be quite broken.
StupidSmile wrote:
Minions now gain the same bonuses from Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges as players do, rather than the significantly elevated bonuses that other Monsters gain.

From 200% crit power charge now down to 40%. Seriously! most minion can't carry weapon and armor. How can u even compare them with a player.

Aren't minions going to be stronger now? I do not think that they nerfed them. Now you will be able to play minion builds on any class type. In my mind, with the new items, that will be seriously broken. What you can complain, if you are a minion player and you used to get hundreds of exalts by crafting helms and weapons for minions, you can complain of that part being gone. But as I see it, the new minion builds could be quite broken.

There could few minion builds rise... after houndreds and houndreds exalts invested. GGG used term invest 23 times.... Just imagine the price of minion fossils next league, just imagine the price of new minions shields, etc, etc...

But as a league starter/low budget - atm they look like total garbage compared to other S tier starter builds....
3.13 Was the best league ever!
3.18 Rest in peace my beloved recombinators, I'm gonna miss you...
they cud rework elementalist for golem builds.u pick 2 ascendancy for golems. and then u dont know what to take coz nothing is useful for golem builds.
nice...they nerf reaper coz nobody plays it? :D its more like shitfest not balance changes.reaper got -40% from dmg and dmg efectivnes nerfed by 100%.what theygive is attack speed area effect and move speed.its total nerf to skill what eaven nobody plays :D

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