3.18.0c Patch Notes

please remove immunity ggg
hello remove immunity ggg

and buff HH already please for the love of god.
Dear developments of this Great Game, please remove immunity and slightly buff droprate valuable items and currency. TY for your attention.
Laere wrote:
hello remove immunity ggg

and buff HH already please for the love of god.


There are many other ways to slow down the gameplay to be near of poe2 but not that one.
hello remove immunity ggg, why don't you ever listen to the players? we are the ones that keep your game alive.
Nice that changes are done, but there are combinations that should NOT exist together i.m.h.o.; there are quite a few rares now that have no vulnerability; like immunity (or super high resists) and huge damage and speed (so you cannot kill them quickly, or run away from, or tank damage from and thus decide whether to fight, kite, wait for a vulnerable phase etc.).

In archnemesis you could choose which mods you would end up with (and there was soo much less of them {arch nem rare occurance}) which resulted in the ability to make sure certain combinations of mods that would be (near) build breaking would not appear.

The rares can be challenging, but i think it's wrong that the rares are more difficult than the unique bosses, that have telegraphed attacks and such; while the rares do not; so they SHOULD be easier i think and never have (combinations of ) mods that are near- un-doable for builds; they should have vulnerabilities that EVERY build should be able to exploit in some way.
What is with this spam.. They have removed it?
Prov1eh wrote:
hello remove immunity ggg, why don't you ever listen to the players? we are the ones that keep your game alive.

It is removed? Only last 10 secs.
wotad wrote:
Prov1eh wrote:
hello remove immunity ggg, why don't you ever listen to the players? we are the ones that keep your game alive.

It is removed? Only last 10 secs.

They are talking about, Immune to Shock, Immune to Chill, Immune to Freeze etc etc.

Not talking about the Modifier Invulnerability.
hello remove immunity ggg

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