3.18.0c Patch Notes

Dear GGG,

When even Zizaran, you know the guy who came up with the gauntlet with a bunch of mods to make the game harder, is saying the old rare and magic mods were better. If a masochist (no offence Ziz) like him can't deal with the AN mods how can casuals like us who play after work/school enjoy the game?
Remove AN already! Last league was amazing the Sentinels are a decent league mechanic as well, this league should've been great too.
The AN mechanic isn't like a bad league mechanic you can avoid, rare and magic mobs are EVERYWHERE you either deal with them (which is a huge pain) or you quit playing.
Do us all a favor and make this league great by removing AN, we all make mistakes it's how you deal with them that matters and this mistake is unfixable with so many BS mechanics.
If u need me for anything u can pm me ingame or send me a private message :)
Please fix your Grasping vines

Developer of "Awakened PoE Trade"
GGG don't ban this account :)
hello remove immunity ggg
hello remove immunity ggg
Hi. Have you considered removing immunity and random abilities that instantly kill you from the game?
"We're going to try something new with character balance in this expansion. We're intentionally making no changes to character power. That means no nerfs, no buffs, nothing. Every single build and build guide made for Siege of the Atlas will work exactly the same in Sentinel. You can start planning your league starter right now, with full confidence about exactly how it's going to play."
"It was extensively tested."
Builds that were undying in 3.17:"Oopsy, magic mob did it again."
Builds that were one-shotting everything in 3.17:"Metamorph? What a challenge. I need to prepare for 15 mins fight."
Builds that were stacking flasks/charges/anything in 3.17:"Well, seems like i can't do this map with this rare monster right here, next one, please."
Builds with Doryani's against Hasted Mana Siphoner:"RUN, NEO, RUN!!11"
Yeah, sure, no nerfs at all.
Father to his 8-y old son:"Lister, boy, i'm not going to take your wooden sword, so you are still as powerful as you was before, but now you need to challenge Mike Tyson."
Last edited by 0mmr on May 19, 2022, 5:35:49 AM
Stop patching a sinking ship. Overcome your hubris and REVERT THE CHANGES. Stop trying to make D3 rare monster mods.
hello remove immunity ggg

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