Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas

What about the balance of gear being shit, or trade being shit, or crafting being shit, honestly I would love a private viod league which is the complete opposite of the crap hard mode coming. Buff drops a lot and give harvest back in its pre-useless state from harvest league. I dont find poe fun anymore because everything is always way too out of reach. I would love to try different builds, but it is impossible to get the currency. I would love to try headhunter at least once, but currency or the div cards don't drop and map sustain is impossible. With all that, mage blood prices are probably like 10 times what I have on standard having played from closed beta, beyond a joke.
IGN: Blip
not rly suprised and hyped for manifesto i was know nerfs and buffs incoming that is it not rly big think
Icestorm is a hit based skill yet it doesn't appear to have been buffed for selfcasting. It currently is more viable to trigger it, but since you are nerfing the trigger damage output across the board this skill is yet again left in the dust.

Revert Icestorm to its former glory!
wow so shit skills still shit and decent things like TR or Seismic or spellslinger are significantly worse...
"great" patch just like always with skills balance...
Yayyy a mostly no changes manifesto! or, a "Mehnifesto"! Honestly this is what I wanted right now. No big nerfs.

A lil bummed about awakened added dam gems, and Voidfletcher... Void doesnt seem stupid OP to me. And with the changes to rare quivers inc, this one seems particularly unnecessary
Well there goes my scorching ray totems build, depending on how they implemented "Lower the damage from Totem, Trap, Mine and Trigger effects to balance out the buff to these spells"

I bet it's going to be global lower damage from totems/mines/etc, so spells that didn't get buffed got shafted.
Last edited by Chubbypuppy on Jan 24, 2022, 4:30:09 PM
Cast on crit build are dead, again over 150hrs spend to create a good build that will not be viable after the patch, thats why people quit
I get the feeling that the devs think that the main reason some of these threshold jewels are not being used is because of drawbacks or because the spells themselves aren't being used.
IMHO, this is a misconception and the reason they are rarely used is because of the tremendous power any other jewel has in that slot. I feel they should just grant some damage increase to accompany their effects.
That's a lot of nerfs for a buff manifesto. The Hydrosphere changes are a straight 30-50% less damage nerf to a dozen builds that are now unviable. Had to be done though as the mechanic itself was pure cancer.

Looking forward to an actually playable Flameblast. Maybe this will be the league!
please dont forget to buff ice storm ( whispering ice) , otherwise the nerf to support gems will kill that skill!!
have finally gotten used to the lab... I dont hate it anymore.:)

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