Game Balance in Siege of the Atlas

Almost all streamers do play caster and bow builds.

So what does GGG do? They buff casters and bow builds. *facepalm*

Again, nothing positive for summoners, the casual gamers build that is struggling so much these days. For a year or so, summoners have not seen any love but nerf after nerf.

Casters dominate the meta and they are buffed.

I am sorry GGG, but you have lost so many players with that philosophy and you will keep losing more.

Sadly, another league I skip. I come back when you finally bring back summoners into the game.
Please stop messing with Fireburst’s cooldown time, 1.5 seconds in Expedition league felt so much worse, PLEASE just leave it at 1 second from now on. Balance it around 1 second if you have to but it needs to stay 1 second to feel good!
Consider ice spears and Impale, but maybe as cold damage.
With people actually self casting we'll be reminded how terrible mana feels since 3.15. Praying the patch notes contain some neat stuff for the tree and classes regarding the focused buffs.
Synnian wrote:
I hate your way of balancing the game. I play spell totems only, and the changes look bad to me. The same goes for changing minions in a very annoying way (them dying as your only source of damage is unfun). Not interested in supporting you anymore, gl.

From my point of view spell totems got buffed:
Freezing Pulse: Now deals 8 to 12 Cold Damage at gem level 1 (unchanged), up to 1458 to 2188 at gem level 20 (previously 888 to 1332). Now has 330% Effectiveness of Added Damage at all gem levels (previously 200%).

Damage got buffed by 60%, but Spell Totem support damage was nerfed only by 16% on lvl 20, so all in all a 44% damage buff. +130% added damage effectiveness is huge. And also new tiers of cast speed on rings and other items - these affect totems even more.
Might as well go Freezing Pulse totem leaguestarter.
Last edited by alex_disp on Jan 24, 2022, 9:05:11 PM
Can you please, in any timeline, explain why you actually nerfed HEAVY STRIKE?????

Without the threshold jewels, you just nerfed all heavy strike builds by a significant margin.

But I guess it's understandable, since Heavy Strike is taking the Atlas by storm.

That as well as Glacial hammer's free splash and ground slam's free endurance charge generation. Strike skills and slams are already in trouble and some are now worse. Awesome-_-
Last edited by Fart_Smucker on Jan 24, 2022, 9:02:14 PM
This are actually not so bad? But I know there are still things missing. We'll know when they release the patch notes.

BUT they got rid of First Snow which is an enormous enormous nerf to freezing pulse as you'd now need to use GMP

For those of you looking purely at FP numbers: sure the dps went up 60% but in the endgame you lose an entire support gem and forced to use GMP which comes with 26% less dps. Overall net loss or break even so whats the point?
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Jan 24, 2022, 9:09:37 PM
PLease buff spark, or allow it to hit flying targets!
pathfinder is weaker than a belt, any improvements in the future? Assassin is out of date. And with the shade form is reworked for bone shatter, how to avoid the damage that the skill deal to the players? It's a skill that needs rework too. Such as putting limit on its stack and causing less damage to players.

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