[3.17] LL Inquisitor Ice Crash Str Stacking | Tanky 15M DPS | wave 30 | The Feared all at once

Aaaand done.
I am playing with the build, i have question how do i fit in the cluster jewel on lvl 90, idk what to cut on the tree. The pob is a bit bugged on the cluster tree
CleaveShot wrote:
I am playing with the build, i have question how do i fit in the cluster jewel on lvl 90, idk what to cut on the tree. The pob is a bit bugged on the cluster tree

Just don't get the medium clusters for now.

And now we're done with the belt. Last thing to do is the shield!
barbakle wrote:
what is the best bench crafting strategy to get 3 red and 1 green on the crown of eyes?

if you already have 4 sockets, use "3 red sockets" on it with 125 chromatic.
spam until you you have the good one or if you get 4R, go harvest for 1R + 1G mod


revert to 2 sockets, span 1 chromatic orb until you have 1R 1G, go 3 sockets and hope for another Red. if not, revert to 2 sockets (it will keep the 1R 1G) and go again to 3 sockets. Go like this until you have 2R 1G.
Do the same with 4 sockets, jungling between "go 4 sockets" and "back to 3 sockets" until you have 3R 1G
This method is cheaper

Will you be updating for 3.18? (if any changes)

ekko_eS wrote:

Will you be updating for 3.18? (if any changes)


But there is no changes.
I'm skipping this league btw. I'll not be able to support you guys. I'm sorry.
Last edited by Durnz on May 10, 2022, 9:29:13 PM
Friends, please see what kind of damage and survival I have in pastebin. I don’t really understand how to use it) pipanez account, 89 inquisitor) And please tell me what I can change in the build)
Last edited by pipanez on Jun 21, 2022, 1:00:59 PM

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