Youtube sucks the biggest balls

Johny_Snow wrote:
Of course it isn't. The only good place is an echo chamber with like-minded individuals.

My comment wasnt directed at you, i enjoy having conversations with people who have differing opinions than mine, thats how i can learn more about the topic and discuss it further.

But when posts are being deleted it becomes a waste of time. Control the information and you control the people (this topic).

Good luck on the drops
Welp, no discussions can be held here because everything gets deleted. Not the best platform for this, I admit.
Johny_Snow wrote:
Welp, no discussions can be held here because everything gets deleted. Not the best platform for this, I admit.

U mean, it gets censored for no reason?

well, better trust on YT for censoring then I guess, they wouldn't do such a thing of course.

the irony :D
Last edited by Sadaukar on Nov 28, 2021, 8:51:21 AM
I knew a smartass would come and say this.

The website deletes every content which even mentions a government institution. A simple "gov" in the link of a website gets your post deleted. This is not real censorship because the information is not a bad one. The moderators on this website simply don't want to deal with political discussions.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 28, 2021, 8:53:34 AM
Johny_Snow wrote:
The moderators on this website simply don't want to deal with political discussions.

The truth is you need another music video.

You're welcome.
Thanks. I feel bad having all this official information I can't share, I needed something just like this while I sit in my room all alone and miserable.
Last edited by Johny_Snow on Nov 28, 2021, 10:13:40 AM
Australian government stepping up 👍
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Johny_Snow wrote:
I feel bad having all this official information I can't share

Bruh, you haven't even tried to share anything. You were asked long before the secret police came knocking here with a reminder to back up your claims, and you've been weaseling out from doing so all the while. You've also been assuming your own point of view as "obvious", assuming all sorts of things about others, and overall looking down on everyone not sharing your worldview all through this thread. And now you're also using a classic 'No True Scotsman' argument* to dismiss the censorship on this form, while standing by the censorship elsewhere, based on a trust that you have also failed to back up. You've already lost the debate, and the worst part is that you hadn't even bothered to try. Cos that's how much you cared about the truth, versus just bandying about your opinion and treating it as 'facts' and 'pretty obvious' so you could look down on everyone.

* -

This is not real censorship

Since we're on the next page, I'll copy over the requirements again -

1) You have to prove incapability among the majority of the population.

2) You have to prove censorship protects from said incapability.

3) You have to prove YT's censorship has produced positive results.

All with cited data from authoritative sources, of course. We wouldn't want you to be spreading misinformation now, would we?...

And another reminder that information is not the only thing being censored.
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 28, 2021, 5:36:19 PM
I didn't try because I know I couldn't. I can share opinions like that Youtube video but its just the opinion of an expert against another opinion of an expert - they cancel each other out. An information directly from a government website or an government-sponsored study is a different type of evidence I simply cannot post here.
Johny_Snow wrote:
I didn't try because I know I couldn't...An information directly from a government website or an government-sponsored study is a different type of evidence I simply cannot post here.

That's an excuse. You weren't making this excuse until the secret police showed up to give you the idea. Now that they have, you've latched on to it as a great way to keep pretending your point while also blaming them for not being able to back it up.

Besides, studies are published in scientific journals. That isn't barred here. You haven't even tested the waters before giving up. Because it isn't about staying within the rules, it's about hiding behind them i.e. you're complicit.

Also I love how you just ignored the calling out of your previous No True Scotsman tactic. And how you keep trying to make this only about information. You keep shifting from one excuse to another.
Last edited by Exile009 on Nov 28, 2021, 6:19:23 PM

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