[3.16] Enki's Archmage Hierophant - a beginner-friendly Lightning Caster

Several suggestions as to improve this build further; based on the archmage arc character I played in 3.14:

1. Other anointments to consider are Mind Drinker (Recover %mana on kill is very powerful to get mana quickly while mapping), Heart of Thunder (Damage and penetration)

2. Can consider pathing to Discipline of Forbidden to get +1 minimum Power charge and damage per Power charge. Then, craft +1 minimum Power charge on a ring to get 6 minimum Power charges, which is equal to the maximum Power charges.

3. To further invest in Power charges, one can consider using Militant Faith Timeless Jewel with "Carved to glorify (2000-10000) new faithful converted by High Templar Dominus." to obtain Inner Conviction, to get % more spell damage per Power charge. The jewel can be allocated at the jewel socket near Mind over Matter for it to work.

4. Another possible high-level investment is to use Unnatural Instinct at the jewel socket near Shaper to obtain all the juicy passives near it (skill effect duration, maximum mana, AoE, cast speed, effect of curses).

5. Another cluster jewel to consider is the medium cluster jewel with increased effect of curses, with the nodes Wish for Death (Culling Strike against cursed enemies) and Master of Fear (Unerve against cursed enemies) to improve boss damage further.

However, one can't obtain all the possible investments as stated above without losing some other passives, so it's up to you how to choose.
Last edited by LYC14 on Jul 23, 2021, 4:43:16 AM
Migski wrote:
An arc/ball lightning build? Interesting...

I played Archmage BL Hiero last league and fell in love with it. Was devastated how GGG nerfed the build to the ground. Seeing this, I may consider playing the build again despite the nerf. Still on the fence though as I was quite ready to skip this league after seeing all the nerfs.

Btw how good is Arc compared to BL Sire of Shards or BL GMP when it comes to clearspeed?

Should be similar in clear, with each excelling in very specific situations.

Schlogen wrote:
Does anyone know the ball lightning dps for basic and endgame?

~1m early on, ~7m with an easy to achieve endgame setup, 11m+ if you go all out.

JoyGold wrote:
Hi Enki ty for the guide.
Why is leap slam used and not a flame dash?

Flame Dash might feel bad now with its nerf and the nerf to Second Wind. Leap Slam has the advantage of being able to proc Fortify.

8r3nt wrote:
Thoughts on using domnius militant faith instead of tempered mind? We could grab inner conviction and stack power charge.

It's a good option, but would only use it if it has 0.6 mana regen/s per 10 devotion to make up a bit for the loss of mana recovery rate, and it doesn't change any of the notables we use within its radius.

Saaledes wrote:
Thank you for the guide! I love a build that uses two or more abilities, hence I don't mind weapon swapping or even changing gems for ie Sirus. What secondary six-link/six-socket setup would you/people recommend if I use the weapon for both skills?

Pledge of Hands feels really bad for clearing maps, so I wouldn't recommend this.
the act 7 tab in the full levelling section still says to find a +spell damage shield

edit: what's the earliest that we should switch to a staff?
Last edited by fat_weasel on Jul 23, 2021, 5:01:06 AM
fat_weasel wrote:
the act 7 tab in the full levelling section still says to find a +spell damage shield

edit: what's the earliest that we should switch to a staff?

Thanks, i've removed it! The staff switch should happen once you reach maps, that's when you switch gems around for the full gem setup and also start speccing into Enigmatic Reach.
I see that this build basically requires an Essence Worm.

Essence Worm is gonna be a chase unique this league.
I was playing Alkaizer's version of this build for Ultimatum and I plan to keep going with the character on standard for now since I won't be playing the league. Looking forward to trying it out.

Fortunately I have almost everything I'll need. I'll need to sort out gloves, boots and a helm. I have no idea what crafting is going to be like now so I might just have to buy them.

Did you craft the rare items on your Hierophant, Enki? Your belt, boots, gloves, helmet and ring are all nice.

Is the temple mod on gloves (+46-48% Lightning res, 40%-60% increased increased critical strike chance against shocked enemies) worth going for? I'm assuming it's not since we're going Elemental Overload.

Thank you for putting this guide together.
TY for update !

Question: With "Pledge of Hands", what's gem instead SPELL ECHO ?
How come you don't use mind over matter later on in levels? Does it interfere with agnostic?

**EDIT** Nevermind I see that you use cloak of Defiance later on.
Last edited by bluedroplet3030 on Jul 23, 2021, 9:49:36 AM
My first serious build was Enki's Witch back in Ritual. Started it again back in Syntheis, took a long hiatus up until Ritual when I picked up Enki's Wtitch again. Occ -> Raider in Ultimatum...

Now torn between this Arc reboot and Toxic Rain Deadyeye.


Enki's Arc Hiero seems like a better bosser tho because of Ball Lightning.
Hi, Will these archmage and arcane surge nerfs decrease our dmg so hard or we can still play good ?

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