[3.16] Enki's Archmage Hierophant - a beginner-friendly Lightning Caster

scyra_ad wrote:
Hit it someone where in the 490s. That really sucked. Thank you all for the help.

Check the skilltree. There's a mastery on the resistance and ailment protection mastery preventing corrupted blood being inflicted on you.
First, sorry for my english.

Im newbie on this game, although i have 600+ hours in this, i kinda that stop playing in the late content. In this league i set the objectives of killing Sirius for the first time and after that trying kill Maven.

In my first attempt of killing sirius, i have to say that I failed miserably. i follow all the step of upgrade order up to buy Fertile Catalysts for my amulet. But i cant runs smoothly for the t14+ maps. Could someone help me with some tips?
Im stuck in the lvl 90

Last edited by H3ndrlx on Nov 11, 2021, 10:08:22 PM
What do you guys do when fighting Doedre in the sewers with this build? I died 5 times on her now, first boss where I died, the debuff she does makes the cast speed miserable...

EDIT: Nevermind, I didn't know you can actually change stages of the fight with the valve.
Last edited by sekyno on Nov 12, 2021, 7:20:49 AM
H3ndrlx wrote:
First, sorry for my english.

Im newbie on this game, although i have 600+ hours in this, i kinda that stop playing in the late content. In this league i set the objectives of killing Sirius for the first time and after that trying kill Maven.

In my first attempt of killing sirius, i have to say that I failed miserably. i follow all the step of upgrade order up to buy Fertile Catalysts for my amulet. But i cant runs smoothly for the t14+ maps. Could someone help me with some tips?
Im stuck in the lvl 90


Get 70% increased mana regen if cast spell recently on your boots and replace that topaz ring with a 10% cerulean. That should give you an edge.
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H3ndrlx wrote:
First, sorry for my english.
In my first attempt of killing sirius, i have to say that I failed miserably. i follow all the step of upgrade order up to buy Fertile Catalysts for my amulet. But i cant runs smoothly for the t14+ maps. Could someone help me with some tips?

Make your character public so we can see your tree and cluster jewels.
Last edited by Exchequer_ on Nov 12, 2021, 4:42:15 PM
I think its public now.
H3ndrlx wrote:
I think its public now.

Judging by your gear you have some currency to try some options. I am no expert but here are some ideas.

Drop the profane chemistry branch which gives you back 9 passive points. Spend 3 passives to get Forethought. Then get a medium curse cluster jewel (edit: no longer available this league replaced by a small cluster but could also consider Megalomaniac cluster) with Wish for Death (culling strike) and Master of Fear (enemies are unnerved). Since Master of Fear is rare I have settled for Evil Eye (enemies take 6% increased damage when cursed). Then get a small cluster with Openness to boost your mana. You will be able to get a second small cluster eventually with some more levels.

For bossing damage try to get to 31 AoE radius since you are close. You can allocate the 10% increased AoE node to the left of Retribution.

Other ideas:
You have not allocated the jewel socket north of Witch start. You can boost mana, life, regen, and/or cast speed with a nice jewel.

If you are dying too much you could swap your Watcher's Eye to one with Damage taken from Mana before Life.

You can work on your helmet. The mana is low and you could aim for a helmet with more mana and "Nearby enemies have -9% to Lightning Resistance".

Last edited by Exchequer_ on Nov 13, 2021, 10:48:36 PM
There are no medium cluster curse jewels in this league. They are small clusters now
HennekY wrote:
There are no medium cluster curse jewels in this league. They are small clusters now

Thanks HennekY. I am in standard and I am trying to not use any legacy items. Hmmmm I guess I will replace this with a Megalomaniac Medium Cluster Jewel to get culling strike. I see some jewels with Wish for Death in addition to other useful passive skills that are not too expensive.
Checked the build and noticed both Illuminated Devotion and Purity of Elements.
So, you're getting one ascendancy point for leech + a bit of area of effect (which increases Ball Lightning single target damage but still ...)

Agnostic is obviously nice for sustain but you're then playing a Hierophant with no Energy Shield so EHP will never be high.

I guess you don't pick Sanctuary of Thought due to having 50% less mana costs, which is bad for Archmage but, still, it's better overall than Agnostic + Illuminated Devotion, Agnostic being useful for an Ascendant version more than for a Hierophant.

Consider cluster jewels with Stubborn Student (+1 armour per 10 unreserved mana, alongside mana and armour increase) for survivability.

Just my 2 cents.

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