[3.16] Enki's Archmage Hierophant - a beginner-friendly Lightning Caster

scyra_ad wrote:
I'm on a 6 link Pledge.
I can't get the 5b 1g.
I've used 200 chromes and it won't hit.

Keep rolling.
nice build
Last edited by Kyostarlet on Nov 7, 2021, 11:18:33 PM
Hit it someone where in the 490s. That really sucked. Thank you all for the help.
UtherSRG wrote:
scyra_ad wrote:
I can't get a green socket on Pledge of hands, and don't have POB access on my mac.
Is there a 6th blue socket gem that would help our set up or a way to get 5b and 1g on the PoH?

6th gem would be Elemental Focus. It actually adds more damage than Slower Projectiles, so if you have to drop SP cos you can't get a green socket, you aren't doing badly.

However, how are you not getting a green socket? It should take, on average, about 48 Chromatic Orbs to get a 5L that has 4B 1G. You can do the calcs here: https://siveran.github.io/calc.html

Ele Focus certainly does not add more damage than Slower Proj. In PoB it might appear to add more to a single hit/lightning strike, but without Slower Proj you’re not getting near the volume of strikes otherwise. PoB doesn’t actually calculate BL DPS properly at all, especially with echoes. You want your balls moving past your target as slowly as possible. It’s easily the most important and highest damaging gem in the setup.
scyra_ad wrote:
Hit it someone where in the 490s. That really sucked. Thank you all for the help.

It does. I'm still trying to 6 link my legacy PoH.
Last edited by MJHeemeyer on Nov 9, 2021, 7:48:23 PM
Hi I'm enjoying the build so far so thanks for making it! However I read that it says use Orb for clearing, I'm following the guide to a tee and I'm currently at Act3, having to go through the lab. Orb definitely does not do damage. Can anyone take a look at my character to see whether the gear is the problem? Either that or I'm playing it completely wrong, thanks in advance!

P.S: New player, please go easy on me :(
For clearing, I actually like to use a weapon swap of Sire of Shards. Then gems are BL-Archmage-Lightning Pen-Ele Focus-Unleash-Greater Multiple Proj. And then go back to PoH for single target/bossing.

Free’s up the 6L Cloak for a bigger CWDT curse setup.
Thanks, i'll try that out!
TicTacTris wrote:
Hi I'm enjoying the build so far so thanks for making it! However I read that it says use Orb for clearing, I'm following the guide to a tee and I'm currently at Act3, having to go through the lab. Orb definitely does not do damage. Can anyone take a look at my character to see whether the gear is the problem? Either that or I'm playing it completely wrong, thanks in advance!

P.S: New player, please go easy on me :(

Have you linked Archmage to it? That'll help a lot. If you can get another support linked to it, even better.

Also, Orb itself activates on a very low frequency, but it procs if you use a lightning skill while standing within it, so to add some extra damage, cast orb and follow up with a Ball Lightning or two (or whatever utility spell makes sense at the moment - Conductivity works as well, for example).

Oh, and make sure to follow Enki's instructions on the weapon. I haven't read them, but knowing him, they're bound to exist. Tl;dr: +1 to lightning spell gems is amazing. Otherwise, look for spell damage, cast speed, mana and whatever I've forgotten and Enki hasn't because he's awesome ;)

For other slots, make sure to have at least one item (usually chest) with as many linked sockets as possible. Linked sockets do more for damage than gear - especially early. And keep in mind that uniques can be a noob trap. Use them if they make sense for you, but don't equip them simply because of their rarity!

Good luck!
What are yall doing for bleed?
I've gotten stuck a few times with a stack or two and my regen couldn't keep up.

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