[3.19] Donkster5' LS Champ - Still great! Leaguestart to endgame SC and HC. Updated 8/18

Bow_To_Zohan wrote:
Account: Bow_To_Zohan
Character: Zohan_BKTank

Build is great and really enjoying it. Managed to farm Farruls Fur on first try and awesome to have. This league has made it easier to chase items from the atlas passive tree. Taken rituals as well for blizzard crown.
Last edited by Bow_To_Zohan on Mar 5, 2022, 5:17:01 PM
Last edited by Vyr75 on Mar 6, 2022, 12:21:56 PM
So the Ascendancy gives you Fortify?

I thought you had to have the Fortify Mastery or the support to have it. Was I wrong this entire time?
chrischoi wrote:
So the Ascendancy gives you Fortify?

I thought you had to have the Fortify Mastery or the support to have it. Was I wrong this entire time?

:). Happily, you are wrong. Champion is a champ for a reason. Perma-fortify for no cost is crazy good for tanking things.
Got one-shotted by Vaal Overseer with 5% health left on HC. Started over with your other build. I think I would have liked it much better if I just remade this one. Sigh.
chrischoi wrote:
Got one-shotted by Vaal Overseer with 5% health left on HC. Started over with your other build. I think I would have liked it much better if I just remade this one. Sigh.

I’m currently working on a galvanic arrow build that’s an amalgamation of the two. Could roll with that. Leveling is similar. I tried rolling it with raider and realized it’s very little added dps and so much less tanky, so am releveling it in SSFHC as a champ.

TR is tough around the end of act two and well into act three… then it just starts melting stuff with a four link. Mana is always an issue, though.
Thanks for this amazing build, I think I just finihed gearing, I´m so satisfied with all results, so nice clear speed, so tank, and incredible boss killer, thats a incredible all in one buil too.

This league only left 1 more challenge to get 36 and kill "the Feared",any advice to kill "The Feared"?, or I can try it atm... Thanks in advance...
I answer to me, Feared down, my first time ever, thanks so much for this INCREDIBLE build, really thaaanks¡¡¡...
Vyr75 wrote:
I answer to me, Feared down, my first time ever, thanks so much for this INCREDIBLE build, really thaaanks¡¡¡...

Congratulations!!! That’s huge.
Vyr75 wrote:
I answer to me, Feared down, my first time ever, thanks so much for this INCREDIBLE build, really thaaanks¡¡¡...

Congrats on the achievement!

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