Game Balance in Path of Exile: Ultimatum

Nerfing General's cry while cycloning? The endgame super boss killer was squishy and sucked at mapping. You could however build a cheap tankier version that couldn't do the beyond tier 16 endgame well but only cost about 10c.

I guess casuals who dont spend 40 hours a week should go back to slow farming with summoners until they gather 40 exalts for their league build. Or play a 78 button 12 ballista throwing templar that dies at the slightest breeze.

The self poisoning stuff was super op. The rest of the stuff getting nerfed never seemed so except maybe carrion golems.

Sad about Flesh and Stone being 10% more, but I can workaround for that ridiculously strong aura. Don't get me wrong, good nerf, I approve, but it hurts my planned build slightly.

Overall great nerfs. You are truly connected to your TRUE community and not the usual vocal suspects.

I applaud you for the balls you are showing with nerfing these much needed abuse-tier mechanics (splitting, explody, selfpoison etc...)

Looking forward to the detailed patch notes.

P.S. Please fix unarmed weapon swap to not require plopping up the inventory every time. :(
Arian Synthesis of G3
GGG why do you have to destroy everything that is fun?

why destroy the fractured map/fossils/harvest/DeepDelve/? do you think it's fun to have to go to the trade and buy the delirium orbs one by one? if this shit system that you call trade was good I would even accept these changes.
but I think it’s impossible for you to understand.
so good trash league guys, I'm out

Rip- delirium
Rip- self sustein farm
_edu_ wrote:
GGG why do you have to destroy everything that is fun?

why destroy the fractured map/fossils/harvest/DeepDelve/? do you think it's fun to have to go to the trade and buy the delirium orbs one by one? if this shit system that you call trade was good I would even accept these changes.
but I think it’s impossible for you to understand.
so good trash league guys, I'm out

Rip- delirium
Rip- self sustein farm

Bye :))))
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Path of Nerfs....unfortunately I didn’t like some nerfs, I thought it was unnecessary.
so many whiners yet again..

I swear this shit is too funny

go back playing d3 or some other shit if y'all whinnies don't like it

Nobody will miss you and the game will keep growning like it always does

Well deserved nerfs all around

I really like to read the comment on this forum, always make me smile to see how much people get offended when GGG do some nerf.

1. Most of the nerf I read are legit. Why lets people get build that can get infinite speed/damage for no cost? Make no sens!

2. Most people never do end game, so with a 5 link you can easy do t16 maps with most skill, why do you complain about nerf? You never gonna be the 1% that those nerf affect.

3. GGG always lets place for new overpower build, you just need to find them now, be creative and forget about those old ugly build you used to play.

4. Try to play glacial hammer, then after dying too much, take any other skill and you will find out that they are great!
Some of these nerfs sound like it comes from people who have heard these things are too strong, rather than actually playing the game lmao.

Like the hardened scars notable, why the fuck would you nerf that? Are you dense. Like 0.1% of people have even considered using this notable.
Luv u guys, playing 4 ever!
Hell of a GAME!

See ya in the league!

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