Fire Trap

Does Concentrated Effect increase the damage of the lingering ground AoE? I know it affects the size.
Currently, no. Damage over Time does not benefit (nor suffer) from generic Damage multipliers.
I'm sad that the trap is consumed but not placed if you get stunned while casting it. The mana should be consumed, but the trap doesn't leave your hand, so...
Dreggon wrote:
I'm sad that the trap is consumed but not placed if you get stunned while casting it. The mana should be consumed, but the trap doesn't leave your hand, so...

You pay the cost upfront for an attempt to activate the skill, not for its successful activation. That's how all skills work as far as I know.
Tarmalen wrote:
I would request that when zoning, if a character has a trap count greater than 0 then the trap count does not reset to 0. Highly frustrating zoning in and traps are sitting at 0 while I fend off a horde of mobs.

Either that or make sure all skills and spells have an 8 second "cooldown" when someone zones in.

The last part was a bit of sarcasm. Yet that is exactly what it feels like when one of your bread and butter skills needs to warm up before laying waste.

I am not advocating trap count set to 3 when leaving town but only when a player is out in the wilderness and the trap count has already charged up to 3 and he zones to another hostile area.

I suggested this too here:

It's very annoying to have the traps reset back to zero.
When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails.
Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism
does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect.
Anyone knows if Elemental Dominion increases the damage from the Initial Explosion of Fire Trap?

Edit: Added link to Elemental Dominion.
Last edited by tzavok on Jul 28, 2013, 5:21:45 PM
Higher end damage has been nerfed by around 40%! at level 20 and+, and we got 40 more burning damage in return!,E0CRM1M#0

EDIT: Whoever uses traps too and agrees, please support my thread under Suggestions Thank You.


I have been a Trapper since I began playing PoE, a Fire Trapper. It was fun and effective, but not so much to get a nerf.

Before the trap changes in Patch Version 0.11.5 I would have to use the Flammability Curse and 4 to 5, or sometimes all 6 Fire Traps to take down tough mobs and single-target bosses in Merciless.

I was at around 4,250+ damage per trap at the time. Now, Fire Traps are under-powered in that I don't have enough traps to use at once, and the damage is more lackluster, even after I've gotten all the Trap & Elemental/Fire Damage nodes.

Two balanced changes to make to Fire Traps:

1. Reduce the -20% penalty on initial blast damage by 5% (-15% instead)

2. Give players who use traps (by default) at least 1 additional trap we can use (4 traps total)

The above suggestion would apply to all traps, including but not limited to, Fire Traps.

Note: While there is a trap node that allows one additional trap to be placed on the ground, that is not the same as being able to use an additional trap.

Please, at least make these two small changes.
When game developers ignore the criticism that would improve their game, the game fails.
Just because a game receives a great amount of praise vs. only a small amount of criticism
does not mean to call it a day and make a foolish misplaced assumption that it is perfect.
Last edited by HeavyMetalGear on Sep 9, 2013, 10:26:12 PM
When you crit with fire trap, is the DoT increased by my crit multiplier too?
Treble wrote:
When you crit with fire trap, is the DoT increased by my crit multiplier too?
the way you ask this, implies crit multiplier works on both fire damage AND burning damage.

answer is no.
fire damage of the skill is multplied by crit value, then the burning dmage modifier works on THAT number. it doesn't pass another crit damage modifier, resists do however.

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