Fire Trap

This trap can be blocked by spellblock. For PvP reasons, this should be changed.

Currently Bear Trap is the only thing that can kill a maxblock tempest shield build* (already one of the most common if not the most common merc pvp builds), and the PvP gameplay of equipping a bunch of beartraps and leapslamming around until you can chain them on someone is just bad, bad gameplay. There needs to more options, which would naturally include firetrap, except it can be blocked.

*Except stacked HP RF, but that's a very specialized, difficult to assemble build that requires the most expensive unique in the game.
Last edited by aimlessgun on Apr 21, 2013, 11:00:26 PM
aimlessgun wrote:
This trap can be blocked by spellblock. For PvP reasons, this should be changed.

Currently Bear Trap is the only thing that can kill a maxblock tempest shield build* (already one of the most common if not the most common merc pvp builds), and the PvP gameplay of equipping a bunch of beartraps and leapslamming around until you can chain them on someone is just bad, bad gameplay. There needs to more options, which would naturally include firetrap, except it can be blocked.

*Except stacked HP RF, but that's a very specialized, difficult to assemble build that requires the most expensive unique in the game.
I'd try Fire Trap (for the burn DoT, if you're lucky it doesn't get blocked and hits hard regardless) with a Totem casting Flammability or Elemental Weakness.

If all else fails, plan B would be a sword-based melee build with lots of Reduced Enemy Block Chance.
When Stephen Colbert was killed by HYDRA's Project Insight in 2014, the comedy world lost a hero. Since his life model decoy isn't up to the task, please do not mistake my performance as political discussion. I'm just doing what Steve would have wanted.
ScrotieMcB wrote:
aimlessgun wrote:
This trap can be blocked by spellblock. For PvP reasons, this should be changed.

Currently Bear Trap is the only thing that can kill a maxblock tempest shield build* (already one of the most common if not the most common merc pvp builds), and the PvP gameplay of equipping a bunch of beartraps and leapslamming around until you can chain them on someone is just bad, bad gameplay. There needs to more options, which would naturally include firetrap, except it can be blocked.

*Except stacked HP RF, but that's a very specialized, difficult to assemble build that requires the most expensive unique in the game.
I'd try Fire Trap (for the burn DoT, if you're lucky it doesn't get blocked and hits hard regardless) with a Totem casting Flammability or Elemental Weakness.

If all else fails, plan B would be a sword-based melee build with lots of Reduced Enemy Block Chance.

Is that effective in your personal experience? Which blockers have you fought? Ckan, ADTR, foehammer, or someone else?

Swords with those passives I'm sure is effective, but that's just as niche if not more than Kaoms RF. I predict maxblockers are going to make up at least 20% of the pvp community, if not more, and non-specialty builds need more ways of dealing with them (actually if current balance was frozen and then imported into a real pvp systm with ladder/rewards, I bet 50% of pvpers would be maxblockers)
Last edited by aimlessgun on Apr 26, 2013, 1:43:43 AM
Hey Rory, I'm not much of a programmer, but would it be possible to make the health-degeneration effect work as a channeling spell in terms of scripts? I'm referring mostly to the fact that IIR/IIQ doesn't work with killing blow of that effect, and it makes fire trap kind of disappointing in this situation... sometimes I get completely 0 loot from rares in maps rolled with 100+ quantity :< I have to admit that this skill is very fun to use, as It reminds me of explosive grenade :)
IGN: ProjectPaffix

You wouldn't even think how exciting might be exile, unless You choose the "wrong turn".
I did a full and in-depth look at the fire trap skill here:

It can be very powerful for both levelling and for endgame, you just need to understand how the different effects interact with other game mechanics.
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Last edited by ZiggyD on Apr 28, 2013, 2:09:30 AM
Please GGG, have the traps already available when you zone in...
If you make a trap build like i am (using 3 fire and 3 bear trap) you have to wait forever when any other build could just run from the beginning.

This timer makes absolutely no sense for zone in
Hello there!
I play a marauder lvl 72 with fire trap and i'm having a really great time with it.
At least until I came to the Barraks(merciless).
The Arc skill casted by the BlackMages literally disarm almost all of my trap!
Their beam chain with the trap, disarm it and cause no dammage.
This make the zone almost impossible to pass through.

Witouth adding too much details, I can tell more about if asked...
Hope this is a bug...

A great fan of a so much more great game!!
ZiggyD wrote:
I did a full and in-depth look at the fire trap skill here:

It can be very powerful for both levelling and for endgame, you just need to understand how the different effects interact with other game mechanics.

Very helpful video. However as for a general recommendation on gem setup, having tried some different combinations, I find nothing beats 2 x Fire Trap, Chance to Ignite and Elemental Proliferation for the basic 4-link setup, adding in Increased Burning Damage and/or Concentrated Effect in a 5/6-link setup.

The burst damage potential on Fire Trap just further synergizes with the Ignite effect, and all the burn damage you're stacking anyway through passives, Searing Touch, quality bonuses and Increased Burning Damage.

Also keep in mind that Chance to Ignite has multiple chances to proc from one AoE hit, and with Elemental Proliferation, all you need is one hit.

The ground effect should just be considered gravy on top of the chance of igniting a target.
IGN : Jovial
Ok, Thank you!
But this do not answer my question ...
Gralash wrote:
Hello there!
I play a marauder lvl 72 with fire trap and i'm having a really great time with it.
At least until I came to the Barraks(merciless).
The Arc skill casted by the BlackMages literally disarm almost all of my trap!
Their beam chain with the trap, disarm it and cause no dammage.
This make the zone almost impossible to pass through.

Witouth adding too much details, I can tell more about if asked...
Hope this is a bug...

A great fan of a so much more great game!!

Welcome to the Hate Arc Mages Club. :)
IGN : Jovial

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