Ethereal Knives

azraelb wrote:
I play a lvl 82 EK witch, have done several lvl 70-73 maps together with FP, rain of arrow and some melee chars and I really dont think that EK does too much dmg in lategame or that e.g. FP is worse than EK.
No, I even think EK needs a boost to be able to compete with those other builds (in lategame!).
Especially weapon builds are greatly superior to EK as soon as you get the right gear.

With EK the only way to get more than 8-9k DPS (very very good 6L gear) is using low life RF with shavronne (even on low life FP is much better because of much more defensive). You dont have any other "more" multipliers, shock chance sucks because of the lame speed the only way to boost EK is spell/phys/projectile dmg and castspeed (both, but espeially these "incresed" modifiers have huge "diminishing return".
EK also isnt a real AoE spell like FP and doesnt have a "shotgun" effect wich is one of the main reasons why fireball and FP are so strong.
You also dont have any effect on crit with phys dmg and the curses are much worse (especially vulnerability, but also projectile weakness are pretty ridiculous compared to the elemental curses).

=> EK is a very good spell because you'll get ok dps even with pretty bad gear, but with the right gear especially fire spells will do so much more dmg (a crit with firetrap and some burning dmg is just insane...).
Same with lightning spells (but less dmg vs bosses because of the low shock chance) and cold spells have at least same dps (because of e.g. the shotgun effect) but a lot more defense...

Weapon based builds are better than (no low-life) spell builds anyway because of these OP weapons available in this game and additional flat basedmg on gear (wich doesnt work with spells at all).
-> never saw any spell builds who did as much dmg as some dualwield elecleave builds or 2H lightning strike builds or Lionseye RoA or...

Sorry this isnt true about the 9k damage being hard to get, ek can get much higher dps with way worse items.

my lvl 69 shadow who is ek does 10.5k dmg with a lvl 16 ek gem (20% quality) which is only 4 linked to added fire/fast cast/ fast projectiles.

It should be around 15k dps once ive level'd up myself and the gem.

Maybe they need to revise the chosen passive tree path if that's all they can manage with godly gear.

But I totally agree with what you are saying, ek compared to other spells is not OP. There really is no way to deal with physical reflect no matter what your armor is. This is the major drawback for the skill which balances it out.
Last edited by Anuthutantrum on May 29, 2013, 7:07:39 AM
Anuthutantrum wrote:

Maybe they need to revise the chosen passive tree path if that's all they can manage with godly gear.

But I totally agree with what you are saying, ek compared to other spells is not OP. There really is no way to deal with physical reflect no matter what your armor is. This is the major drawback for the skill which balances it out.

Phy reflect is a joke when EK users have their full (6-7) endurance charges up.
The main benefit of EK is that you can stack defense and still maintain good offense. What's your HP/armor by the way...
The chance to Vaal +1% maximum resists on an amulet is less than 1/300.
MasterCard wrote:
Anuthutantrum wrote:

Maybe they need to revise the chosen passive tree path if that's all they can manage with godly gear.

But I totally agree with what you are saying, ek compared to other spells is not OP. There really is no way to deal with physical reflect no matter what your armor is. This is the major drawback for the skill which balances it out.

Phy reflect is a joke when EK users have their full (6-7) endurance charges up.
The main benefit of EK is that you can stack defense and still maintain good offense. What's your HP/armor by the way...

No it is not a joke when you are doing 10k+ dps, considering all 10 of your projectiles hit which they almost always do, thats over 100k of dmg being reflected

Because of the way armor works endurance charges and armor stacking arent enough
Anuthutantrum wrote:
No it is not a joke when you are doing 10k+ dps, considering all 10 of your projectiles hit which they almost always do, thats over 100k of dmg being reflected

That's not how DPS works, that's not how Reflect works :/

For one, DPS is Damage per Second. To calculate the Reflected damage, you need Damage per Hit.

The Damage per Hit on the Character sheet ignores enemy defenses such as Armor and Resistances. Armor probably reduces damage by 10% or so because lol armor.

You probably have Elemental damage in there (Added Fire and/or Hatred), which is not reflected.

The reflection isn't 100%; don't know how much it is, but it's far below 50%.

THEN your Armor and Endurance Charge damage reductions are applied.

You won't take anywhere near 100k damage.
20% dmg nerf? Am I calculating this right?
Melkrow wrote:
20% dmg nerf? Am I calculating this right?

Probably a good thing the rustic sash got a major buff.
If I´m running EK with Lifeleechgem, Ghost Reaver and Vaal Pact do I still have to worry about Physical Reflect?

im curious if there has been a change in the way crit is rolled with EK. unless im mistaken crit is rolled per cast/attack and not per projectile.

I'm currently leveling a throwaway crit EK shadow for the level60 achievment. I've noticed that when using Hatred and Added Fire Damage some monsters will shatter in one hit while others will survive with ~40% life without being burned. So it seems that the crit is being rolled per projectile. I am NOT using critical weakness.
bloodmech21 wrote:
im curious if there has been a change in the way crit is rolled with EK. unless im mistaken crit is rolled per cast/attack and not per projectile.

I'm currently leveling a throwaway crit EK shadow for the level60 achievment. I've noticed that when using Hatred and Added Fire Damage some monsters will shatter in one hit while others will survive with ~40% life without being burned. So it seems that the crit is being rolled per projectile. I am NOT using critical weakness.

its likely that some of the mobs have elemental resistances, very common with act 3 mobs thats why they dont shatter, the crit roll is still per cast

Vipermagi wrote:
Anuthutantrum wrote:
No it is not a joke when you are doing 10k+ dps, considering all 10 of your projectiles hit which they almost always do, thats over 100k of dmg being reflected

That's not how DPS works, that's not how Reflect works :/

For one, DPS is Damage per Second. To calculate the Reflected damage, you need Damage per Hit.

The Damage per Hit on the Character sheet ignores enemy defenses such as Armor and Resistances. Armor probably reduces damage by 10% or so because lol armor.

You probably have Elemental damage in there (Added Fire and/or Hatred), which is not reflected.

The reflection isn't 100%; don't know how much it is, but it's far below 50%.

THEN your Armor and Endurance Charge damage reductions are applied.

You won't take anywhere near 100k damage.

Reflected damage is 18%
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Last edited by VictorDoom on Jun 21, 2013, 12:42:32 PM

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