Ethereal Knives

Cold damage is Elemental damage, yes.
another 2 options with ek build
low life lvl 80~82
1. RF build dps ~12-18k (if it's 2 heavy u'll die from 1 hit of reflect .. dont abuse:) )
+ rage if u have Shavronne's Wrappings
5k es

2. same, rf + rage
~8-10k es

Auras - harted, haste, discipline, purity, grace,(vitality)
IGN _morty_
So is it still the case that Mind Drinker doesn't work with EK?

I've seen people say "no because it's not an attack". That's a silly reason/response to me. It's obviously an attack. It's projectile physical.

If the Life Drinker node is only supposed to work with melee physical then it should say so.

Does it work with bows physical damage? If so then I would say it should also work with EK.
NightProwler wrote:
I've seen people say "no because it's not an attack". That's a silly reason/response to me. It's obviously an attack. It's projectile physical.

Yeah, and it's Spell damage, not Weapon damage. Hence, it's a Spell, not an Attack.

Whether it's Physical, Projectile, Fire, AoE or whatever has nothing to do with it being a Spell or an Attack. What matters is whether it deals damage based on the weapon you're using or not. If it does, it's an Attack. If it does not, it is either a Spell or it's neither (and to determine the difference there, look at whether Spell Damage applies or not).
what about the +% physical implicit belt, does it apply to our EKs damage?
IGN: flaxburn
crunchz87 wrote:
what about the +% physical implicit belt, does it apply to our EKs damage?

Yep. It's unspecified percent-Physical damage, ergo it applies to all Physical damage. It's not particularly impressive though; it's Increased, so it just stacks with Spell Damage and the likes. Life or ES is probably more useful.
Last edited by Vipermagi on Apr 10, 2013, 10:59:26 AM
Vipermagi wrote:
NightProwler wrote:
I've seen people say "no because it's not an attack". That's a silly reason/response to me. It's obviously an attack. It's projectile physical.

Yeah, and it's Spell damage, not Weapon damage. Hence, it's a Spell, not an Attack.

Whether it's Physical, Projectile, Fire, AoE or whatever has nothing to do with it being a Spell or an Attack. What matters is whether it deals damage based on the weapon you're using or not. If it does, it's an Attack. If it does not, it is either a Spell or it's neither (and to determine the difference there, look at whether Spell Damage applies or not).
I understand the mechanic, but I just don't like it. I would be more sympathetic if it was elemental damage, but its not. It's blades shooting out doing physical projectile damage.

I guess all EK builds are mean to be mana starved early game.


at·tack [uh-tak]
verb (used with object) set upon in a forceful, violent, hostile, or aggressive way, with or without a weapon; begin fighting with: He attacked him with his bare hands.

So I say again if they want it to only apply to weapon attacks it should say so.

bah what do I care, I've already wasted 25 regrets because of ambiguous tool tips.

Last edited by NightCicer on Apr 11, 2013, 12:02:07 PM
IGN: lVlage (96 Witch)
Last edited by lVlage on Mar 21, 2014, 10:18:23 AM
h3rp3s wrote:

Abuse it while you can. This spell is more broken than Freezing Pulse.
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i havent tried ek yet but i thoguht freeze pulse was more op o.o

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