Ethereal Knives

Why doesn't Quillrain affect this anymore ;/
IGN Generic_Player
Could I block Etheral Knive ? cause it deals physical damage but it's still a spell . I need an answer
IGN : SunPrice - Level 89 Standard
I have been using Projectile Weakness with my EK build but wondering if Vulnerability is better. Any thoughts?

SunPrice wrote:
Could I block Etheral Knive ? cause it deals physical damage but it's still a spell . I need an answer

Damage type is irrelevant. Only the skill type matters.
If you have Spell Block, you can block EK.
sharkh20 wrote:
TrueColor wrote:
Opus93 wrote:
Does this skill receive the bonus from %Increased Physical Damage found on weapons? I equipped Redbeak (+50% Physical damage) and EK showed no damage or dps increase.

%increased physical dmg will only work from non-wpn equip like belts (rustic sash) and some unique ring and helm

sharkh20 wrote:
I think what this skill needs is it's own shotgun formula

you cannot shotgun w/ physical spells, only 1 primary projectil per enemy will hit, the other fly past. but chain (is it still valuable after the nerv?) and fork working well.

That is only with projectile attacks though. This is a projectile spell. It is the only physical damage projectile spell in the game but it is still a spell. Other projectile spells shotgun. This one used to shotgun in it's early stages but the damage was too high (9 projectiles at the same time would be way too much all at the same damage). So they removed shotgun because of that.

I'd rather keep it this way,if it got the shotgun effect back it would need damage lowering then my current build will no longer be shattering enemies to pieces.Shot gun effect would make it too much like Freezing pulse and reduce build variation IMO.
I was reading that fork takes precedence before chain, so what would happen about fork-chain combo? It'd fork, then they'd chain, though the mana cost would be devastating. Yet full quality + full leveled mana leech could negate 6/25 of the total cost.i'd be willing to try it. Full upgrade calls say it should be around 261 damage.
The Mana cost would be huge and the per-hit damage terrible, but it would work as you describe, yes.
Hm. You could end up dealing ~200 damage with the gainback, PER knife. Autoaim + additional projectiles all hitting for 200 could wipe out a large group of swarmers...

Not terribly efficient, but good for clearing large swarms.
For one, 200 per hit is really shitty. :p
It's fine against extremely large packs, but anything less than that and you're better off with only Fork or Chain. That's kind of the issue with such an excessive setup.
Does anyone else think the base cast time of EK is a bit slow? I am currently using Invalesco's EK/hp-armor build, and I have taken all the reasonable to get cast speed nodes, as well as having 18% cast speed on my wand, and the spell still feels sluggish and slow.

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