Righteous Fire

Xapti wrote:
IsodorRodosi wrote:

your comment about lasting 8 seconds sounds wrong. You would not be able to keep the buff on for more than 7 seconds if you had 5% health regen, or 5 seconds if you had 0% health regen.

Ähhhm, guy..i play this char, dont plan it, and i testet it right now, i can hold it 28 seconds, and still combating.
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Last edited by IsodorRodosi on May 13, 2012, 2:30:31 AM
IsodorRodosi wrote:

Ähhhm, guy..i play this char, dont plan it, and i testet it right now, i can hold it 28 seconds, and still combating.
then why did you say 8 before? What's the regeneration you have? I'm not sure what level your vitality is or how it scales.
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it holds around 8 seconds, when i dont use any flask.

With flasks, i can hold it up to 28 seconds...than my hpreg flask and rubiflask are empty, but still have 2 full high hprecover/ dispel burning flasks
IGN: Toxic_Artillery

Obey the Orb:
Last edited by IsodorRodosi on May 13, 2012, 5:12:39 AM
That's what I was talking about — without flask. Of course a person could last longer with flasks. One could get up to 15 times the regular duration with flasks than without flasks, since one can use a potion every time they're about to hit zero life.
Fresh cakes for all occasions.
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Remember - 'Dominus Delivers'
Witch, lvl 45.

I now have 75% fire resist and got a burning dispell flask. This ability is quite usable. However it's not something I just have up every fight because the cast time and the necessity of blowing a flask drink and also regenning your ES. But I expect to roll another dousing flask soon, plus will be getting some more +ES and +ES recovery passives, which will further increase usability.

With it up, things are pretty ridiculous. I do 3400 DPS with Freezing pulse at lvl 45. And my gear is godawful since no twinking due to ladder reset.

My deliberately super low HP pool (340) can be a pain sometimes. I think the "cannot be frozen" unique ring will be a huge asset to this type of character because those water elementals are not fun.
Last edited by aimlessgun on May 13, 2012, 1:57:59 PM
aimlessgun wrote:

My deliberately super low HP pool (340) can be a pain sometimes. I think the "cannot be frozen" unique ring will be a huge asset to this type of character because those water elementals are not fun.
What about chaos damage or stunning? I was thinking chaos damage could be one of the biggest problems for a build like this.
Fresh cakes for all occasions.
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Call 1-800-DOMINUS
Remember - 'Dominus Delivers'
haha Xapti I'm doing that build... but with pain attunement

so I have 80hp at all times.

Yes chaos damage fucks my shit up HARDCORE
Xapti wrote:
aimlessgun wrote:

My deliberately super low HP pool (340) can be a pain sometimes. I think the "cannot be frozen" unique ring will be a huge asset to this type of character because those water elementals are not fun.
What about chaos damage or stunning? I was thinking chaos damage could be one of the biggest problems for a build like this.

I'm in Act1 Merc atm so it's all cold. I'm sure Act2 will be...interesting.
Act2 is a complete nightmare. There is such a ludicrous amount of chaos damage flying around that I feel there needs to be a resist for it or something. Not having CI is a MASSIVE liability now, and not having CI was already a big liability in 9.8
Last edited by aimlessgun on May 14, 2012, 10:37:53 AM
Yeah I just toggle my blood magic gem on and off my aura when in areas with chaos damage :/

It's dumb, but there you go.

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