Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Overmind29 wrote:
Eisbehr wrote:
The entire community is in turmoil. Whether it's the players or the content creators. I think it's significant that GGG hasn't even spoken up in the last six days after this post. There hasn't been such unrest in a long time and I would really be interested to see how they react to it. Do they ignore the condition of their players, or do they respond to it?! Who knows. All in all, a very weak performance in terms of implementation and communication.

They will never respond, because they don't need to. And they never do. It was an announcement, not a discussion opener. They made up their mind and told us how things will be. We can't do s**t about it. Which is really sad to see. They know people will buy MTX anyway and enough people will play next league regardless of what they do, tbh even if they added shop XP boosts, purchasable non-cosmetics and currency, it would still change nothing, people would complain, it would cause an uproar, but in the end enough people will still play so they would not care.

Sad but true, with this or things in general
The only times they respond is when Bex shows herself in "soft" reddit threads about minor bug that they can easily fix, and everyone be like "wow Bex! <3 amazing PR from GGG!"

And right before league launch to crete hype and sell more MTX. But that's just her job, nothing against.

Did you ever see someone commentating threads like performance issues ones? lol
Last edited by Pheu on Mar 16, 2021, 10:27:50 AM
I really don't get it, GGG, You really got back on the right track with Ritual/Maven, I had so much fun with this league, probably the only league I spent more than a month playing, having fun with builds, trying some crafts, doing stuff that used to be only done by people who play 24/7.

Now you're shooting at your feet again, why should you limit the game difficulty by cutting the only thing that made crafting somewhat enjoyable and obtainable by every player ?

The usual lack of response after these "manifestos" are a no surprise for me also, I guess you just wait for people to forget and move on.
Last edited by Mukee on Mar 16, 2021, 10:35:12 AM
Mukee wrote:
I really don't get it, GGG, You really got back on the right track with Ritual/Maven, I had so much fun with this league, probably the only league I spent more than a month playing, having fun with builds, trying some crafts, doing stuff that used to be only done by people who play 24/7.

Now you're shooting at your feet again, why should you limit the game difficulty by cutting the only thing that made crafting somewhat enjoyable and obtainable by every player ?

The usual lack of response after these "manifestos" are a no surprise for me also, I guess you just wait for people to forget and move on.

No response because a voice of average players is not loud enough to be heard by the PoE God Chris. He can hear only top players voice - the streamers voice. He can hear that they are currently not happy that all players get opportunity to obtain a decent gear without 10 hours daily farming. He has to fix it, prevent changes, prevent development. Everything, to keep them happy.

This is not true that targeted T1 crafts in Harvest are easy and quick!!! There still are required quite good knowledge of game mechanics and time of active play. Lets stop watching streamers. They will beg Chris to revert those changes because streamers without public will be bankrupted, no matter how hard they will farm the game. Let them close their eyes and spank their items with exalts to achieve satisfaction... Alone. ;)
Last edited by Mark__75 on Mar 16, 2021, 11:06:35 AM
I don't watch streamers anyhow. I didn't spend 500 bucks on an xbox, another 100 or so on stash tabs, 700 on a tv, 30 per month on xbox gold/gamepass, and 100 per month on the internet to watch someone else play my games. I could have done all that for free on my phone. I paid the price of admission to play, dammit.
fatelessguy wrote:
Azarhiel wrote:
To GGG i will remind some things about harvest :

Making an item requires you to go through 5 layers of RNG !!

Trading crafts is what makes it fast to achieve god tier items !!

Make a good decision for once because this will decide if players a gonna continue to support you in the future !!

Why do you talk for all players i wonder?

I stopped supporting with all the character power they introduced, and now i gonna start support again, cause i welcome changes which make gearing slower.

The worst practice is to talk for "all" or talk for "majority". Talk for urself.

How do you suppose that i talk for all players ? I don't care about power i just care about the game being fun, and a casino is not fun !! Gearing is already freaking slow when you play ALONE...

TRADING kills the game faster !!
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Don't see the problem
Endgame became harder - we get new way to get stronger items
But not so easy to find valuable Harvest craft
And perfect item craft can took hundreds attempts in horticrafting station
Looks well balanced so we dont need this changes
will miss 3.13 Harvest =(
How long is GGG going to wait to issue a follow up response to this? So many clarifications and actual addressing is needed right now.
Looks like Diablo 3 is back on the menu.
nice was way to easy to get perfect stuff and this was ruinning the game thx so much GGG

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