Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

wtf GGG, what are you doing?
i am just start thinking about crafting, about ssf, about new builds, but that?..
What do you mean the crafts are to easy to obtain. I was playing SSF style this league and it took me 50+ hours of running atolls to get somewhat decent rings (not perfect) for my build. This is with 4 harvest watchstones

but you know what? I actually enjoyed the experience. Knowing that I was getting closer and closer to what I wanted to achieve. (instead of blindly deleting currency)

Normally in a league I hit endgame play for a few days and quit. You know why? Not because my character is super overpowered. Its because farming good upgrades in endgame is ridiculously tedious. More then half of the time its literally gambling and deleting currency that you spent hours farming. The people who find this an enjoyable experience must literally have all the time in the world to play this game

GGG in a recent forum you said your hiring some new employee's. You should hire some players of the game also. Your so disconnected with how the average player plays this game. It is not fun closing your eyes and throwing an exalt at my item. Literally nobody does this! Who is going to brick an 100ex item when they have a 0.1% chance to make it better with that slam.

You guys should really come out with polls or something before you decide things like this so you stop getting so much backlash.

Well thats my 2 cents. It has definitely sucked out my will to play next league.

Last edited by bigboyblue on Mar 12, 2021, 5:46:03 PM
GGG you don't play your own game huh?!
i trust ggg knows better.
good job,for me this brings new fun rules to play by in next league.
Last edited by BlackPulsar on Mar 12, 2021, 5:12:19 PM
Here are some examples of statements that make sense:
- Crafts that add mods of specific types to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for Boots and Gloves.
- Crafts that add mods of specific types to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for crafts that apply Fire modifiers to items
- Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing craft that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item.

Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing mod that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item.

As written, this statement does not make sense. Is this statement specifically talking about augments or is it also talking about remove a random non-X modifier and add a random X modifier?
Zepepsico wrote:

I disagree. Everyone may want a min-maxed character, but it should not be obtainable unless with serious and extreme efforts!

I assume that you like myself and im sure many others also work 2 jobs 60-70 hours a week? Possibly with a family and maybe youre a good parent/partner and dont spend 6-12 hours a night on PoE? You're okay with chasing a build for years even if its nerfed into unplayability 7 months into your journey because 2 streamers made that build with 3000 ex budgets and it made GGGs personal preferences pout?

I would love to see your stream on how you make 200 ex an hour at 2 hours maximum a night.

I forgot the persons name but someone made a video on youtube that used to old crafting system to make a 2H axe that took 2 years and 15,000 exalts to min-max. That still leaves 8 pieces to craft. I would LOVE to see your stream at 2 hours a night as you farm in the ballpark of 40,000 exalts for the next 10 years and show us all how much fun you are having.

Perfect statement. By the time ANYONE who isn't part of the 1% wants to craft something, the game changes fundamentally and the item(s) are now worthless.

Harvest doesn't even make it overpowered; you still have to get the crafts required for your item, AND you still have to hit the right mod and tier.
Last but not least, the item will be vendor trash eventually anyway because a new base, or new mod will come out.

Every league is basically this. Such simple things like rings with curses on hit change destroyed every other ring in existence prior to that, including mirrored rings.

Can you imagine having mirrored rings that are now vendor trash?

That is what GGG is doing to crafting.
Wurstuskotus wrote:
GGG you don't play your own game huh?!

They never.....they admitted that they just copy build from the internet.

Also look at the past record of QA. Quite a lot of bad game design should be spotted in alpha stage, not in the release product (despite league is always an open beta)
This is the start of forum signature: I am not a GGG employee. About the username: Did you know Kowloon Gundam is made in Neo Hong Kong?

quote from the first page: "Please post one thread per issue, and check the forum for similar posts first"

This is the end of forum signature
Last edited by neohongkong on Mar 12, 2021, 5:17:31 PM
Here are some examples of statements that make sense:
- Crafts that add mods of specific types to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for Boots and Gloves.
- Crafts that add mods of specific types to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for crafts that apply Fire modifiers to items
- Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing craft that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item.

Crafts that add mods of specific types (like Physical Modifiers, for example) to items can now only be applied to non-influenced items, except for the existing mod that applies an influenced mod to an influenced item.

As written, this statement does not make sense. Is this statement specifically talking about augments or is it also talking about remove a random non-X modifier and add a random X modifier?

Remove a random x modifier - gone
Remove a random x and add x modifier - gone
Reroll value of x modifier - gone

augment a random x - applied only to non-influenced items
except for Augment a random influence modifier that can only be applied to influenced items

Remove non-x add x - still exist(not sure if it can be applied to influenced or not, but probably not)
Zepepsico wrote:

I disagree. Everyone may want a min-maxed character, but it should not be obtainable unless with serious and extreme efforts!

I assume that you like myself and im sure many others also work 2 jobs 60-70 hours a week? Possibly with a family and maybe youre a good parent/partner and dont spend 6-12 hours a night on PoE? You're okay with chasing a build for years even if its nerfed into unplayability 7 months into your journey because 2 streamers made that build with 3000 ex budgets and it made GGGs personal preferences pout?

I do have a family and guess what?
I skip some leagues. In most, I play casually and I accept that I will not go anywhere near a fantastic build. And you know what? It's fine! I still enjoy the game, and accept that when I cannot put in the efforts, I should not get the rewards. Occasionally, I do play seriously (at my level).

I spent a few years ago dreaming about Skyforth. I spent 4+ leagues maybe trying to chance them until I got lucky and got them. And ended up selling them to finance an interesting build.
So what? I didn't expect a right to get Skyforth, Headhunter, Volls every time I wanted them or needed them. And some were build enabling items. It's not as if I had the alternative of a cheaper option (I did play a couple of leagues with a Solaris Poorica though, so what!?).
I never got to experience Mjolnir at its peak because it was too expensive. Should GGG have made it easier for me to get one? Why? Why did I deserve to play with Mjolnir? Because I am a paying customer? I am not a Karen, and I do not believe in the customer's right to impose their whims onto a business.

When I played DAoC, I did not expect every artefact, with full xp and RR10.
When I played D2, I also didn't think I had a divine right to get my Oculus (had to farm a long time for one) or whatever other insane items there were.
In Star Wars Galaxy, did I think I was entitled to a lightsaber? Actually, guess what ha penned when all the customers complained that only a handful could play Jedi: they made Jedi easy, and the game nearly instantly died.

What I do realise from the thread though, is that Harvest did reduce the size of the steps between upgrades, and that is indeed something very positive: allow players to have a realistic upgrade path that takes at most a week or two of farming between item upgrades.

But now everyone it is no longer about upgrade paths. Everyone want a +2 wand or amulet. With life. And resist. And damage.
Everyone wants an explody chest, but also with a T1 life and and and and
Before, for explody stuff, you had to go impulsa, HoI, obliteration, Occultist (and maybe a few other options). But now everyone believes it is the new minimum standard and everyone is entitled to explody stuff because streamers explode a whole screen every millisecond.
edit: sorry I misread your post!


Remove non-x add x - still exist(not sure if it can be applied to influenced or not, but probably not)

This is what I'm getting at - it's not clear either way thus clarification is needed.
Last edited by deathsoverture on Mar 12, 2021, 5:24:30 PM

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