Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

urumi wrote:
Any news from GGG ?

Ofcourse! New MTX [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Eh. Yikes.
WELL DONE GGG! Ruin the game for your average playerbase while the expert crafters are going to make shit ton of currency of this. The SSF HC streamer such a pain, almost all of them are positive about this change while they run 500 map not even alching them 12 hours a day. No body wants this kind of boring gameplay. Let us enjoy our SC poe with harvest.
No supporter pack for next league from here on.
masta_czarny wrote:
urumi wrote:
Any news from GGG ?

Ofcourse! New MTX [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]

lol - Ranger bow lightning arrow crit build
MobileForce wrote:
Personally, I agree with all of the changes, harvest was very powerful and has reached a more stable level with this patch.
However, the PR that this one post emenates is just awful. The choice of words is absolutely appauling. Stop treating your players like children who want to smash on the shiny exalt button all day. Nobody in their right mind uses an exalted orb for slamming an item. Most of the time, just getting the item you want from trade is literally cheaper than an exalt.
Now, trade is a whole other can of worms i don't want to open.

"very powerful" because of trade and rapid accessibility. Trade is pretty big variable here. Think of it as a 'more' multiplier on Harvest. It took me 2 months to find 2 "deterministic" remove defense crafts. That's powerful? Seems perfectly balanced to me. This is the rarity that someone in SSF would probably experience as well. Could I find that craft in under 1 minute if I engaged in trade/forum? Probably. The trade element is what made harvest so OP, because collectively players could pool in together or quickly find the crafts they need.

Trade is the problem and not the Harvest mods themselves. Did you see people complaining that they couldn't even find Harvest chaining maps in Haewark? Yeah nevermind actually getting the craft you needed - first you had to find the damn tree! The manifesto is just veiled messaging to never implement account-bound items. The league mechanic was balanced just fine. In fact given its rarity I would have removed the 10 craft cap as well.

The actions of a few killed it for the majority of players.
✰CARD✰ The Survivalist
I can’t buy any more big supporter packs because the forum only supports showing 7 legacy tags.
Many people seem to be dismissing a lot of the criticism of this discussion as the game was fun before harvest so even if they removed Harvest completely it will still be fun.

Not only is this not the point it is not correct for many players. Many players never craft gear, I looked back and I have had a PoE account since 2013. in the eight years I have been playing I have not once truly crafted my gear more than socket colors, sockets, links, or crafting bench (maybe). I have farmed currency to trade for almost all gear used in the game after hitting maps. This wasnt "fun" this is what I did because it was a necessity for me to continue to enjoy the game. In ritual league I started crafting my first gear through Harvest. I bought the base still because lets be real dropping bases is still a pain. and crafted my first chest piece. I also got a really difficult socket coloration on a chest piece for another character that I tried to chrome and ran out of currency but in the end was able to harvest craft what I needed.

I dont bring this up because I believe that the game is ruined by nerfing Harvest. I bring this up because the game was BAD before Harvest and then people found something enjoyable and now they want to nerf it and make crafting BAD again. Is the overall game fun? Sure, for some. But for others like me who spent 8 years hoping they would make crafting fun, or make trading less painful, or make the drops actually worth while. But instead people like me and there are many like me, never craft, will walk on coals to trade because its the only way to get the gear we think we need to continue in the game, and will stop picking up rares unless we are doing the chaos recipe to buy said gear.

What this manefesto has done is open our eyes ever more to realize that GGG doesnt want these things to improve in the ways that make the game more enjoyable for me and people like me. Add to this the constant rebuking of making trading easier and you have an ARPG based on loot drops that is bad at loot drops, bad at trading, and bad with crafting.

Why does loot not drop identified so we can actually filter in the good loot? Why is there so much bad loot even given? (Think about how useless the drops are and if its useless WHY HAVE THEM IN THE GAME? Seriously why do we need a white item dropping from a map boss? Who actually picks that up? If no one does then why does it even exist? Why does the community call it a "trade" league but the devs actively put barriers and want to make it hard to trade so people dont trade as much? Why do the devs think anyone who is an average player uses an exalt to slam an item? These are all fundamental issues with the game that have existed before Harvest and will exist after and the game is not more "fun" for them.

The game didnt all the sudden become fun because of Harvest but it did add some fun for people like me and opened the door for crafting that in 8 years I have written off because its not worth the time and effort for my enjoyment.

The developers have a vision and that vision runs counter to a lot of peoples ideas of what they find fun (eyes closed exalt slamming) This just made it clear again to many that they dont plan on changing and for people like me who want to enjoy this game but know that it will not be what we hope it will be is disheartening.

Like many others I have decided to stop playing as this manifesto was the last straw. It wasnt Harvest mechanics being nerfed it is their design philosophy on items, trade, and crafting and how that gates content for me and what is needed for me to reach end game. I believe that PoE and GGG will be just fine without me and I wish it the best. But lets not pretend like many of the concerns being brought up arent widespread felt frustration and lets also not pretend like the game has no flaws in its basic mechanics and it feels like these are by design more and more.

Good, should have just been removed, and not gone core at all imo
Now everyone's pissed cause you took away their candy, they took harvest for granted even though it's only the 2nd league to have it..

Some sort of middleground could exist but as it was, crafting godly items was just ridiculous.
Face it, those items could never have been made without harvest doing the heavy lifting, and i'm pretty sure GGG never imagined people would fill their gear slots uniquely with influenced mods. It's likely they balanced around having a few of those mods per piece, instead you're now seeing daily showcases of 5 w/ elevateds.
cgexile wrote:
MobileForce wrote:
Personally, I agree with all of the changes, harvest was very powerful and has reached a more stable level with this patch.
However, the PR that this one post emenates is just awful. The choice of words is absolutely appauling. Stop treating your players like children who want to smash on the shiny exalt button all day. Nobody in their right mind uses an exalted orb for slamming an item. Most of the time, just getting the item you want from trade is literally cheaper than an exalt.
Now, trade is a whole other can of worms i don't want to open.

"very powerful" because of trade and rapid accessibility. Trade is pretty big variable here. Think of it as a 'more' multiplier on Harvest. It took me 2 months to find 2 "deterministic" remove defense crafts. That's powerful? Seems perfectly balanced to me. This is the rarity that someone in SSF would probably experience as well. Could I find that craft in under 1 minute if I engaged in trade/forum? Probably. The trade element is what made harvest so OP, because collectively players could pool in together or quickly find the crafts they need.

Trade is the problem and not the Harvest mods themselves. Did you see people complaining that they couldn't even find Harvest chaining maps in Haewark? Yeah nevermind actually getting the craft you needed - first you had to find the damn tree! The manifesto is just veiled messaging to never implement account-bound items. The league mechanic was balanced just fine. In fact given its rarity I would have removed the 10 craft cap as well.

The actions of a few killed it for the majority of players.

Pretty much sums it up.

GGG, if you're looking to replace your project leads, look to your forums. Your players seem to have more sense than you. xD
Maybe its finally time to start taking David Brevik's advice and start utilizing Bind on Equip type mechanics when it comes to Harvest crafting.

The entire point of Harvest is to make it possible for people to craft decent items for themselves and 99% of the issue with Harvest comes in the form of the Discord and Trading for the crafts to make perfect items. Doing such things without trading can take all league to complete even a single item currently or half way complete a couple items for your build even farming the correct regions with points allocated for harvest. It gives players not any control over their crafts but, also Goals... Something this game is starting to sorely need.

So eliminate the ability to trade the crafts. Only YOU who finds the crafts can use them and once you do use them on an item that item can no longer ever be traded to another player. Seems like a hell of a lot better middle ground. Everyone wins.

Going this route just kills diversity even more than it already is because everyone has to go back to outright buying ludacrisly overpriced items or in the case of some builds (The more creative ones) items that simply do not even exist. Thats one thing Harvest does so well is allows players so much control over crafting that it allows players to create items in such a way you can tailor them to your build no matter what it is instead of just buying overpriced item that are tied to known Meta.

There is a fine line between Consideration and Hesitation.
The former is Wisdom, the latter is Fear.
Last edited by Demonoz on Mar 12, 2021, 3:44:09 PM
HowToGusta wrote:

GGG, if you're looking to replace your project leads, look to your forums. Your players seem to have more sense than you. xD

These "players" are maybe 5-20k vs over 500k that don't complain/post at all because they are happy or don't care.
Arian Synthesis of G3

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