Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Azarhiel wrote:

Except that the game is balanced around trading and not SSF... TFT is just a mean to circle around a mecanic that was meant to be account bound and never being tradable from the beginning.

Nothing is account bound.
The craft should be easy to trade.
Everything is tradable, it is stupide to try to make an exception.
Dear Chris and GGG,

Perhaps you should conduct player-based surveys to make sure the dev team's ideas align with your players' (whether hardcore or casual). I have over 10,000 hours of play and spent thousands of $$$ because PoE has been the best RPG. Your out-of-nowhere killing of harvest and illogical reasoning behind this manifesto baffles me and shows how much out-of-touch your dev team is.

And instead of whining about TFT, enable crafts to be saved just like bestiary and prophecy. The third-party is there because you are lacking what you're suppose to have.

GGG, ask your players' opinions, not just your dev team's.
Last edited by joonpa on Mar 11, 2021, 5:08:57 PM
For me, this was the most exciting and fun league I have ever played, almost exclusively due to harvest crafting. I found that harvest league was too cumbersome to manage and really appreciated the way you brought harvest back. I agree that you nerfing harvest like this will make the game harder, but I don't' think it will take away from those who are aiming for end game amazing glory. If anything it allows more build diversity, and for streamers to create and show off more diverse builds. This could lead to some people finally seeing a build that appeals to them and picking up POE increasing the players base. I understand that it is your streamers and multi mirror farmers that help keep the game alive, but I have never really felt welcomed to get near end game content until this league. I hope you decide to scrap these changes and give us all a chance to do in a video game what we all strive to do, feel awesome and powerful.
Mokurp wrote:
i think is good to the game spread the harvest power between other league mechanics for example remove to alva temple, augment to bestiary, keep fracture/synthesis/remove and add to the harvest, add a item to remove a prefix/sufix to perandus so you can grind another mechanics equally powerful

(and add defense/fire/cold/lighthing/physical/caster exalted orbs)

slam exalted in a double influence item for try a 1/20 chance is not fun at all

even with a 1/5 chance, slamming exalts is not fun!

doing 50 harvests to get to the same point and putting in more effort with an actual sense of progression and completion, that is fun!
Terrible Change.
If the community reaction to nerfing Harvest is negative because people liked it and chose to repeatedly farm it for gear IN A GAME ABOUT GETTING GOOD GEAR over all the other content in the game, maybe Harvest isn't the problem.

Maybe the problem is that the other content in the game isn't nearly rewarding enough.

99.9% of the stuff hitting the ground is garbage that people just won't pick up. That's just not good design.

Deterministic outcomes is something the game needs, whether it be in Harvest or some other form that significantly mitigates the RNG aspect of the game. The outcry should really illustrate that.
Well, with all that gone and dusted, I guess no more POE after this league for me.

This is the apple level of out of touch.
Perhaps if good loot actually dropped, instead of the garbage it drops now, we wouldn't need Harvest crafting to such a degree. 99% of current loot is filtered away anyways, check out a deli map and try holding alt without your pc freezing. Shame.
Harvest rarely spawns and when it does 90% of harvest recipes are garbage and the ones that arent always have rubbish rng this why a lot of people dont bother at all with harvest and other content like heist. you add garbage then you decide to nerf it instead of fixing it? this game is all about quantity and NO quality disgraceful you need new management as your direction is that of a 5 year old! This game is destined for failure unless you fix crafting, loot drops are garbage and dropping same garbage uniques in high tier maps is a joke and this is only game that rare is better than unique which defeats purpose of naming it unique when it is not) trading and 1 shot mechanics (remove xp loss if you are too lazy to fix 1 shot mechanics cause by freezing when spawning encounters) and fixing means starting over from scratch as current system needs to be abolished! Focus on fixing one shot system as most people do not have op gear so if they are getting one shot with op gear what chance do most other majority of people have? Ohh did i mention no game has so many chests in a map some are even next to each other and over lapping instead of having 150 chests a map have 1 at end of map or for chest to spawn after killing boss or rare!GGG just love to add useless stuff to game genius! ALso would he nice to have a training dummy at hideout to tell you ur dps as current system is broken and have no idea of dps your character does without using a 3rd party app even then its not accurate!!!
Last edited by Nephilim999 on Mar 11, 2021, 5:43:16 PM
Why do this now? Why not let the league run out as is and make changes for next league? This was the one league that had been allowed to just exist without sudden overhauls. Until now.

I even agree, partially, with why the changes are coming about, but why do this so suddenly? You're just punishing your players for using a mechanic that you created in the first place. A mechanic that is largely responsible for making this one of the most played leagues in the game's history.

Until GGG removes all the excess mechanics and crafting possibilities that are useless, people will want deterministic crafting. Instead of fixing the former, you jumped to the latter and removed what little deterministic crafting is available for the game. We aren't your PoE2 beta testers, we're your community of PoE players. Stop telling us to go fuck ourselves every time we have fun.

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