Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Gambling is not crafting
astrartea wrote:
Hilarious to see people saying that it is too easy to make GG mirror tier items with harvest who don't have a single GG mirror tier item on their characters.
Like if it's so easy why tf are you running around with t6 ES on your gloves and 20% MS boots lmao.

bcs they have listed them for sale. they dont need those items. they want currency to gamble hh. think before you quack like a crow.
fk archnemesis.
Fenoch wrote:
it will always be a tad shitty for the first 7-14 days but the longer you engage the better everything gets.

Items as well as your currency stash. This is not minecraft or Diablo 3 where you become the Doomslayer within minutes.

First of all, thank you for gracing us with your comments to tell us what to think about this!

Secondly, on a more serious note, what makes you say this? Like, say examples, please. Flocks of new players roflstomping 100% delirious maps on week 1 because they can just harvest edit their toon? Is this happening? Or in what shape and form do you think harvest takes out the challenge?
Last edited by Cernunnos86 on Mar 11, 2021, 3:06:03 PM
astrartea wrote:
Hilarious to see people saying that it is too easy to make GG mirror tier items with harvest who don't have a single GG mirror tier item on their characters.
Like if it's so easy why tf are you running around with t6 ES on your gloves and 20% MS boots lmao.

sounds like chris in delirium league. lvl 85 on hcssf struggling with his physical rolls like, "I haven't fought sirus :^)"
Last edited by blaculahax on Mar 11, 2021, 3:08:13 PM
"FuN dEtEcTeD." ~GGG
Hail Thor-show thy might, Let thunder roar and lightning strike! Hurl thy hammer into the fray, And let thine enemies know fear this day!
not that I care about harvest too much, but I like that hopefully exalts will get more valuable now ;)
If this post isn't a demonstration of how out of touch the devs are with the game this point, idk what is. "Close your eyes and slam an exalt" - lol is this pre-fossil crafting? What are you guys even doing? I hope you take all this blow back into consideration because you guys are messing up big time.
BigGlebowskii wrote:
You guys can't understand one thing GGG are smart - they know that harvest is fun and players are in love with it. But if a player can make gear faster close content faster it means he will drop the leaguer faster == less money spent on the game.

So I feel sorry for that perfect mechanic I dont have so much time to play craft and so one.

Wtf are you even talking about? People drop leagues because of rng burnout, this is the most player retentive league in the game, with the highest league numbers. A lot of people are saying the reason they are playing the game so long is because they are able to get the gear they want more easily and crafting feels good for once. Harvest league wasn't enjoyable because of the garden system, that was the most popular critique of the league, even people who enjoyed the crafting hated the way it was implemented, now its implemented in an amazingly simple way.

This is my most played league, and also the league in which I've created and leveled the most amount of characters. Because I am able to get builds going easier instead of having to do a starter build for farming and a 2nd build that I actually want to build fully. That's how I've played every other league, I have a cyclone an ed contagion, a lancing steel all able to clear t16s and was working on a coc ball lightning build, 2 more builds than normal because I can finally get some meaningful progress.

[Removed by Support] no one finds chaos and exalt slamming enjoyable, no one likes to have a giant chance to brick items they spent days on, its not exciting its stressful as fuck and [Removed by Support]
Last edited by Will_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 3:19:08 PM
this change is not good at all...
harvest make me play more in a league without it i will just quit the league when the upgrades become too expensive (40ex+)
is pretty fun use harvest to try craft the other option is try 1 in 10k to get a good item
I never post on the forums, but this is really annoying. I've been playing since beta, and this is the most fun I've had in forever.

WE finally get a crafting system where normal players can craft decent items without a tab full of eternals, nd it is going away after 1 patch. I'm fine with divines going the way of the dodo, but the annuls and/or exalt crafts are the entire point of harvest crafting imo. I can live with less crafting options per harvest as well, but please don't take ways the ability to craft decent gear.

As far as the game becoming less fun because gear is too obtainable, I call shenanigans unless there are some metrics behind the scenes that we aren't privy to. Good items open up options for even more new and fun builds.

As far as the tft discord and stuff goes, I'm sure that I'm not the only one who refuses to use it and don't want to be kneecapped because others do. IMO, anything good enough to have someone else craft is good enough for someone to rip you off for, so I refuse to use other people to harvest craft my gear. I'm sure there are plenty of other players who feel the same.

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