Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

Not a big deal honestly, I wouldn't even mind if Harvest will get completely removed. With current horticrafting station limits, that enforces players to use TFT Discord for crafting, it's even more annoying than managing garden infrastructure.
I really liked to experiment with SSF-like crafting in Harvest league, however I totally doesn't enjoy current implementation.
If you are willing to do this I am also willing to uninstall your game, anyone can see how much I've supported poe over the course of the last couple of years. [Removed by Support] It costs already plenty to buy the current crafts and you are planning to make them even rarer? that's silly. Crafting with exalts and regular orbs is only possible by what? 5 people every league? [Removed by Support] You cannot treat as like lab rats constantly. The only thing you accomplish with this is diminish the already small player base. Good luck !
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 12:02:50 PM
please find a better solution for this.

make the good stuff rare, make it possible to trade via the official page would be my suggestion

also if harvest wasnt in the game in its current state i would have quit the league about 2 weeks in, because of the crashes. it was really bad this time.
Aim_Deep wrote:
nimbukie wrote:
I missed harvest league due to real life, but I was really enjoying the mechanics in this league.

In a primarily single player environment I don't see the issue with harvest as it currently is. I have crafted items other ways in the past and have gotten decent gear, this was slightly easier, but still required a massive amount of time investment.

I find more diversity in builds due to this system and more people willing to try different builds because of it.

As far as TFT goes, this is the first league where I have looked at it. My suggestion with all things that can get you scammed is never partake in something you cannot afford. Another words if you can't afford to lose an item, don't use a service like TFT. If you can afford to lose the item then make an adult decision to either risk it or don't, but do not whine and complain to the rest of us that own up to our decisions and risks.

1. Harvest is ok without changes it adds spice to life.
2. Measure risk vs reward before making decisions and own the result.

Really you enjoyed it? I fucking hate it.

Spending 20 minutes in grove in middle of mapping so you dont waste any crafts. Total buzz kill. The whole forcing all-Hamlet-all-the-time because Havest is miles above every other SSF system in game. Fossils and Jun mods are damn good but nothing compared to Harvest.

This implementation has been totally unfun for me.

You forget that noone forces you to complete the harvest.The same way you skip breach,abyss,legion and all other leagues that have been nerfed to the ground , you can skip harvest.The real problem from your point of view as i understand it is trading harvest crafts and not harvest itself.
Last edited by kakaniania on Mar 11, 2021, 11:54:25 AM
The problem is that there was no crafting in PoE until Harvest, just Gambling.

I have been playing PoE since beta and never "crafted" anything other than a flask, until Harvest. Harvest felt very engaging and became the league that I enjoyed the most out of them all. After its removal, I didn't come back, until Ritual. I came back because Harvest was back, and consequently the game held an actual crafting mechanic again. One that made sense and wasn't gambling disguised as crafting. Ritual exceeded Harvest and became my new all time favorite league. I really enjoy the way Harvest crafting is implemented now. I understand the slippery slope of making Harvest too accessible and I actually think GGG nailed it as is. It requires a lot of knowledge and resources to use effectively. And yes, people use discord for exchanging crafts, but there is serious risk associated with handing over the item to a stranger. Its almost like using Vaal orbs in some way!

As long as the game lacks a crafting system similar to Harvest, I can't enjoy to a similar extent. So based on this, I don't expect to play much next league. I'm out until crafting is back.

Last edited by Baelrog on Mar 11, 2021, 11:56:42 AM
this remembers me of another company.I thought i got rid of activision blizzard when i stopped playing d3...or im still playing it? so confusing....
after nerfing all the last leagues meta builds and ascendencys i said ,no problem cuz better crafting will balance out somehow (not in every case),then u start nerfing the crafting ,again btw. if i want eternal suffering with a game i will play dark souls not poe. i want to see next league in livestream ,how u level up,gear up,clear all the invitations,kill maven,kill sirius aw 9 ,and reach at least 2500 delve depth in ssf,all in daily 3-5 hours playtime on stream.
We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not.

NOBODY DOES THAT !! You only do that for fun after farming/buying millions of currency to craft stuff.

Nobody take the risk wtf, if people want better item they farm the currency and just buy it. You don't just slam exalt like that ... do you play your game ?
Last edited by Deonbekende on Mar 11, 2021, 11:58:58 AM
kakaniania wrote:

You forget that noone forces you to complete the harvest.The same way you skip breach,abyss,legion and all other leagues that have been nerfed to the ground , you can skip harvest.The real problem from your point of view as i understand it is trading harvest crafts and not harvest itself.

Is that people's main hang up here? That people are trading harvest crafts with each other? If so that seems silly.

Quick List of Crafting types people trade:
Beast, Fossil, Essence, Bench, Currency, Syndicate, Temple, Labyrinth Enchants(Via Paid Runs) Completed Items, literally anything and everything they can.

So why not harvests?

This is silly and going to make my build totally not viable
Suggestion: Prevent targeting influence mods instead of preventing influenced items to be crafted, I wanna craft at least resistances on my influenced gear.

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