Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting


Please make Harvest available to somewhat an SSF style mechanic, that means you will have a mini inventory preloaded with items before you open an instance. Likewise, once you enter the map, that mini inventory will be locked for that instance and you can't modify such. So, when you encounter a harvest area, you can only craft such pre-loaded item/s. In addition, even if you will go out and trade some items, you can't replace the pre-prepared item/s in your mini inventory. By this, I guess, you can eliminate the trading of harvest crafting and only the player's item/s on hand pre-fixed in the mini bag before running the map will be craftable.
Diablo 2 Ressurrected FTW!!!
Horrendous decision. I wonder if Chris and/or anyone else who made this decision really plays the game themselves and know the community of players. Just an absoulte shit show
Came here to say I'm highly dissatisfied with this manifesto and I'm too tired to type more. Well, not like GGG will read and reply to it anyway.
Best D4 advertisement ever

You used "Exalt slam" phrase exactly like Blizzard guy
You add deterministic craft in game and it was fun, we finally can play in ssf and have a plan to achive, your character was an achievment and his items.
Your philosophy of getting random items from loot form the ground doesnt work anymore like few years.

You add so many endgame, go and end Maven fights, full delirium juiced maps GO and find yourself pathetic little creature. You could not fight that with not meta\minion builds and i dont want to play them.

Go and use 1k alterations to have a 1 chance to make 70% from perfect melee weapon AND THEN ANNUL IT, because that's how your game works, you have item lvls, many mods and ways to use it, you bring harvest, and then you nerf it, when your entire item-loot system is 99% garbage. Your loot system is garbage for your own game against endgame, admit it.

We dont find enjoyable looting items in piles of garbage anymore, so we craft our items, our rare items because even unique items are garbage, they worth nothing and most of them cant be used on red maps, THEY DONT ENOUGH POWERFUL LIKE ENDGAME.

After you add deterministc craft in game, players got that this game dont have any craft, it's pure gamble
and we tired from casino where we cant win good items

good luck with your game
and good luck with performance, but that's you will nerf anyway
I love this game, but when i cant play with build I want because you make getting good items for that unethical too long, sorry i will play in games which i can enjoy in process not in pob

We have million builds,
I cant get, drop or loot items for my build from the ground, thats why we craft!
Why brick harvest?

Just remove Heist if you feel like destroying something, heist is freakin bad and useless. You probably won't lose a single player from removing that.
What a slap in the face...

This was by far my most favorite league!
Yes, I got my character to insane power levels.
Is it mirror tier? No.
Did I invest A LOT of time and resources in it?
YES. Did I have to to that? No.
Did I have fun while doing it? HELL YESS!
Would I have been still around without Harvest? Hell no!
Would I have still bought the supporter pack? No. No. No. No.

But. It was FUN. It gave me goals. Not a goal, but GOALS. For the first time ever, I dared dream and play and try items different from the top dps builds from Example - for my build I could've just gone with a Cloak of Defiance unique. Top dps'ers use it. No Harvest needed.
Instead, I chose to grind my ass off and craft a Crusader/Shaper chest. It took me a month. A MONTH! With a deterministic crafting system, as a casual player with slightly more time on my hands this league. Did that make me stop playing the game after crafting that chest? NO. It just gave me the next goal - how about trying an Elder / Warlord headpiece, even though all the top dps'ers use Elder / Crusader?

I got so IN LOVE not only with building and tweaking my character, but also with exploring things on the skill tree, on items, on fights.

After the poop storm that Heist was, I was really happy to think that finally GGG reconnected with their player base when launching Ritual... only to be slapped in the face now. Sorry... slammed in the face with a totally disconnected, smug line like closing your eyes while you exalt slamm...
Thanks GGG it really getting time to find a new game since you dont care about average players that can´t spend 12 hours a day to get endgame Gear. It was fun, but you don't care about your 99% of playerbase.
I play the game from the Perandus, the harvest missed the league, so I got to know the harvest only in this league. This is the best thing that has been in the game since the release in its current form, you can play with any assembly and any character, and not the 2 most meta ones, because you can't get items in any way. I'm not a very experienced player, most of whom I can't farm a mirror in a few days, and thanks to the harvest I can play the whole league for pleasure, and not two weeks as before. But now you've ruined everything.
I even bought a support pack for the first time, but now I'm sorry as I plan to delete the game after the league ends.
Azarhiel wrote:
DKSM13 wrote:
Appletree2k wrote:
I didn't see any overpowered amount of crafting options myself this league. But maybe 80 hours per week is the level GGG is optimizing towards?

That's my honest concern.
They always said they spent thousands of hours on diablo 2, they probably were that kind of player, all or most of the staff. Maybe it's an unavoidable bias: a game made by nerds for nerds (by no mean I want to sound offensive and I apologize if I do).

At the same time they DO have access to game internals, they can generate any kind of statistics and run in depth analysis on them. Is the average player the 80 hours per week dude? Maybe it is.
I know I'm not and yesterday I "finished" (read: call it done and move on) my first good harvest item: all tier 1-3 mods on a ghastly eye. That's my personal achievement in one year of POE, everything else was grinding and buying from crafters. Me and my buddy will try to pool whatever is left of harvest and try to make at least something of it before it's obliterated (cit. Sirus).

I spent thousands of hours in Diablo 2 :
That game had no craft, good loot system with few mods on items, and target farmable items whom will take between 100 and 1000 runs to have.

GGG decided to make a Diablo clone that :
- Has a gambling system as a crafting system
- Has more mods on items with no limit on how they are rolled (T8 rolls on ilvl 86 hallo ?)
- has no target farm possible without a triple layer of RNG.

Speaking of time : i spent 8 years in the game and never have crafting a signle good item with at least 2 tier 1 mods before harvest came to be a thing. Harvest, on its own is closer to what Diablo 2 was than PoE will never be without it...

The fact that you have an impressive amount of supporter badges gives further weight to your posts. I doubt it will make a difference. The game is structured to frustrate the player in almost every way possible which makes me think it's by design and that's a shame because it's SO good in many (other) ways.

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