Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

We're already having to pay up to 30ex for harvest crafts that other people find, because they are so rare now that almost nobody can find them. There's no guarantee you'll get what you want with that either, you might have to pay that price over and over again - to the point that you might as well just mirror something from someone else, taking all the fun out of crafting one yourself.

Is it elite enough yet?

...Apparently not.
Last edited by Obright on Mar 11, 2021, 11:19:48 AM
Welcome to path of gambling,gamblers by GGG
DKSM13 wrote:
Appletree2k wrote:
I didn't see any overpowered amount of crafting options myself this league. But maybe 80 hours per week is the level GGG is optimizing towards?

That's my honest concern.
They always said they spent thousands of hours on diablo 2, they probably were that kind of player, all or most of the staff. Maybe it's an unavoidable bias: a game made by nerds for nerds (by no mean I want to sound offensive and I apologize if I do).

At the same time they DO have access to game internals, they can generate any kind of statistics and run in depth analysis on them. Is the average player the 80 hours per week dude? Maybe it is.
I know I'm not and yesterday I "finished" (read: call it done and move on) my first good harvest item: all tier 1-3 mods on a ghastly eye. That's my personal achievement in one year of POE, everything else was grinding and buying from crafters. Me and my buddy will try to pool whatever is left of harvest and try to make at least something of it before it's obliterated (cit. Sirus).

I spent thousands of hours in Diablo 2 :
That game had no craft, good loot system with few mods on items, and target farmable items whom will take between 100 and 1000 runs to have.

GGG decided to make a Diablo clone that :
- Has a gambling system as a crafting system
- Has more mods on items with no limit on how they are rolled (T8 rolls on ilvl 86 hallo ?)
- has no target farm possible without a triple layer of RNG.

Speaking of time : i spent 8 years in the game and never have crafting a signle good item with at least 2 tier 1 mods before harvest came to be a thing. Harvest, on its own is closer to what Diablo 2 was than PoE will never be without it...
Path of Exile is a Casino for gambling addicts.
Gambling is not fun nor a game mechanic...
Armaged00m wrote:
real issue with harvest is TFT. Without TFT it would be pretty much balanced and it would take so much time to craft GG item but people who play a lot would deserve to get it sooner or later like they do in hardcore for example without trading harvest crafts.

While with TFT in Softcore players are just buying crafts from others and making GG items easily within few hours in some cases and thats just stupid for grindy game like this.

I am also casual player and this was my first league but I finished all content within a month so I can see why harvest is OP , its basically too easy for anyone to craft gear they want if u spend some time in TFT discord.
But anyway u can still finish all content without much issues without gg gear and u will still be able to use harvest next league after nerf for some solid crafts while GG gear will be harder to craft as it should be the case for tryhard gamers. If you want everything given to u then just go to Diablo I guess or some other dogshit ARPG game where u can get OP gear within a week. PoE was never like that and now I can see why its so many levels above others.

Basically I can't wait to start next league without those few stupidly OP crafts so I can actually work on my gear and earn it with time instead to just trade crafts for GG items all day long. PoE devs know what they are doing , otherwise this game would not be on top. Even if they lose some casuals because of this harvest nerf , it is still for the good of the game and its future which will seperate it from other ARPGs which are basically easy mode compared to PoE, so if u want easy ARPG to craft GG items then go somewhere else I guess.

Yeah, that's why only 1 % reaches Maps and only a barely Minimum of that reaches red Maps. It's soo easy. Don't judge from yourself to others. There are multiple people who are not even see endgame once in years.

And guess what: you are not forced to get the crafts. You still can work yourself the way up to all content. You don't need to gut 99,9 percent of the playerbase from a fun experience somewhat near the endgame.
I hope you developers see just how devastating this change is to the community's mindset and change course. This is a huge error.
I'm looking forward to Diablo 4. If I don't have the opportunity to make my character good, then I simply won't have the desire to buy support packs.
В темноту назад и в низ!
Aside from just deleting Harvest, there is nothing GGG can do tha nerfs Harvest for the top while letting everyone else have fun. This will just annoy top players, which will still keep Discording crafts, and ruin Harvest for the rest.

Harvest was a mistake, because this game's "crafting" system is horrendous.
Well, at least I'll be back running actual content instead of praying for Harvest, so I guess that's something.
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

The worst feeling, no one does that.

even if you have the currency to do that, spamming exalt/annuls is definitely not engaging and it is boring as fuck.
oh, wow i have ~ 1 in 1000 to improve my item, if not i have ~ 4 out 6 to not destroy/worsen it and then again 1 in 1000.......booooring

ok then lets identify 100-200 rares per map...zzzzzz. WTF
there are reason no one picks up rares.

Harvest allows you to be a little strategic about crafting and it is engaging, even if you copy known recipes/strategies.

enough reasons have already been mentioned.

Never wrote answers like many others, but this manifesto made me.. I don't know, angry and sad i suppose. I usually played the game for 3-4 weeks and left, this legue we even created a private legue with friend and are still playing, cause we had possibility not to buy gear after brainless farm, Harvest gave us possibility to craft what we wanted, i tryed a lot of builds cause i had possibility to create gear i need. Less rng made POE much more intresting and enjoible at least for me and all people i know playing. Now it means we get yolo back and loose a lot of sence in grinding. Yolo annul, yolo exalt, get crap on gear you crafted for several days or bought for xxx exalts, feel all the time you lost, get disappointed. Thanks. I really like this game, but this is the worst decision i saw from developers in a long time. Target crafting was a step forward, now we go back to the stoneage.
Delv wrote:
Harvest was a mistake and should never have gone core.

Whoa whoa wait wait. You only play SSF? Why the heck do YOU care about Harvest? You know you can just skip that content if you think it is a mistake... right? Why does what other people do in the game have any effect on you? Wow man.. just wow.

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