Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

12egret wrote:
RIP proper end-game crafting.

"War's over, soldier. You just don't know it yet. Everybody lost."
God damn this is some bullshit. remove beast spilt first thats the really game breaker, harvestcrafting is not breaking the game by such a bigger margin then all the stuff alrteady is. only the most uber items will be hit by this in the way you intended, all the other peaople whom had a more then descent item but had an unwanted or bad RES now can only hope that their anull removes it, and if your budget is below 5 ex, an anull on an item can be devestating. thanks GGG you miss the target again by a lot.
GGG philosophy:

"We made a looter game where 99.99999% of dropped items are unusable trash.
We made a looter game where most uniques are garbage because we don't want them to be best in slot.
We made a looter game where the best items are "crafted" rares.
We made a game with no crafting in it...."

So here's my suggestion ggg, maybe stop nerfing everything, I get it's a grind game but it really feels like you have no idea what your player base wants.

As a company that pretends to care about player choice (looking at you passive tree) maybe stop trying to make people play the way you want them to and let them have fun.

I've played the last 2 leagues till the last second of the league I typically play one main character for the entire league and harvest feels better than just getting an rsi spamming essence of greed/scours or alch scours until I run out of currency and feel bad about my life decisions.
Rolling the lottery on an item isn't crafting it's gambling nothing more nothing less and it doesn't "feel good" it's a chore, if you WANT to gamble vaal orbs are a thing.
If your game is trivialised by good items and basically impossible to get into the end game at all with normal items for most players maybe it's time to re-evaluate the game balance.

The reality is when it come to min maxxing anything but a tier 1 mod means the item needs to be rerolled.
Exalts and the crafting bench mean that you never want to just yolo exalt something unless you're dripping in them either.

The problem is TFT here not harvest, I'm not finding the crafts I need at all and I'm farming harvest as much as possible.
next league I won't even be able use harvest at all because the mods I need only roll on elder/warlord chests.
Oshabi should be either a unique map or something like vaal temple.
Either keep harvest as is or just delete it from the game.
Last edited by moldycondom on Sep 18, 2024, 10:18:33 AM
All this change does is prevent a majority of people who don't buy/sell crafts from truly enjoying the game by crafting their own items.
Not to mention that it will now be even harder for us filthy casuals to get really good items because they will be selling for such a high price we won't be able to afford them, let alone craft them (for the most part).

And "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." [Removed by Support] How many exalts do you think casual players have? Ok now how many of us casual players are willing to use an Exalt to try and get a good mod? Exalts are far too valuable for us because we have to save them to buy the fucking overpriced items on trade because we typically cannot craft our own without Harvest.

A better way to "fix" this would have been to make the crafts disappear after 5 minutes, or ditch the storage. Account bound would be the optimal fix but I don't want that.

[Removed by Support]
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Mar 11, 2021, 10:42:49 AM
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Did this Guy ever slammed Exalts worth 2 months of Lifeless Grind without getting anything good out of it?
Here's how the next season looks for a casual player...

you have to farm useless items with useless gear and spend hard earned currency for pure rng luck while you never reach the endgame.

Meanwhile you die a lot more frequently to one-shots and other ridiculus stuff, preferably in a non regen map and statisticly you'll do that while dealing with massive disconnects in the first 4 weeks.

If that's how you like your games to be designed it is your decision, but it is mine not to play.

And by the way the top 1% won't pay your bills
well perhaps give the players some sort of crafting options which are nearly not only luck based. spending a ton of orbs and getting nothing, just because you didnt hit a certain mod is frustrating and meaningless.
the whole crafting system is too convoluted and in any way viable to understand for new players. if u guys dont realize this, i am sry but than you clearly lost sight over the whole project.
Blutgarde wrote:
"We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not."

Did this Guy ever slammed Exalts worth 2 months of Lifeless Grind without getting anything good out of it?

Preach it. Also, me personally whenever I would use a Harvest slam or annul/slam I would close my eyes and smile and be excited. I would seriously be happy when I saw a Sacred Grove. This change is major ass.

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