Development Manifesto: Harvest Crafting

The feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not

Most of the time we have less than 1% chance of slamming the desired suffix or prefix, yeah so 99% chance to bricking the Item, such wow, much joy, very exciting. Its the worste feeling i ever had in a Game! Feel free to take that feeling away!
Alexbars4 wrote:
KalElAgent47 wrote:
I stopped supporting this game since Q1 or 2 2019. You do not understand your player base.

Majority of the players do not make mirror tier items. Majority of the players do not even make a 10-20 Exalted Orb Budget build.

The fact that you type this garbage and post it "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not" shows how little you understand this game. You are balancing itemization around the top of the player base. They will always have good items regardless of harvest.

This nerf is laughable considering almost every other form of crafting is a waste of space in this game. You say that harvest becomes the only reliable form and other forms are ignored(paraphrasing here) but that is because you nerfed everything, you nerfed took away a lot of exclusive mods/weight from make all weights insanely low in general...

Please tell me why an amazing item should take someone 3000 alts > 1000+ augments and 3000+ imprints with 3000 regals and then Cannot roll attack mods with wasted exalt slams for t50 strength?

Imagine wanting your players to sit in hideout for hours focused to make sure they don't alteration spam over the 25 weight explode...

I'm likely gonna skip 3.14 and every league after that because you've shown that you don't even know how to make tons of builds/new skills viable and the meta is literally the same 2-6 builds every league in 1 variation or another.

I generally never crafted because it's a waste of a persons time and I always have to resort to tricks to make currency instead of making a cool appealing item...Every time I've enjoyed crafting, it's been heavily nerfed. Fossils..Multi mod changes(mod pool and such) and now Harvest.

P.S Don't even get me started on the worst performance of a constantly updated game I've ever played in my life

Wonderful words.

very well explained! thank you
Jaktchorak wrote:
Is harvest crafting too strong and by far superior to any other crafting methods in the game? Absolutely

Should have harvest been reintroduced in 3.13? No


Remove harvest altogether and revert the fossil crafting nerfs.

Fossil / essence + harvest are complementary Imo.

But yeah, harvest is far superior to annul / exalt craft. Because it is deterministic, and it's a great thing to have a way to target craft. When the +3 bow was discovered, some were upset like now with harvest. Was it a bad thing, not at all...
Guess it's back to 8 unique carrion golems in 3.14 then.

Goodbye fun game.
Something tells me that this harvest thing is ruining business for online currency traders. Just not sure why does it bother GGG so much....or is it becouse...??!!
You will probably destroy the best part of the game, which is a lot of fun

GGG dont do that!
Ruffleberg wrote:
Even the crafts we made quite rare felt pretty common when the entire community was pooling them together and using them on the right items.

It is clear that trading Harvest crafts is the problem.

Finding a solution for that would be much better.

The game cannot recognize the difference between an item that is traded for that you intend to craft on to use yourself versus an item that is traded to you for the sole purpose of giving it back to them for Exalts.

The only way around this is to introduce account bound items. (Which China Version does have), but many would not like this idea.

Simply making it so you can't annul or exalt influenced items outside the influence specific ones would of been enough.

Almost every GG mirror tier item made is some type of influence.

Instead they overnerfed several aspects.

It will still have plenty of strengths to use.

But their haphazard reasoning for these nerfs really makes them look out of touch with their player base.
Its the first time i enjoyed the game so much because of the profits the harvest gives and now its gone.. Well atleast i experienced how it feels having a Headhunter. Yes im part of the 99%.

Well hello Diablo 3 remake then.
Smoothy88 wrote:
Dear GGG,

I am not going to bash you, because I have enjoyed and still enjoy playing your game.

However, I do agree with the majority of players that these harvest changes are not ideal. This league I have started playing SSF, because with Harvest and Ritual I felt that that SSF has a lot to offer and I can play the game as it should be and making usefull items by my own.

Especially with the introduction of the late game content which is extremely hard as it is I just barely managed to defeat Maven in SSF 2 months in the league. I would say this is pretty balanced with all the hours i have put in. With the changes you are planning to Harvest it will make it extremely harder for SSF players to do.

Another benefit with Harvest in its current state is the build diversity, people are actually playing more than 1-2 builds that everyone is players while leaving the rest aside. Isnt build diversity what you want?

Usually im already burned-out around 3-4 weeks in the league, while now I am still playing the league 2 months in and still have not finished the gear for my character despite Harvest beeing available. In SSF Harvest is totally balanced and offers a great experience to SSF players beeing able to make gear that for the most part only available in trade.

With regards to trade league, I believe the great numbers of players and the enjoyment all players are experiencing is thanks to Harvest in its current state. The majority of players is still not able to make mirror tier items . Only a small % of players that are playing the game as a full time job are, and with all the hours they invest... i say let them... It is not bothering anyway.

Yet you have decided to change this, which impacts the biggest part of your community in a negative way. We do not want that only people that are playing the game 10 hours a day have access to high tier crafts and we do not want to whisper players and pay them exalts for a boss service because we do not have 1000 of exalts to get that so called "close your eyes feeling". We want do this on our own and with Harvest the majority of us actually can!

PS, whoever came up with that exalt slam quote has not really played the game nor understands what the majority of players want. Nobody wants to ruin his item he spend so much trying to craft with a 1/6000 possibility and hit stun and block recovery or increased rarity of items found..

I hope you guys wont be stubborn and listen to your community because we want to help you realize that poe can be played forever which is the goal you are aiming for.

These three quotes summarise in what state the game is for last few years... :( Fix it, PLEASE! But the way WE want, not YOU, since you're NOT PLAYING IT anyway, as we clearly see!

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