[3.14] Cospri's Malice CoC Ice Nova Inquisitor - League Starter.

HamBanner wrote:
u got 8.5s APS with 0% CDR

maybe u should start there :) and get the 14% Breakpoint and lower ur APs to <7.57

Mind taking a look at mine? https://pastebin.com/12FTFr5G

I simply cannot see the APS stat anywhere in my pob.
hey guys!
im having trouble with the aps/cdr thing too. My POB shows an attack rate of 7.79. Ingame it shows ats per second of 6.71.

Im using replica soul tether. So how can i reduce my aps or increase my cdr?

Currently i got 0 cdr.

This is my pastebin


thanks for any advice
Kindareagle wrote:
hey guys!
im having trouble with the aps/cdr thing too. My POB shows an attack rate of 7.79. Ingame it shows ats per second of 6.71.

Im using replica soul tether. So how can i reduce my aps or increase my cdr?

Currently i got 0 cdr.

This is my pastebin


thanks for any advice

Get awakened CoC for cdr and divine your sword for lowering aps (don't look in-game, check aps only in pob)
Last edited by skiminok1989 on May 1, 2021, 1:54:17 PM

Kindareagle wrote:
hey guys!
im having trouble with the aps/cdr thing too. My POB shows an attack rate of 7.79. Ingame it shows ats per second of 6.71.

Im using replica soul tether. So how can i reduce my aps or increase my cdr?

Currently i got 0 cdr.

This is my pastebin


thanks for any advice

Get awakened CoC for cdr and divine your sword for lowering aps (don't look in-game, check aps only in pob)

so with aw coc that gives +14cdr and an 8 attackspeed cospri (7.53 attack rate i should be fine?
Kindareagle wrote:

Kindareagle wrote:
hey guys!
im having trouble with the aps/cdr thing too. My POB shows an attack rate of 7.79. Ingame it shows ats per second of 6.71.

Im using replica soul tether. So how can i reduce my aps or increase my cdr?

Currently i got 0 cdr.

This is my pastebin


thanks for any advice

Get awakened CoC for cdr and divine your sword for lowering aps (don't look in-game, check aps only in pob)

so with aw coc that gives +14cdr and an 8 attackspeed cospri (7.53 attack rate i should be fine?

Also keep in mind that Onslaught and frenzy charges will increase your APS
Last edited by skiminok1989 on May 1, 2021, 2:31:22 PM
yeah i checked pob, the calculated 7.53 is with onslought on
a Quote from Kamis Guide

How the Build works, Aps and CdR

1) you hit an enemie with Cyclone -> try getting 100% Hit Chance

2)on that hit you try to get a critikal strike -> try to get 100% critical strike chance for Cyclone

3)the hit with cyclone crits and your CoC gem activates so you cast on crit Ice Nova thats linked to it in your gem setup.

4)After that you Cospri's Malice is going to trigger and shoots Frostbolt

If you wanne go deeper in the substance of how CoC works:

Cooldown reduction is a very important stat in our build, cause there are Breakpoints we can hit to cast more often Ice Nova with Cast on Critical through Cyclone.

BP0 At 0-13% CDR you need to stay below <6.06 APS

BP1 At 14-51% CDR you need to stay below <7.57 APS

BP2 At 52%-57% CDR you need to stay below <10.1 APS

In the End we need to get the BP1 Breakpoint, so wee need atleas 14% CDR

you can get the stats on Boots, Belt or the awakening gem @lvl.3

If you have higher aps with your cyclone then the BP you got, you start missing casts from Ice Nova and loose a bunch of dps

for the aps calculation in PoB Fork:

1) import build
2) go to cyclone as your main skill
3) activate all flasks
4) activate Mistwalker, Onslaught, Frenzy Charges only if you got it from Gear, Gems or somewhere else

maybe it helps u guys
Last edited by HamBanner on May 1, 2021, 3:04:22 PM
It sucks that such a counterintuitive mechanic is in the way of clear upgrades, outside of CDR. In my case I'd have to buy a 13 ex awakeneded gem and dumpster a lot, just to meet the middle threshold. Gonna say screw it to that and just roll with what I got.

My bug list would look something like this:

-replace frostbite with added cold damage to get rid of frenzy charges/alternatively replace tailwind boots.
-replace cast on crit with awakened cast on crit lvl 3 to get CDR.
-lower cospri AS to 8%
-remove AS gem and replace with something without AS
-Spec out of precision and coordination to lower AS.

That way I'd end up on 7.51APS with enabled onslaught and tailwind, no frenzy charges.

In general this build is too expensive compared to performance, although a lot of fun.
Last edited by Flaxiz on May 1, 2021, 6:59:48 PM
I've been using this helmet to save four points in aura reservation. Has helped me get in everything I need with ~50 mana remaining.

how do you guys deal with Stuns ???

Mainly in ultimatums i die becaouse i get stunned and stoping attacking.

i Think maybe sacrifice 3 points and getting Unwavering Stance, anyone has tested this ??

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