[3.12] Aura Stacker CI - 50ex Budget Guide | Upgrades to 500ex budget | Immortal

Carben91 wrote:

i changed your pob a bit.


any tips on what I can change to gain charges?
Carben91 wrote:

U rly should drop Grace, Dread Banner and Determination. They will not rly help u with survivability.

Effective "health" pool

39k - 90k - 69k - 86k

22k - 56k - 56k - 56k

Yap, they dont realy help :)
Gabriel666DVL wrote:
Carben91 wrote:

U rly should drop Grace, Dread Banner and Determination. They will not rly help u with survivability.

Effective "health" pool

39k - 90k - 69k - 86k

22k - 56k - 56k - 56k

Yap, they dont realy help :)

You compare EHP without DMG. Dealing more DMG is a rly strong layer of defence. Dead Mobs cant kill u.

His only real weakness in Defence is Corrupted Blood. And u could improve his PHy tankiness with just a Basalt Flask and its 37k maximum hit taken.

The next Problem with your EHP is thats only better because of Grace/Determination. You should read how Evade and Armor works and understood thats its useally doenst is that effectiv against bosses as its shown ingame or at Pob. EHP maybe at all lower at my Pob but its also sure that its not 39 90 69 86 in the first one.
Both layer will be calculate with avg. Hits or Acc of Mob of your lvl and thats shit. Because most Bosses got 100% or 200% more ACC or DMG so your dodge chance or armor reduce are way lower.

Last edited by Carben91 on Dec 1, 2020, 10:38:16 AM
Yeah, the shock is a mistake. There is no shock happening on Sirus.
But low level mobs do get shocked
Carben91 wrote:

i changed your pob a bit.


Cant understand how u obtain frenzy and endurance charges here?
Gabriel666DVL wrote:
Carben91 wrote:

i changed your pob a bit.


Cant understand how u obtain frenzy and endurance charges here?

Passive Tree Charge on kill. Only for Sirus u dont got them.
Hey :) https://pastebin.com/u8wJZeX6

any chance to get more survability and dmg? I can't really do 100% t16 delis... don't know why but I die too often or don't do enough dmg...
Schwitzberger wrote:
Hey :) https://pastebin.com/u8wJZeX6

any chance to get more survability and dmg? I can't really do 100% t16 delis... don't know why but I die too often or don't do enough dmg...

Big mistake, you have allocated nodes to large cluster instead of medium aura effect.
That one point will take you above 4.0 !

your gems and links are wrong

The links should be like this

Div pure of ice, Div pure of ele, div determination, enhance 4

And must use anomalous purity of lightning and anomalous purity of fire.

Also switch to Militant faith Transcendence, this makes you unkillable.

Add me on discord or message ign
added you on disc. thx a lot :)

Big mistake, you have allocated nodes to large cluster instead of medium aura effect.
That one point will take you above 4.0 !

that was wrong in the pob... i had that the correct way..

I also changed the skills like you wrote.

I saw your pob with the timeless jewel... where do I get the 1%rmr to run it?

updated new pob:

+ i guess i need to be lvl 96 to use this then correct?
Last edited by Schwitzberger on Dec 10, 2020, 2:49:27 PM
Build guide is very well written, hats off there, if it doesn't get nerfed into the ground next league will definitely go for this already made a LL stacker this league. thanks

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