[3.15] Saqawal's Twister | Easy/Unique Playstyle | All Content | Cheap Budget

Supaspork wrote:
Soske wrote:
AridGalaxy wrote:
No the biggest nerf is the change of swift affliction from reduced duration to less duration. ~50% fewer casts per second. Going from 85% reduced to 60% reduced with an additional 25% less is .15 vs .4*.75 = .3 duration modifier

Sorry, I never really looked into the difference between reduced and less in this game, but does that mean that 0.12 is gonna become 0.15?

Mmmm, not quite, this change actually wont affect us at all surprisingly

Heres how the math works

4 seconds base,
-2s for boots/gloves (for example)
With 85% reduced duration, You would do 2 x 0.15
which gives you 0.3, you would then do 0.3 x .4 (from the 60% less duration)

This gives you 0.12

If you move the 15% from reduced duration to the less duration, you end up with 0.12 either way

-2 x 0.4 = 0.8 (From the now 60% reduced duration) (we lose 25% from awak swift affliction being less duration)

then 0.8 x 0.15 = 0.12(since less duration amount is now 85% cuz we gained 25% from awakened swift affliction now being less duration)

All in all, no nerfs on this aspect.

You don't get 85% less, less modifiers stack multiplicatively, so you get 1-(.4*.75) for a total of 70% less if you calculate them together.

So you get 2 * .4 = .8 for reduced duration
.8 *.4 = .32 for less duration support
.32 *.75 = .24 for swift affliction less duration

At .24 you get 50% fewer casts per second
Last edited by AridGalaxy on Jul 21, 2021, 11:50:41 AM
Deadly Ailments:
Now has a 150% Cost and Reservation Multiplier (previously 130%).
Supported Skills now deal 30-44% more Damage with Ailments (previously 45-64%).
Supported Skills now deal 80% less Damage with Hits (previously 10%).

Awakened Deadly Ailments:
Now has a 150% Cost and Reservation Multiplier (previously 130%).
No longer has "Damaging Ailments inflicted with Supported Skills deal Damage faster".
Supported Skills now deal 45-49% more Damage with Ailments (previously 65-69%).
Supported Skills now deal 80% less Damage with Hits (previously 10%).

won't that kill the build? because poison damage is% of hit damage. and the impact damage will be almost zero. or not?
wrote via google translator, there may be errors, sorry.

The damage doesn't come from the hit, but from the poison applied by the hit. The poison damage is calculated from the physical damage of the staff + chaos conversion + whatever mods you have. This bit should be fine.

The bigger issues with the build are:

1) ~Half the tornadoes per second. See above.

2) Poison duration going from ~12s to ~3s. For bosses it's likely fine - as long as you're alive, not more cheesing them while dead - but you may need to stay around trash mobs a bit longer when your damage is not high enough.
Last edited by dmnthia on Jul 21, 2021, 12:46:43 PM
I think the poison version of the build may be a lot less appealing now. But that opens up other options - I heard someone was getting good results with a 100% fire conversion chieftan build last league. You could also go poison with a non-assassin ascendancy now.
IGN: Starlight_Seraphim
Awakened Swift Affliction Support: Now grants "25% less Duration of Supported Skills and Damaging Ailments they inflict" (previously 25% reduced Duration).

With this, we get nerf to 0.24s duration per Aspect of the Avian buff. My character's name MIGOVI_ULTI_CWDT.

Last edited by k1y0 on Jul 24, 2021, 12:12:55 AM
In PoB DPS is correct? seems very low.
I haven't done extensive play-testing, but at the very least this build can still easily farm T16 maps on standard. The bosses do take noticeably longer to kill though.
Is this build still viable in 3.15?
Cant run Vitality, Haste, and Aspect of the avian at the same time without some insane way of reducing mana reservation. They killed my std char. See you in a few leagues to see if its viable.
MeneXCIX wrote:
Cant run Vitality, Haste, and Aspect of the avian at the same time without some insane way of reducing mana reservation. They killed my std char. See you in a few leagues to see if its viable.

I've never used Haste with this build. I did have to turn off Herald of Purity, but I can run Herald of Agony, Vitality, and Precision with a lvl 3 Enlighten attached to the first two with Aspect of the Avian just fine.
Haste + the Watchers eye mod that grants phasing.. to me smoothened this build out to feel normal. Without it you have to find jewels with %phasing on kill.. which isn't nearly as ideal.

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