[3.16] Blazing Salvo Fireball Inquisitor (self cast) - play with fire!

KolStatic wrote:
Yeah, this build is not for me. Getting killed on T5 maps non-stop is not fun. I'm trying to cap resistances and get better gear since it's my league started but I can't get better gear or currency since Ultimatums kill me on wave 1 and regular map mobs simply one shot me.

After reading a lot of posts, I understood that you MUST have shield with 5% health regen and gloves with slower projectiles support - otherwise you will be annihilated. But to get them, you need currency and to get currency you need to grind. And you can't grind with bad gear. So it's defo not a league started build in my opinion.

Again, I'm not saying that build is bad. I'm just saying that I never had so much hard time with any other build ever.

I am currently doing T5 maps without either of the items you mentioned. Ultimatums are challenging and I usually only do the first tier (Sometimes I die) but the map content itself is easy. Even killed my first conqueror deathless.
Moethelion wrote:
KolStatic wrote:
Just to make sure I'm understood. There is no way I'm trying to harass or being mean to you. And no way I'm experienced "pro" player. It's just i'm doing something wrong and I can't understand what.

Sorry to hear that mate. I am aware that this is not a guide for new players and I should maybe make this clear in the guide.

Just some hints that might help you in the future:

You are wearing a lot of items, that have no/low life. You are not using fortify support on shield charge. You have multiple empty sockets in your gear. You are not using the arcanist brand setup I suggested without a 4 second trigger weapon. You are using two life flasks and not well rolled other flasks, which will lead to missing curse and poison protection. You still have the mana nodes skilled in the beginning of the tree, which should be replaced (see PoB trees) after second lab.

Also, doing T5 maps with level 69 is absolutely not necessary. You get insane XP doing white maps still.

Again, I am sorry it didn't work out for you and I hope you will find a build that suits your needs better. :(

Thank you for your reply! You don't need to apologize for anything since the problem in me! And honestly I will try taking things much much slower. Because previous builds were more beginner friendly that used.

I will just take slow step by step until I reach my goal. So far I really love this build and not going to give up on it.
To be honest though, Ultimatum mechanic is very tough on this build. Even casting once and standing still cuz of spell echo may often result in death(When doing multiple waves).
I do mostly ok, but it is insanely APM heavy cuz of that, and it might not be fun for some people I guess.

Thank you for all the answers by the way!
And here is one more - is it possible to incorporate freeze mechanic someway? I believe it would help immensely if you'd be able to freeze enemies while running Ultimatum, since you really can't gain distance on these mobs, they are faster than you, and by the time you turn around to shoot another fireball - they are already attacking you, no matter how many flame dashes you used before :(
Struggling with mavened pure breachlords here, can't seem to do enough dps, do you have any tips?
How can we get the veil mod trigger a socketed spell when use skill with 4 seconds? cause they change the mechanic of it??
Khang_Le_0604 wrote:
How can we get the veil mod trigger a socketed spell when use skill with 4 seconds? cause they change the mechanic of it??

There is three crafting methods in the guide. Or just buy it. Or just use arcanist brand instead.
I'm either stupid or maybe because of lack of playing spells in past...why do we use both fireball and blazing salvo? Is fireball for trash packs clearing and salvo for beafy yellow and bosses?
anvilgod wrote:
I'm either stupid or maybe because of lack of playing spells in past...why do we use both fireball and blazing salvo? Is fireball for trash packs clearing and salvo for beafy yellow and bosses?

Yes. This is also explained in the guide.
Moethelion wrote:
anvilgod wrote:
I'm either stupid or maybe because of lack of playing spells in past...why do we use both fireball and blazing salvo? Is fireball for trash packs clearing and salvo for beafy yellow and bosses?

Yes. This is also explained in the guide.

Sorry...it was right there in the second Spoiler, I feel stupid haha. I was actually very impressed when I saw a templar build using fireball with salvo so I immediately started playing it as my league starter without reading the whole build properly.

Currently lvl 65 at start of act 10 and loving it so far!

EDIT: Just beat merc lab..going onward to maps!
Last edited by anvilgod on Apr 24, 2021, 11:23:35 AM
I like this build, its fun to play but I have big problem with ultimatum encounters. Basically I just cant do more than wave 1 or 2 in ecounter unless its a map much below my level.

I dont have problem with mapping or bosses but when I enter ultimatums Im just unable to kill mobs fast enough and sooner or later Im overrunned by rares that boost each other and i either die or just take reward and stop.

I watched some tips like kitting in the circle, chosing only 1 type of modifier because its easier than lower tier multiple ones but its still not enough.

I know Im still low level and theres alot to improve in my gear but Im abit jelly when I see some builds like exsanguinate witch chain that just one tap whole screen while laughing at ultimatums.

How are you guys doing with this build in those encounters?

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