[3.12] Arundel's Replica Alberons STR Stacking Wander - PS / KB - 30m DPS, 85m Min-Maxed

BleedTillDry wrote:
Can someone please guide me through how to level a character for this build?
I followed Mathil's passive tree and I am now in Act 8.
I do 0 damage to drodre in sewer and I don't wanna risk the time that I spent on this HC character.
Am I supposed to use different skills to level this character?
Thanks in advance.

Your characters are currently hidden so it's hard for us to help.

Levelling for me was a massive pain in the ass. Until you can equip the boots damage is very lack-lustre. I levelled with Caustic Arrow and a Tabula for the 6 link and eventually that felt pretty good but it took a long time. I don't know what to recommend for HC as I think levelling with this build is high risk.

How can I unhide my character?
Name of the character is __NMSLese__ .
I can already equip the boot.
i am not sure how much it will help since i am only lv 50 and dont have high str at the moment.
I am currently doing 0 damage to act 8 first boss and unable to proceed.
BleedTillDry wrote:
BleedTillDry wrote:
Can someone please guide me through how to level a character for this build?
I followed Mathil's passive tree and I am now in Act 8.
I do 0 damage to drodre in sewer and I don't wanna risk the time that I spent on this HC character.
Am I supposed to use different skills to level this character?
Thanks in advance.

Your characters are currently hidden so it's hard for us to help.

Levelling for me was a massive pain in the ass. Until you can equip the boots damage is very lack-lustre. I levelled with Caustic Arrow and a Tabula for the 6 link and eventually that felt pretty good but it took a long time. I don't know what to recommend for HC as I think levelling with this build is high risk.

How can I unhide my character?
Name of the character is __NMSLese__ .
I can already equip the boot.
i am not sure how much it will help since i am only lv 50 and dont have high str at the moment.
I am currently doing 0 damage to act 8 first boss and unable to proceed.

If the link doesnt work, click on your account name and "edit privacy settings". Uncheck hide character tab
delgar89 wrote:
OP you shouldn't really advertise KB DPS as 30mil or whatever number you have beside you're pastbines. It should be pointed out that KB dmg in all of those pastbines is calculated at 15 stacks of wither.

For example - the most insane version of the build has Kinetic Blast calculated at 15 milion damage, when in reality without wither it's around 6 mil.

Withering Step never should be taken into the account as mobs never get close to the radius of it. And non of players playing the build will use totems on clear neither will have time for it.

It's possible to achieve this kind of dps while using Kinetic Blast but it requiers using Timeless Jewl to change nodes into Ritual of Shadows. One node gives 25% chance. If u get right jewel you can get more chance. Then by all means you can add 15 stacks of wither into ur calculations.

It's worth of pointing out that with those kind of jewels you can comepletly get rid of spell totem with wither as you will always have max stack of wither with Barrage and kinetic blast.

bro the 30m dps is for VPS.
pretty clear if you look at the PoB and read the post

you also can get 20m KB dps with some min-maxing and a 6l. In fact, with barrage you can push it to 35-40m dps. Gonna take a pretty high budget though.
Great looking build! Is there any room to fit in an HH to just burn through maps in a second or is the +#% strength belt just too good?
turbofog wrote:
Great looking build! Is there any room to fit in an HH to just burn through maps in a second or is the +#% strength belt just too good?

can definitely fit HH. It has 50 flat strength, so it isn't a huge loss. HH makes the build even more insane

Build's feeling pretty strong so far. Messed around with a 4 Aura, double Enlighten set up for awhile fitting in Flesh and Stone/Spider but recently dropped it to free up points on the tree. Gambled on a Lethal Pride and hit triple 5% strength and double damage, putting me at around 1850~ strength and 42M Shaper DPS. Might gamble some strength essences on my helm soon to see what I can land. All in all, really enjoying it.

I bought a COH Despair ring with an empty suffix for +1 minimum frenzy charges but having a hard time fixing resistances with it on. Oh well.
Last edited by Phont on Oct 29, 2020, 8:31:53 PM
Sup. can somebody said about this build in ES version (without losing dmg) check my build (ES version of STR Stack) but i don't know how damage up higher than 10mln dmg. thx
I'm having some problems with survivability. My strength is also only 1167 - it's quite difficult to balance increased strength with resistances and life modifiers. It feels pretty squishy at the moment, dying pretty easily to bosses, juiced 20% delirium maps, and juiced t16 tropical island with zana's delirium mirror. Any suggestions?


Last edited by chopstxnrice on Oct 30, 2020, 4:55:34 PM
Def loving the build. At the min maxing stage of it all but was able to luck out and craft my wand. Rest of it is bought. I made a change with my Helm as at the time i didnt have the money to buy a +2 PS but honestly the 75% chance for extra explosion feels so nice with clear and even in some instances with bosses (if there are walls)

Def loving the build. At the min maxing stage of it all but was able to luck out and craft my wand. Rest of it is bought. I made a change with my Helm as at the time i didnt have the money to buy a +2 PS but honestly the 75% chance for extra explosion feels so nice with clear and even in some instances with bosses (if there are walls)

do you find any issues with survivability?

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