Deep and awesome thoughts on trade market
Understanding issues, finding resolutions and wanting them fixed is part of being a mature adult. An effective one at least. You're not going to get anything you want in life handed to you. Knowing what to ask for and asking for it is sometimes the best thing to do. Or you could just work twice as hard at a job get paid half as much because you say to yourself. Why complain..They're not forcing me to work here.
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" Don't mix things up.. You have the right to work, be treated well during your working hours and to get your well deserved salary. It's full of laws about that (I'm a lawyer myself). You have no rights to play a videogame in the way you want, especially if that game is free. If you don't like how a restaurant cook their dishes, do you go there telling them to be a better restaurant or do you simply move on and go eat somewhere else? Last edited by Asra101010#9694 on Sep 11, 2020, 11:14:37 AM
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" This conversation starting to get interesting :) Can I meddle? "The game is free"... are you sure? Skin and support packs, special tabs to sale items with very bad design (no auto-sell; no decent item filter) - and all of this at the cost of AAA fresh release. "You have no rights to play a videogame in the way you want"... I agree if the game is online, but disagree if the game is offline. Well, we got an online game. Without clan, party's, etc... basically, played like a single player game. "Go play somewhere else"... well, I believe we complain because we like and care this game. If customers don't complain and just play with their mouth shut, we are opening the path to bad companies/bad practices rise. Why everybody hates EA and love CD PROJECT? What's your thoughts? Your post in the 'X' thread has been removed for breaching the following clauses of the Code of Conduct:
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I agree in all of the above statements. If we're talking about laws then you would clearly win the argument being a lawyer but since we are using this in comparison to the video game, clearly laws were not a factor in the making of my point. If you invest in something, Then it is your right to ask questions and expect results. In a sense you could say the all the money I have spent on this was not demanded yes, but in the same way as buying stocks, you expect information and follow through and sometimes you buy stocks in something you believe in instead of making the "good" investment. Belief and aspirations are what makes you different from the happy monkey..... and thumbs..
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" Yes, I am. You can play the whole campaign without buying anything. I've played this game blinded for the first 2 months when it came out March last year. I didn't buy anything, I didn't even know about this whole stash tab thing. Once I learned about buying stash tabs, 2 months later, I decided to buy them and support the game because it entertained me for 2 months. I knew the game had problems, but I thought it deserved it anyway. So yes, the game is free, if you want to buy stash tabs you already got to enjoy it quite a while. Yes, if you want to get the most out of the game you sure need some tabs. " Yes, You have no rights to interfere with how a game is developed or Anything like that. But you have the most powerful right like all the costumers of everything out there : you can stop playing a game if it doesn't entertain you, just like you can stop going to a barber shop if you don't like his haircuts or you can stop going watching a movie from a particular director if you don't like his precedents works unless you think you can email Martin Scorsese telling him that you didn't like The Departed's ending and suggesting him how he should do his job next time. I don't know about you guys, but if something it's not giving me what I'm expecting from it, I just move on. It's not worth my energy shitting on a Game Company. The day I'll stop playing Poe which can be next month on in 5 yrs, who knows, I won't write a drama post about how GGG sold his soul to China, or how GGG don't give a shit about consoles and stuff like that. I will just stop. People should try to take this game less seriously. " I started playing online games in 1998 with Ultima Online, the "moral" ancestor of all mmporg. That game was just wonderful. You know when it started to fall down? When devs started to listen to people that were crying because they were being killed by Pk (player killers, the game was centered around PvP, just the opposite of Poe basically). So they created a parallele world (Trammel) where killing players wasn't possibile, leaving only the first World (Felucca) for PvP. The game started its decline just there. And this is just an example. I could give you many others. This game is tough (not gameplay wise, I mean there's no technicality at all in the combat system) but is tough because it is immense and because if you don't "study", if you don't know what you're doing, you'll fail. It's not a beginner friendly game. And while a lot of people complain about that (the most hilarious things I read sometimes are those of people complaining that they can't get 500 ex like streamers do because they can play 2 hours a week...) this is the main point of this game. Have you ever heard of someone complaining about difficulties of Dark Souls series? I didn't. I've platined all the souls game because they were hard but fair. How would you describe someone complaining about how hard Is dark souls? I mean, it's a series known to be hard, why did you start playing on the first place? Because it was hard. You can't complain about that. Poe is know for being a grinding game. I mean it's in their fucking company name lol. How would you describe all those kids complaining about the grinding nature of the game..?? What I want to say with this? Like I usually say: I rather let devs of a game developed successfully for 7 yrs how the game should evolve than a bunch of random kids with no art and no knowledge. Blizzard simplified Diablo 3 to follow the requests of a bunch of random kids and the results are just in front of all us. If GGG would listen to the majority of their customers/ player base we would get Harvest into core, basically an item editor that allowed me in 1,5 month to craft 37 6xT1 Items, I repeat: 37. While in the previous 15 months of gameplay (I'm a standard player, this was my first league) and thousands over thousands of Ex spent on metacrafting items I've got 3. I repeat: 3. And in a game like this where there's no difficulties whatsoever in the gameplay (it's a fucking 1 button game, cmon, at least we console players have some lag and blue screen to spicy things up lol) , chasing the sacred graal of a perfect item plays a major role. Poe fascinating things where everything comes down are 2: chase a perfect item (that you most likely won't get and that you 100% don't need to do all the contents the game throws at you) and being able to theorycraft a new well synergized build in the millions of opportunities the game gives you without just copy past the work of someone else. Harvest took out completely the first thing, leaving alone the theoycraft part. At this point you can just play Pob, without even launching the game, like someone does, actually. Reason why if they made it Harvest to core, I would have probably stop playing. So better they don't listen to their customers, trust me. Last edited by Asra101010#9694 on Sep 11, 2020, 10:12:11 PM
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" Are you serious? After spend money in the game (1 supporter pack = triple AAA fresh release) you can't say the game is "free". What company gives good stuff for "free", anyway? " I usually don't care to the most part of the games, since the majority of them I only buy in promotion after good reviews. But with poe is different. Is the only good game I found that I can play as summoner since d2. So, I care... PS: GGG don't "sell their soul" to the China. China owns this company, since no one can make business without the communist party approval. So, if the CCP (chinese communist party) order they to praise the region who got concentration camps - like disney's Mulan, they obey or they quit from their job. Being a slave is different from selling their soul... or I'm wrong? " I started with priston tale. For unknown reasons, there's some people playing this game yet. But I totally agree with you in the part of the gameplay aspect being very complicated (best passive tree ever), but I totally disagree in the QoL aspects - like trade market, clan system, etc etc. I know Poe is a hard game, but needed to be THAT hard to get top items? I'm a casual player, but I played a lot of hours. And only get one top item in the same time that I can make full content on the witcher 3 or 100% on red dead redemption 2... Your post in the 'X' thread has been removed for breaching the following clauses of the Code of Conduct:
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" Definitely yes for two reasons: 1)you don't need AT ALL top items to clear all contents 2) items are the main focus of a game like this, if you make it simple to gets your hands on the 6xT1 item, not much more is left. Why, even super seasoned players, scream and got excited when they drop a Mirror? Yes, because it's obscenely rare. Make it less rare and you'll take out of the game part of its enjoyment. |
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" Hm... perhaps you're right. Is not a story based game (in ps4 we can't say we have one, lol), I don't see anything to do after getting a perfect build... I was not considering pc players, the main core. They already got a very different scenario from the market. I don't even considerate top players who probably play 14h/day, I guess there's a lot of them... Your post in the 'X' thread has been removed for breaching the following clauses of the Code of Conduct:
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" There are no top players in a game like this. The only thing where you can actually show some (kind of) skill is in making a build on your own and maybe, just maybe a little bit in the good old crafting system, where you need to know what you are doing. Probably the racer in SSF HC that can reach maps in 4h have some skills.. But I'm not interested a tiny bit on that scenario. Last edited by Asra101010#9694 on Sep 12, 2020, 11:39:40 AM
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" Lol I think we all know the market sux.... The fact it usually takes me a month or so to find something decently priced is annoying lol. That's why I if I put anything on the market Im done with, i ask for something fair. I sold my non influenced 6L astral plate with 120 life, double 35% resist for 1ex mid Season. A 6L 600dps rare fleshripper for 2ex. |
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