[3.11] CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Max Block

If i sell my VD gear i should have around 90 EX.

Im not that good at crafting - possible to breeze through t16 and have decent bossing dmg with this investment, if i buy my gear instead of selfcrafting? dont know if its enough to invest into the build..

I think I finished crafting all my items/buying uniques. The last thing I need is my abyss jewel, and then maybe swap some resistances around because I'll be playing with an aura bot. It was super fun, I made mistakes along the way but I'm very excited to try this build. I would 100% recommend using harvest and the jewel mod tags to make some insane cobalt jewels/cluster jewels for your build for 2-3ex (I'll probably remake my large later).
Impressive build, but impossible to get the gear without spending 80+ ex or if unable to craft yourself :(
Use a dex essence on a 84 citrine redeemer amulet. Have 3 prefixes and and dex as your only suffix. Bench craft crit chance. Use remove noncrit+add crit. Repeat till tier1 multi.
Can you expand on this please? It's what I'm working on currently but but I'm lost on what steps to take to craft the amulet. How is remove non-crit/add crit not removing the dex? And how do you get +1 cold gems and cold pen together without risking removing one or the other with remove/add cold crafts?

This is what I made following your steps. Now what? The crit multi is too low do I just scour and start over? These dex essences aren't cheap lol.

Last edited by Darkith1546 on Jul 11, 2020, 11:33:49 AM
Great build, crafted all my own gear just stalking your profile. Im ready to sell it and try something new I think. If anyone is interested in buying the complete build, send me a message. Helmet is still unfinished, but its usable. Im at 7400 es and max block atm.

Why do you have the node Pain Attunement? You are always on Full Life (1/1) right?
Last edited by DuhImKenny on Jul 12, 2020, 7:25:34 PM
CI is not considered low life, we take pain attunement because we convert it to inner conviction with militant faith.

Awakened curse on hit lets you apply a second curse. Don't bother using that setup if you don't have awakened curse on hit lv. 5, it won't work.
Snoukz wrote:
CI is not considered low life, we take pain attunement because we convert it to inner conviction with militant faith.

Awakened curse on hit lets you apply a second curse. Don't bother using that setup if you don't have awakened curse on hit lv. 5, it won't work.

Ah thank you. Yeah I knew CI doesn't count as Low Life, but apparantly its the Militant Faith jewel. It's silly because the POE character profile of OP doesn't show the nodes where it changes into =[
Been loving the build, but I seem to be dying to bleed like affects a lot, when no mobs are alive.

I have 100% ailment immunity, does that defend against bleeding? If not where are we getting remove bleeding from, because the flasks don't have it either.

Edit: We get 'Cannot be affected by Corrupted Blood" on a jewel, that might be what I'm mostly dying to, but can normal bleeds still fuck us over?
Last edited by Parker1414 on Jul 11, 2020, 8:28:20 PM

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