[3.11] CI CoC Ice Nova Assassin - Max Block

Hello, i have doubt on what skill tree go if want to follow this build because the one in the pob link its differente from your characters one.

Hi guys, loving this build so far. Just wondering if there's anything I can improve on and also, what can I do to be able to clear mobs a screen and half away (or more) using the explosion chest?

Here's my pob: https://pastebin.com/4Dwfb6aE

Hey I would like to ask you what do you think about my coc build https://pastebin.com/UGH0xJDN. I would be very appreciate for help because I think about your build in next league. And I would like to know your feelings about it. Thanks!

Last edited by ofensywnie on Aug 1, 2020, 6:39:58 AM
Hi friends,

I am wondering if anyone can help me with my build?
I am following this one and trying to be as close as possible to Ammeron's pob.
Thing is I am very close to his items, but my dps is half of his.
I am surely missing something, just wondering if anyone can point that out as I am new to this and the config and calc of pob confuses the heck out of me.

My problem with my build right now aside from DPS is I am dying to Sirus constantly. I can't get a deathless Sirus run. Same goes for Shaper, Elder, Minotaurs, hydra etc.

Conquerors I have no problem just sirus and other bosses.

Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/FFHLJHh8

I am constantly checking this forum, please help me out.

Thank you very much.
Last edited by xAlvin07x on Aug 1, 2020, 6:22:47 AM
Change in amulet to tranquility, u dont have inspiration support with cyclon, and u have only 6k ES its pretty low. I would rush to minimum 7.7k ES
Last edited by ofensywnie on Aug 1, 2020, 6:46:46 AM
Thank you for the reply.

You're right, need to rush to 7.7k ES currently I have 7.156k though. Not enough, yep.

Hmmm, I am looking at the first post in this forum and following his "current" setup as he said. In that POB his amulet annoint is Deflection, has he updated it at any point?

Where are we getting the ES leech from for Ghost Reaver? I'm just getting ES on kill right now from my Cinderswallow.
xAlvin07x wrote:
Hi friends,

I am wondering if anyone can help me with my build?
I am following this one and trying to be as close as possible to Ammeron's pob.
Thing is I am very close to his items, but my dps is half of his.
I am surely missing something, just wondering if anyone can point that out as I am new to this and the config and calc of pob confuses the heck out of me.

My problem with my build right now aside from DPS is I am dying to Sirus constantly. I can't get a deathless Sirus run. Same goes for Shaper, Elder, Minotaurs, hydra etc.

Conquerors I have no problem just sirus and other bosses.

Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/FFHLJHh8

I am constantly checking this forum, please help me out.

Thank you very much.

Why do you have inner conviction allocated twice, it doesnt stack. Also corrosive elements on your cluster does nothing since you already have frost bomb. Swap the place of frostbite and frost bomb in your items so frost bomb is back in the sword.

Your uncapped cold isnt the highest i don't think so your wise oak isnt doing anything.

Last edited by Juts on Aug 1, 2020, 8:58:28 AM
Minirova wrote:
Where are we getting the ES leech from for Ghost Reaver? I'm just getting ES on kill right now from my Cinderswallow.

Soul thief node
have realy low budget,this is only what can i do with biuld now,is it worth to play?
PoB: https://pastebin.com/N9sff5uE

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