Development Manifesto: Game Balance in Path of Exile: Harvest

All of those nerfs and yet still waiting for the path of nerfs to come lol.

I guess i will get my own weapon from the basement to the game next league to kill the biffy GGG monsters
ColeonePS wrote:
So many people bitching because they cant play their same dual wield
build theyve been playing the last 6 leagues plus. here is an idea. Go fucking play a new build. Enjoy the game for its evolution. And yes, Herald stacking is broken, hence the reason it was so insanely expensive to build. People stop lying to yourself. Meta is meant to change. have fun exploring it.

Translation: Play the game like we want you to play it not how you enjoy playing it.
Also, imposing meta change by forcing players out of their builds instead of giving them alternatives that are fun and attract players to test them is the wrong approach.
Last edited by MandrulDuce on Jun 16, 2020, 12:41:29 AM

I glad that you were concerned about defense when using 2h weapon.

But I'm a little worried about how effective "Slow, heavy hits now stuns even the toughest bosses" you said. If we still need 100k+ damage per hit to stun Bosses, this mechanics will not work. Obtaining such large damage would be difficult for average players, even after being buffed.

I think if hit Sirus by melee attack with 2h weapon, this should be able to stun it even 5k damage. This is not too strong compared to block that passively and unconditionally prevent enemy's damage.

I will wait for the facts to come out tomorrow.
Why you guys (GGG) keep nerfing something that really good instead of buffing something that really bad to balance the game?
Don't you (GGG) think buffing the weak skills, weak passives' or something else are weak to become stronger, better is the best way to balance everything closer together?
Don't you also think that buffing something bad might help you to get more supportive feedback?

Beside, whenever I read the new development manifesto, I have a feeling of I am reading a share market report from some sorts of professional share analysts. When they say "you should hold your share, don't sell it" which means you better sell it now, or "you should sell your share now" which is like even you sell your share immediately, you still lose all your money.
Exactly like when you say "balance" which is slightly nerf or a normal nerf, when you say "nerf" which means extremely nerf.
just when i decided to start as a melee dual wield and... fk it summoner it is then YEP;

ggg we have killed melee dual wielding so u can swing a bigger stick and finish your t1 maps in 10 minutes... YEP.
This thread is so funny to read. How completely unexpected of GGG to shake up the meta, they never did this before! Except for every single league...

In a few days we will be back to the same folks crying about OP builds and how the game is way too easy (which it actually is compared to the old PoE).

Also is everyone in here a standard player that is also poor? Just make a new build if the old one does not work anymore...we have a fresh league at our hands.

Change is a chance to improve upon not a problem to bow down to.
To the Cycloners complaining about losing stun immunity: any reason Unwavering Stance/being a Zerker/being a Jugg/being a Jugg Scion aren't options?
hello there!
Everyone so mad that they nerfed op stuff lmao.

Sorry ur double strike build will do 10m dps instead of 12m now and ur cyclone build no longer has stun immunity.

Not that it even mattered that cyclone has stun immunity for most end-game cyclone builds considering you'd have enough hp to not get stunned all the time anyway.

Also consider that we aren't contending with the seriousness of delirium in every single map anymore. Harvest will be substantially more chill as a result so we don't need absolutely disgusting DPS to do the content.

These builds are not dead.

Also lol @ people complaining about HH nerf.
Cant Waits till u remove HH. 1 Item which change entire gamę...

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