Development Manifesto: Delirium Improvements

Inuyaki wrote:
For those interested in why we use On-Death effects in content like this, it's because they are a viable way of making monsters that are killed instantly have an effect on players, and they aren't trivialised by clear-speed.

Yes, they are...
They only are annoying for people that need more than 0.2sec to kill a pack or want to loot.
Everyone who blows up packs in an instant and does not care for any drop below 1 ex can just run away.

I thought that was quite easy to understand?

Arf! Arf! Arf!
Discouraged by this league and this manifesto, someone plays hours and hours a game, to feel rewarded. The (difficulty X reward) of this league is depressing.
GGGuys can you also please add indicator at the start of the map where the mirror of delirium is located? On some maps it is really annoying to find it. Especially those maps with a lot of rooms/mazes.

I missed content couple of times because I found that delirium mirror at the end of my play through the map sitting behind spawn in some corner.
Last edited by blicklie on Mar 17, 2020, 4:32:10 AM
They nerfed HH Buffs Duration on self cursing builds etc. But also they buffed it since u need all the mods from rare mobs to deal with deeper Delirium.

Also never complained about game mechanics, leagues and whatever there is to complain. But its frustrating GGG resets their progress every league. Everytime u have to deal again with overtuned content, visual issues. Even the lag spikes since i think 3.6 and further leagues. Every league since then was a shit show with server issues. I get it u getting 1 shots from certain bosses and mechanics and its alright because it depends how you play. But few league mechanics were unpredictable outcomes like delirium right now. Not sure why they have to add like 50% extra damage vs normal content. League mechanics should be fun and also high risk high reward. But if its only high risk why the hell should ppl even deal with the content? Metamorph was one of the best high risk high rewards system PoE ever had. I mean after the month it got fixed it was, like usual in a league. I know testing content on a test server is not the same like the real launch to public server since there could appear bugs u couldn´t know before but mostly it destroys the fun of the game. Maybe u should stop adding non stop content to the core game and start fixing the already existing one.

Last edited by darkilein1 on Mar 17, 2020, 4:35:20 AM
Also feeling discouraged to play this league. I'm only lvl75 so still need to improve my gear a lot but the deliriums just feel so tough and overtuned. GGG should learn to not put any timers on league content. Timers are only good for the speed clear builds with insane damage. For me and probably a lot of others a timer just gets frustrating as you know you have to push and push if you want to have a chance for some decent loot. Add the fact that you are being slowed in the mist just adds to the frustration... we need to clear fast but we are slowed just by being there. How can you think we have fun while being slowed?

Synthesis was a very bad league for pretty much the same reason. I will play a bit more before I make the verdict if Synthesis or Delirium will be the worst.

You know when a league mechanic is bad when you think... "oh crap, there's the mirror I have to walk through" instead of "oh yeahhh let's gooo".

I'm still happy when I hear Cassia sing in a map. That is fun to do and the loot is pretty good.

I sincerely hope this never makes it to the core game!
You don’t stop playing because you grow old, you grow old because you stop playing.
Well It's a start. Hopefully the team can get this league cleaned up.
More people should know about having the need to go back into the Map (with a Delirium Orb) to find the rewards (provided that the filter doesn't hide them).

Nonetheless a very fun league so far!
Selling some legacy items at
Delirium Impale/Attack Speed/Maim 8 passive/2 socket Cluster Jewels at
Last edited by rayrayng on Mar 17, 2020, 4:38:32 AM
love u GGG
Thanks! Great stuff - I love the league mechanic.
All the points in the manifesto were points i felt like needed small adjustment.

Performance wise i am one of those users with PC that is afflicted my the poor performance. It is semi laggy in borderless window with multithreading off but it works flawlessly in fullscreen.
Worst league in recent memory. No thanks.
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