[3.10] Wallach's Hierophant Holy Flame Totems (Full Simulacrum Clear)

if I had the spare EX I would of got a fated connections. but ty for the advice.

finally only took 781fus after the quality craft
Gz on the 6-link.

Now you have that and have changed your flasks around is the build feeling better to play?
Dear Wallach

Thanks for making these guides ! It really helps me out alot as I am new to the game and everything is very structured and well explained.

Is it possible to play the holy flame totem build in the start and evolve into freezing pulse totem once you have some currency ?

DrHarvey12 wrote:
Gz on the 6-link.

Now you have that and have changed your flasks around is the build feeling better to play?

it does feel better, I feel that im doing more damage. running decoy totem seemed to have helped as well.
Ok, so I've cleared almost every game content deathless(didn't find Aul but I'm too lazy to delve). Uber elder, Sirus at awakening 6, Simulacrum, Syndicate - easy as pie.
Last edited by alex_disp on Apr 5, 2020, 7:38:00 AM
hey guys, how do you handle the simulacrum or Aw8 defense-wise, i never learned how to build defenses as a templar and now i'm hard-stuck at level 17 simulacrum?

thx in advance!
alex_disp wrote:
Ok, so I've cleared almost every game content deathless(didn't find Aul but I'm too lazy to delve). Uber elder, Sirus at awakening 6, Simulacrum, Syndicate - easy as pie.

Want a try your set up
which node have you taken to summon 2 golems same time?
take care
Hi all,

Many thanks for the guild. I have learnt a lot. Could any one please suggest me some uniques to use as a budget version before I can have the recommended gears?
especially the weapon. thanks.
Ronsy wrote:
alex_disp wrote:
Ok, so I've cleared almost every game content deathless(didn't find Aul but I'm too lazy to delve). Uber elder, Sirus at awakening 6, Simulacrum, Syndicate - easy as pie.

Want a try your set up
which node have you taken to summon 2 golems same time?
take care

The only one that gives additional golem - Golem commander. You'll need intuitive leap for this.

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