Wolcen Hype Release!

Bäm patch 1.1
2 days later
Bäm new expansion, ... and noone knew about it
Lachdanan wrote:
Bäm patch 1.1
2 days later
Bäm new expansion, ... and noone knew about it

No one knew about what?... Rim World?

It's a joke right? It is one of the best survival games and quite known. The only way you might not know it's if you are very involved in the ARPG's and this is an ARPG forum... Oh, wait...

BTW, what the fuck has to do with Wolcen?
Bethesda is known for having good ideas and terrible realization of them. GGG is a Bethesda subsidiary or what?
Actkqk wrote:
Lachdanan wrote:
Bäm patch 1.1
2 days later
Bäm new expansion, ... and noone knew about it

No one knew about what?... Rim World?

It's a joke right? It is one of the best survival games and quite known. The only way you might not know it's if you are very involved in the ARPG's and this is an ARPG forum... Oh, wait...

BTW, what the fuck has to do with Wolcen?
No one knew an expansion was coming. Hell, even the 1.1 update just kinda appeared out of nowhere heh.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.
BTW, what the fuck has to do with Wolcen?

So, i did something wrong by making an off-comment in off-topic ?
How about switching out the developers instead of just the game.

Beeing off from the topic is 8th level meta in offtopic ;)
Yep. Or my favourite, deleting alt-art uniques transmogged. I lost two alt art prismatic eclipses doing that. hahahaha that SUCKED. ^_^

I also started playing D3 again recently, from a vanilla ps3 experience to RoS/Eternal on ps4 pro. So many improvements! That transmog/dye system is pretty damn sexy, although Wolcen's eats it for breakfast for both value for gold and variety, given Wolcen's dye system takes into account various surfaces of the armour a la Black Desert Online and other MMOs.

You know, this reminds me of something. It's been 7 years and we still have no way to skin alt-art uniques in PoE across leagues, which is basically the only reason anyone raced -- to get these rare as hell skins for generally mediocre uniques. 7 freakin' years man, and they're still languishing in standard league stashes.

But you know, at least you can look like a clown for the low, low price of $50USD or so.

Thats because anything that keeps you from looking like a homeless hobo costs 50+ bucks in PoE. Can't have you being able to transmog items to attempt to curtail that money stream.

Its sad I'm playing Grim Dawn atm, and you can even transmog in a single player game.

It sucks that Wolcen just isn't good. I'm not a PoE stan; I've played the game off and on for a long time, but there is a ton of things I think PoE does wrong or gets away with just because competition doesnt exist. I'd rather play D3 any day of the week if I'm being honest, but its just too damn old. Theres no content there. PoE is like that ex-girlfriend who treats you like crap, but you keep going back to her because you dont have any other options.

I was hoping Wolcen would be it, but its not. I'm hoping Torchlight 3 is ok; its gonna be online. I think Grim Dawn is pretty decent; but its off-line so never had a chance to compete. Its D4 we waiting on.
Last edited by Destructodave on Feb 25, 2020, 7:04:43 PM
D3 is fine for chatting and BSing with friends. That's about as much brainpower as it takes. People say the same of PoE but that's only true after copying or formulating a build, gathering the gear, grinding through the levels to reach a point where all the pieces start to click. For a lot of older ARPG players, that's the very definition of tedium -- we like things to be clicking much earlier than halfway through a character's leveling life. And doing it over and again every 3 months from scratch through the same well-worn, bloated 'story'? Good lord. That's the domain of the no-lifer, which is more than just someone who has the time to spare (as I do, obviously) -- that's someone who somehow can justify allocating all that time to something so blatantly wasteful and temporary. But eh, fun is subjective and all that.

Getting back to that idea of early game excitement, consider D1: you were doing pretty much the same thing in the first hour as you were in the next 100; the level of tension didn't really increase or ease up. Death really was potentially around the next corner. Slightly less true of D2, given some skills were locked until level 30, and those skills were much more adept at room-clearing than D1's limited spell offering. With D3, there's a step back to the earlier excitement but in a different direction than D1's, since even low level skills can obliterate hordes in a suitably flashy manner.

This is also the route Wolcen takes. As one Exile put it, Wolcen makes you feel heroic from level 1, and that is an achievement. Heroic is a good choice of words, given your player-character is a hero of the world from the get-go, albeit a heavily indoctrinated one forced to 'start over' bereft of their order's trappings.

As for Wolcen's flaws, it's interesting because I'm seeing the same rejection of what it does do right over what it does do wrong that I saw in 2012 from D3 diehards regarding PoE. This is, of course, after the whole error 37 debacle. It is therefore no surprise that the same D3 diehards, who never found PoE's convolutions palatable, are really enjoying Wolcen.

But I don't think anyone held any illusions that many people would 'switch' from PoE to Wolcen. I won't drag out the same drug analogy as always, other than to point out that the main reason many addicts switched from legal painkillers like oxycontin to illegal drugs like heroin was because the former's supply of pill mills was decisively shut down. That's what it takes to shift an addict from their routine: an absolute need to seek the same thing as they've come to rely on in a daily sense that has now been taken away. PoE is far, far from that state.

Also, if that's how you see PoE, as the crazy ex who fucked you over but you keep going back because you perceive no other options, that's a you problem. Bigtime. Don't take it out on the other girls you try to date who aren't crazy or destructive even though they have flaws of their own. It just makes you look as batshit crazy as the ex you can't bring yourself to leave.

https://linktr.ee/wjameschan -- everything I've ever done worth talking about, and even that is debatable.
You are absolutely not a hero from level one. I mentioned it before but I played a ranged character. The start is so poor the first several hours are actually painful to play. Trying to kite while the game lags, having horrendous skills to start off, collecting money for something better. Nope, not heroic, you feel like a gimp.

Or do you mean the story? Cause I am not sure many people care. The only thing I want from a story in an ARPG is an ability to skip all the talk.
The latest patch is a dumpster fire.

The issue wasn't that they nerfed Bleeding Edge, but they nerfed crits as well, which is a blanket nerf to everything that doesn't use Bleeding Edge.

Everything that didn't use Bleeding Edge was already extremely strapped for damage in end game running the top floors. The game is extremely slow and boring to play now. It's one of the slowest ARPGs out there, to be honest.

I'd try Last Epoch, but no offline = I won't play it.

The Wolcen Developers were told by pretty much everyone that the Aspect of the Apocalypse forms were garbage, and didn't do nearly enough damage, so they threw some token damage buffs to them, and nerfed the durations. Called it a done deal, and now they've locked feedback on these. They're still garbage! You turn into a badass looking demonic creature just to do way less damage than you can do while not being a badass looking demonic creature. Makes sense, right? This is a mechanic that's just extremely poorly implemented. They could remove it from the game entirely, and nobody's game or build would change in the slightest.

The buffs they gave to summons are also extremely laughable. Pet builds are worse in Wolcen than they are in any other ARPG I've ever played.

Wolcen Developers: Guts the current meta, doesn't provide a new one.

Out of all the criticism I got for GGG and PoE, at least they "shift" the meta to where something else is good.
MrSmiley21 wrote:
The latest patch is a dumpster fire.

The issue wasn't that they nerfed Bleeding Edge, but they nerfed crits as well, which is a blanket nerf to everything that doesn't use Bleeding Edge.

Everything that didn't use Bleeding Edge was already extremely strapped for damage in end game running the top floors. The game is extremely slow and boring to play now. It's one of the slowest ARPGs out there, to be honest.

I'd try Last Epoch, but no offline = I won't play it.

The Wolcen Developers were told by pretty much everyone that the Aspect of the Apocalypse forms were garbage, and didn't do nearly enough damage, so they threw some token damage buffs to them, and nerfed the durations. Called it a done deal, and now they've locked feedback on these. They're still garbage! You turn into a badass looking demonic creature just to do way less damage than you can do while not being a badass looking demonic creature. Makes sense, right? This is a mechanic that's just extremely poorly implemented. They could remove it from the game entirely, and nobody's game or build would change in the slightest.

The buffs they gave to summons are also extremely laughable. Pet builds are worse in Wolcen than they are in any other ARPG I've ever played.

Wolcen Developers: Guts the current meta, doesn't provide a new one.

Out of all the criticism I got for GGG and PoE, at least they "shift" the meta to where something else is good.

Ya the crit nerf was over the top, then they nerfed all the lesser nodes too. I'm not really happy about that.

Jumped on for a bit to see how things feel after the patch. I'm still working through the expeditions, and was on the last one for vet before getting into champion before the patch. I'm only level 58 but I was doing fine, a bit slow before but I wasn't dying and the boss fights didn't take too long. Now, I'm taking A LOT longer in the fights, and my damage seems terrible. Finished my last vet unlocking champion but it felt absolutely terrible. I'm going to have to look back and see what else I can do to progress.
Last edited by ZACHWILDCAT on Feb 26, 2020, 9:10:22 PM
I don't think they want there to be any meta builds. I think they want to get to the point of all builds being a roughly equal amount of suck.
I have a pretty good sense of humor. I'm not German.

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